Canon lens help for portrait shots

March 21st, 2010
Hi Everyone,

Bit of background... I'm shooting on a canon 450D and have 2 lenses - 24-105 L lens and 50mm 1.8 which I've put together for travel purposes.

Now the issue - studio photography. I love the flexibility of my 24-105 L. I love the sharpness of the 50mm but in order to get a full length shot I find I have to be so far away from the subject that I seem to just feel out of touch with them (and i'm bumping into the wall on the far side of the studio!!!).

I'm tossing up between the canon 35mm 2.0 and the canon 28mm 1.8. Money is a bit of an issue but my budget permits it and i'd rather make the right choice the first time around. So, my question.. which do you think I should go for? I've read a few reviews on them separately but no idea as to which to pick .

My initial thought was the 35mm was great bang for your buck but does it make sense to do this given that I have the 50mm prime already? Would it make more sense to do the 28mm 1.8 to add out my kit?

March 21st, 2010
I bought the Sigma 28mm 1.8 for about £150, some shots I've taken with it:

I am so pleased I bought this lens, the 50mm was just a little bit restricting focal wise.
March 21st, 2010
If you want the up close personal feel, you need to get a wide angle lens be it as Emma suggested 28 mm , 24mm. The wide angle will give you the up close feel but you will have to learn how ot use it with portraits.

On a Side note I am surprised your 50mm isn't doing the job adequately for you. what issues are you having with this lens? maybe if we see some images of you with that lens then maybe we could help you on it.

here is a nice little blog posting about taking shots (not specific to portrait) with 50mm HERE
March 22nd, 2010
That is a tough call there!

Personally, I like to use the 28-135 for portrait work, for 2 reasons.
It adds flexibility.
And you can get in real close without the "big nose" distortion of the wide angle lenses (Most girls don't seem to like that look, for some reason).

One of my buddies, who does pinup photography uses an 18-35 and seems to love it. I think it all depends on what type of portrait work you are planning on doing.
March 22nd, 2010
Hi guys thanks for the help! Well because i've got a 450D and thats a crop, the 50mm ends up being something like a 70... so in order to fit the model fully in the frame i'm basically ALL the way over on the other side of the studio. This then means that the lights are now WAY in front of me and I have to move around a bit to not get them in the photo.

I dont have a 28-135.. did you mean my 24-105? Yeah to be honest I dont mind it, but for some reason have just enjoyed using the 50mm for head / shoulders shots but i wouldnt use it for anything else. I suppose i'm trying to lessen the kit I need to bring places but still have sharp images. I also like the fact that its very fast. Not so much an issue in the studio because of the flashes, but its good for travel :)

I suspect the 18-25 may be a bit too expensive for me

Ok looks like i need to take a trip to the camera shop and see which one I like
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