How long have you ...

February 17th, 2011

A) how long have you been really interested in photography ? always or more recently ?

B) Howw long have you owned a DSLR if you have one ?

im really curious as i only got my DSLR less than a year ago and really got into photogreaphy about 18 months ago , id always been interested but never really did anything about it to begin with , then i got into editing and graphic design and then on to photography itself !

ao just curious how it worked for you all really !
February 17th, 2011
I've been into photography for a while. Since I took it in high school. But I never had a camera until just a few months ago...October was when I got my DSLR. Love it. And planning on perusing it as a career.
February 17th, 2011
I have always looooved photography. I recently acquired my dslr..about a year and a half ago. But, I've had an appreciation for photography for as long as I can remember. I was always the one with the camera, shooting my friends..always preferring the candid shot to the posed ones (to the dismay of whoever I was pointing the camera at), always the one with ridiculous amounts of pictures to look back at. I worked at a print lab when I was 17, too, so I printed out tons of photos. :) I actually got my first slr at 16, a canon rebel. Aw, this has me going down memory lane now. But, yeah, I have always had books by photographers, and really enjoyed the art, and I'm so glad to have the interest now. It is really gratifying to make photos.
February 17th, 2011
A. Not very long
B. Not very long

See the connection? ;)

But really, I think I only started to enjoy this as much as I do in recent months; bought my 500D late October last year. Although, I was contemplating applying to a photography school after highschool but I ended up not doing so.
February 17th, 2011
A) The last few years I've become more and more interested in taking snaps, but only very recently have I become interested in photography i.e. just starting to learn about exposures and apertures and how to make a good snap become a great shot.
B) I'm now into my third week with my DSLR so have lots to learn!

This site is certainly providing lots of really great information to help me learn :o) x
February 17th, 2011
i've always been into photography,my dad and i used to dvelop our own in the days of film, i only got my dslr a few weeks ago,couldn't afford one before recently,now i want more gizmos and gadgets to go with it or to upgrade to a higher spec model but i shall try and reign in my enthusiasm a bit otherwise my husband will go ape ;)
February 17th, 2011
got my first camera as a young boy (my father past in down to me) when he upgraded to a new Canon SLR.

I always wanted to photograph a bee with that camera, but then I discovered cars and photos of the flat open road in the middle of Australia.

I then bought a Olympus point and shoot, which took fantastic fungi photos around 6 year ago now. I then went and lived in the equatorial jungles of PNG where the point and shoot just wasn't getting me the portraits I wanted. So I bought a DSLR and lugged that around the mountains in dry bags in my backpack.

Upon my return to the tropics of Australia, I upgraded from the E-510 to the E-3, the weather-sealed flagship of Olympus (until the recently released E-5).

Here is the E-3 with Fish-eye.
February 17th, 2011
I allways kind of liked to take photos,but this website made me feel more passionate about it.Check out my first few shots and you`ll see how "good" my photos were.

This project made me buy a DSLR,if I wouldn`t have stumbled on this community,I would still own a Point&Shoot,and wouldn`t even use it.I would know nothing,not even what the word DSLR means.If you wanna know when exactly I got my DSLR,check my second or third week of my project,I mention it somewhere.
February 17th, 2011
My grandfather gave me a camera when I was 6 or 7, instamatic style, with the disposable 5 bulb flash "tree", I shot mostly my dog and animals at the zoo, and have been firing ever since.
First DSLR purchased in Sept., when I realized my digital walk around would not produce the photos of my sons football games I wanted.
My photos have always been SOOC products, so, the post-editing is an aspect that I am very intrigued by, and in need of much practice. 365 is a great way to see the amazing work, and artistic visions of so many good photogs. The Flamez name comes to mind as an example.
February 17th, 2011
My passion began when I was around 10. Brought a DSLR 3 years ago and have seriously made it a part of my world for the past two years
February 17th, 2011
Always loved taking pictures of people since highschool, and then it became an obsession when I had my first baby. But officially learning about photography as a skill kicked off when I got my dslr last July.
I decided to take my obsession and start taking pictures of other people, which gives my kids a little bit of a break from being my models, but they still get their share of pics!
February 17th, 2011
a) Over the last year or two, my interest has vastly expanded. Having a back yard garden started it, really. I see potential photos in everything now.

