Uninspired...what do you do?

February 15th, 2011
So what do you all do when you are having a totally uninspired 365 day? I know I could always try one of those pics everyone has a go at at some time like the heart pages of a book or other book stuff, or water drips, or fizzy water...but I an just not feeling it. So do you look for something, make or set up something, use a filler, or just wait around & hope something comes to you?
February 15th, 2011
try to focus on a color or go outside and look for reflections or check the theme of the week...
February 15th, 2011
I do a lot of taking random pictures. I just try to evolve it into something I like or get an idea as I take pictures. Who knows, you might just snap a masterpiece on a whim!! Also, I pretty much always have my camera with me, you never know when inspiration will strike! =) Hope that helps!
February 15th, 2011
Not sure why - you have some lovely pictures but understand the mind does get bogged down once in a while and the eyes get a little clouded. Try something completely different to what you usually shoot. Give yourself a task - maybe one week - shoot textures and look at things more closely and in an abstract way. Another week you could shoot a colour - say yellow - the next week hands, the next close up of cars - and so on. It will make you focus and look at things differently and it might open doors to other ways of taking photos - who knows. Just enjoy it!
February 15th, 2011

I'm right there with you....good luck! (:
February 15th, 2011
Get in front of the camera instead of behind! I usually take what is on my mind, politically, emotionally, physically, etc and try and turn it into a picture that marks the day somehow. I also try to do the theme's or object challenge for fun. I have idea's popping into my head for things I want to try, I usually do setup for the selfie's that I do. They are fun, I think, pushing me out of my comfort zone of being behind the camera all the time.

I like your pictures a lot! Keep going!
February 15th, 2011
I was feeling so uninspired and in a complete slump, so i did the alphabet project...take a picture for each letter of the alphabet, one letter for each day. it gives you something to focus on. i just finished it...loved doing it!
February 15th, 2011
Good ideas all.
@thebluegnu Thanks for the sweet comments. I think I am a little bogged down by being stuck inside in due to the winter only so much in the house LOL. Although my kiddos are a constant source of amusement for me I was trying to keep this from becoming a family album of sorts.

@celly525 I'll have to look there haven't checked on that sight for an idea in a bit. Thanks
February 15th, 2011
I have plenty of those days! Sometimes I am inspired and it just doesn't pan out . There is PLENTY of inspiration on Flickr, or browse here. I see lots of photos that I would like to try, so I try to save my copy cats for those days...or look for a new technique ...when all else fails, theres always the keyboard shot :)
February 15th, 2011
i hit that a lot, mainly because i am limited to do anything right now due to a slight injury, even going outside is difficult. i will often just type random words in a google image search and flip thru all kinds of photos to get my brain going.
February 15th, 2011
My wife and I like to take a couple hours driving out to a random place like a huge park and seeing what nature beckons us to highlight as a picture...yesterday we got some brilliant macro's etc
February 15th, 2011
i didn't think i was going to be able to capture anything today, i decided to bake instead of photograph and ended up with a picture of what i had made for today's entry, apparently not thinking about photography can lead to inspiration ;)
February 15th, 2011
@mollyanne31790 I'm right in the middle of the alphabet of sweets, omg I'm dreading the end of the month. lol
February 15th, 2011
@pete21 that sounds like a fun project (and a diabetics dream and nightmare) you have perked my interest - i am anxious to see what you come up with for Q as well as Z. can't wait.
February 15th, 2011
@pete21 I was dreading the end of it too, with all those difficult letters. But it was actually the best part of it for me, i think!
February 15th, 2011
@cchambers Dabetics dream indeed over 80 sweets for them here ;-).

With regards to the alphabet; Q Inspiration will hit at some point and Z is covered but I'm not telling!
February 15th, 2011
I normally take a really dull shot and edit it hardcore, or HDR it, and then some people say "whoaa nice!" ,while the original shot would get allmost zero comments.
I don`t know.Take a shot.We all have ups and downs.But say no to fillers! .. :)
February 15th, 2011
well i look around ilook at other peoples pictures i try to teach my self new stuff
i also look at http://dailyshoot.com/ , but i have a list of ideas on a paper that when i cant find something i go to that list i did toady day 143 (havent updated here yet in a while) but just look around on ur way to work on ur way home in front of ur house anything walk to the park take i picture of lights or even a sea shell
February 15th, 2011
i eat chocolates!


but yeah some uninspired days.. ughhh i dont have any chocolates to munch in... =(
February 15th, 2011
I grab my camera sit in the middle of a room and capture my children...
February 15th, 2011
I go to the kitchen.

February 15th, 2011
Ok decided to play with water. Wasn't hardcore serious about it so it's not something crazy spectacular but I'll show you.
Here you go....

Take an uninspired day & add water & this is what you get.
February 15th, 2011
Pick out a site list, and head out during the golden hour.
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