b) On Monday i picked up my first DSLR (Canon Rebel T1i) - I'm loving it so far and anxiously awaiting my "For Dummies" book to arrive, so I can take full advantage of it!
February 17th, 2011
I have loved taking pictures for years, but never really thought that much into it. One of my friends was doing this project on Facebook, and I thought it looked fun. I was a little bored with life, waiting for school to start up, and I needed something to help pass the time, so I started it on Facebook. Within a month, I was obsessed. I started researching photography all the time, looking at camera's...and then I found this website. I joined right away, and my passion has just gotten deeper and deeper. I don't ever want to not be behind the lens. I LOVE it.
I don't own a DSLR yet....but my birthday is in a month, and my boyfriend is getting me the Nikon D3100. Right now I shoot with the Nikon Coolpix L110, and I certainly love it. I am nervous for a DSLR...they seem so complicated. But I want to learn and grow as a photographer! I can't wait!
February 17th, 2011
A. A few years. I'm only 15. But I think I started really liking photography in 8th grade. And now I'm in 10th.

B. Christmas.
February 17th, 2011
@datsyukian ~ why thankyou :) i got way into editing and graphics work before i really got into taking my own photos , but i guess thats part of what drove me to photography , wanting the right pic to get the effect i wanted if that makes sense .

must add in here that the one person who truely inspired me for a long while before i picked up the camera myself was my online friend sarah ( @coolgirlsar )
her photos are so fab i wanted to do that ! lol

very interesting reading all the replies !
February 17th, 2011
I don't have a DSLR. still saving up for it. i'm trying to familiarize myself first with my point and shoot casio. learn more techniques and develop my eye for creativity while waiting.....

I've been interested in photography for a while now but just didn't have the time to pursue it. i thought you have to have actual photography education to get in to it. big mistake! with all the free resources online, there are so many to follow.
And then, while cleaning out my dad's closet after he passed a way last year. I saw old pictures from my childhood that my he did as a hobby. They were awesome! and this inspired me more. I thought, if you didn't get started on it.....your dream will only be a dream and not a reality. :)

So I am thankful for this site. Very! :)
February 17th, 2011
A. I have been interested in taking photos every since I was a child. My Dad used to let me tote around his Nikon SLR, or whatever 35 mm camera we had a snap pics, some of which I still have. I took a photography course in college, which focused on B&W film development and the basics, which I sort of forgot. I've always been an avid snapper. In January, when I heard about a 365 I jumped on the bandwagon. Then broke out the manual for my camera and I've been playing with the manual settings since.

B. I've had a digital camera since 2001, but got my DSLR in 2007 for Christmas.
February 17th, 2011
Ive always loved Photography, I remember being about 8 maybe slightly older and going to Canvey Island on Holiday and taking My Halina 110mm Camera taking Photos of anything and everything, Studied AS and A Level Photography at College and since being a Mum have began to take alot of Photos of My Children, They probably think "Oh no not the Camera again" but they are only small once so got to capture the memories, I dont have a DSLR, I have an SLR but dont use it as Im so used to Digital now, I have an Olympus SP600 UZ but would love an SLR one day :)
February 17th, 2011
I've always been interested but became more interested in the last 10 years. Have had film cameras, then digital point and shoots, then an advanced point and shoot, and finally bought a dSLR about 6 weeks ago. Slowly learning about exposure, etc etc..... got plenty of time to work on improving my photos because I'm retired.
February 17th, 2011
i used to hate taking pictures and being in pictures....then one trip to disney i took like, 10 rolls of film, and then i went to arizona and made sure i had a new camera and took a crap load of pictures
then i got a digital camera and all bets were off....all of a sudden i just liked taking pictures
especially when i started knitting...loved taking pictures of my yarn and my projects...
what really sparked me was when i was planning my wedding and looking for photographers...i started to pay closer attention to photographs and then i wanted a dslr so bad....and then i got one
so i'd say i've been interested in photography for the last few years...
and i got my dslr on april 2, 2010
February 17th, 2011
I always loved taking pictures. I have had various cameras throughout my life. When I was 16 or so, I got a fujifilm digital camera. That kind of started my love for taking pictures even more since I didn't have to worry about developing them! they could just stay on my computer if I wanted! It was a lovely invention the digital camera :)

I have really been heavily into photography for about a year or so now-it started with taking pics of my son and progressed from there. I got my DSLR almost exactly 1 year ago.
February 17th, 2011
A. Been in terested in photography since I read my first Playboy at 11 yrs old. (no kidding!) :D

B. On March 30, 2008 my girlfriend at the time dumped me for her classmate - and I was paying for her college tuition! Figured I needed to get busy to somehow forget the thing, had the extra cash, and bought my Olympus E-510 in March 31, 2008. So here I am. Never figured getting dumped that bad would be such a good thing. :)
February 17th, 2011
I've always loved & appreciated photography but never got into it much due to the cost of film and my needing to take a bagillion photos. I took a few classes in high school and college which exposed me to the world of black & white film/developing, etc. but I HATED the processing part of it all. I was horrible at it to tell you the truth. My love has and always will be with taking the photo itself. Thank goodness for digital photos and no negatives!

I received my first & only...DSLR camera for my birthday in 2006 which has allowed me to really dive into the photography world to the level I was desperate to be at.
February 17th, 2011

A. I am interested in photography, but just lately that I really put my energy into it.
B. I don't have yet my DSLR. Still thinking about if I really want to make this as just for the meantime or for life, if I reached my 50% then I guess it is about time to buy my DSLR. and I am thinking about Canon EOS 550D... I have this website if you can give me your opinion about this offer, it will be a great help Rache!
February 17th, 2011
I have always loved to take photos but have never had the time to take it seriously. I started 365 and it was like a lighbulb came on lol! I found i love it and have a passion for it i had forgotten how much i loved photography.A lot of my friends have been really encouraging about my photos :_). Today infact my brand new dslr arrived!!yay!!! (canon 500d) i have taken a load of photos with it and i LOVE it!
February 17th, 2011
A) Interested in photography since I was about 10 (got given the oldest camera in the world by my grandma before my family holiday to Disneyland so I could photograph Donald Duck)

B) I've owned a DSLR since the Christmas just gone but I had been using my husband's seriously for the past 6 months
February 17th, 2011
A) for as long as i can remember, when i was in year 4 or 5 i entered a competition - to make a camera... the prize was a camera!! I made a box brownie and won my very first ever camera it was fluro pink, green and yellow and point and shoot film camera it even had a flash... it was HUGE but awesome!! guess the love affair stuck...

B) We bought a DSLR in about 2003? maybe...
February 17th, 2011
Got my first SLR about 3 years ago, got seriously interested about 18 months ago...
February 17th, 2011
Only after joining this project did I get interested in photography. Putting the cart before the horse, I know. I joined the last part of December, and was fortunate to be able to purchase a DSLR at the beginning February! Before I was your basic point and shoot, flash always on, photographer. Now I do everything possible to avoid the flash, and look for ways to improve my skills. Love this project, love photography now, and really glad I joined.
February 17th, 2011
@ddantic Check out before you purchase. That's where I got my Canon 500 (T1). Never have any problems with them, either.
February 17th, 2011
I started being interested in photography (and using my husband's Nikon D40x) once I started this project, actually! My first pictures are what you see. (:
February 17th, 2011
I have been doing manual photography since (omg, so long ago now that I think of it) 1996. I took my first camera with me to egypt and shot 35 rolls the first time, a bit extreme. Have been shooting since.
Digital, I started when my daughter was born in 2004.
February 17th, 2011
I used to love photography as a teenager and learnt how to work in a darkroom but then kind of lost interest after my camera was stolen and got into going out and having fun. I became a kind of snapshot person. Then I had kids and thought I should rekindle the passion and take loads of great shots as they grew up but I stayed around the snapshot zone, even with getting a DSLR for my 40th. It was only after finding 365 nearly a year ago that I really got back into the whole thing and dug my DSLR out of mothballs and actually started learning how to use it.
February 17th, 2011
@aj1268 Please have a look at this package offer from this website this looks amazing in terms of value Your suggestions and comments will be highly appreciated... I need people's opinion regarding this matter.
February 17th, 2011
A) I have been seriously interested in photography since my first job leaving school, I was an apprentice paste up artist in a printing company so I spent a lot of time in the darkroom developing and editing film and printing plates for the presses used to come home smelling of ammonia but loved every second of it.. so thats about 21 years now :o

B) DSLR is relatively new only had it for about 14 months before that all my photography was either done with assorted point and shoots or my trusty Canon eos 5000 which is still a great little camera
February 17th, 2011
@ddantic This camera sells in the stores for around $850-900, so with the three lenses and the other odds and ends, it appears to be a good deal. However, I don't know this company, so I can't vouch for their reputation. If you've done some homework on them, and compared it with other online stores, then this may be the best one. I just recommended newegg because my husband does a lot of business with them, and they always have really good prices and customer service.
February 17th, 2011
that said though I have had an interest in photography all my life just not as serious :D
February 18th, 2011
@aj1268 Thanks for this... will do more research and thanks for the newegg.
February 18th, 2011
I became interested in photography in high school. However, I wanted to take close up pictures of flowers. I figured out that I could get the effects I wanted by processing in a darkroom. However, I have a lot of allergies, so that was out. When I retired several years ago, I started taking pictures with disposable cameras. Once again, I was interested in shooting pictures of flowers. A disposable camera just did not do the job. I bought a digital camera ($300-$500 range) in December, 2010. I started taking picture like crazy. Now, I really love taking pictures. I am currently taking pictures of birds in my backyard. I dream of the warm days, when the flowers are blooming outside. I feel that I am in the learning stage: how to take good photographs and how to use my camera. Thanks to everyone in the 365 project, I am learning a lot (and enjoying photography).
February 18th, 2011
I've been interested in photography since I was about fourteen or fifteen...

I have never owned a DSLR... May I borrow yours?
February 18th, 2011
been interested for nearly a decade... got a new boyfriend who happened to own a dslr in 2007. I only recently took action on it though all due to a dear friend of mine that started on this project. Now I have my new Canon 60D and I can't get enough of it!
February 18th, 2011
1. I've always been farting around with taking photos since I was a little kid, but I'd say it was about 2005 when I started to do a little bit more than fart around with it.

2. I've used a DSLR since 2006, but never had one of my own until 2008, which was a D200.
February 18th, 2011
I've been interested in photography since I was about 10. I used to take pictures with my dads old 35mm film camera and write poetry to go along with. I did my sisters senior pictures. I took a few classes in college and then kind of fell out of it for a few years. We got our first DSLR about 7 months ago. We have a Canon 7D. My fiance got it to shoot his short films. But I didn't start using it until I started this project 5 months ago. I'm pretty sure I'd never be able to go back to a point and shoot after using all manual on my Canon on a constant basis!!
February 18th, 2011
A) for over 30 years.
B) P & S only.
February 18th, 2011
A.. Maybe around 30 years but always just of family occasions & holidays

B. Currently have 4 P&S cameras going - haven' t really made up my mind whether I want a DSLR or not.
February 18th, 2011
A. Have loved taking photos since I was a kid. Interest in photography probably started when I was old enough to afford a trip to a foreign country on my own (my 20's). But the passion is just beginning.

B. I got my DSLR in November. I'm still learning to use it and have control over it. LOVE it, but finding it to be more challenging than I thought.
February 18th, 2011
Ive always been interested in photography but have never done anything about it. Joined the project in Jan and am itching to get a DSLR but am persevering with my point and shoot until I feel like I can justify the purchase.

That being said the trusty camera I have now (a Sony Cyber-Shot) is standing up reasonably well at the moment. Especially as I don't like to set up any of my shots - I kinda just aim and press the button.

Maybe once the kidlets are at school and I have the time to invest in taking photos properly THEN I will get a DSLR. Only ..... um..... around 3 years to wait!!! ;-)
February 18th, 2011
I have always been interested in photography,but always looking at others,not actually taking my own,lol.I bought my first DSLR the day I started 365 back in May last year and have absolutely fallen in love with taking photos ever since. So yes, i am very new to all this!
February 18th, 2011
Have always loved it from watching my dad with his Canon at the UNC football games. Loved taking photos with it. Now I have my own. Started out with a Canon Rebel XT in 2007, then upgraded to the Canon 7D almost a year ago now. Remember one thing though, it's not the camera, its the person who captures the moment. you have to set up the shot, right angle and all. Last you have to press the shutter button. ;)
February 18th, 2011
Started taking pictures in earnest in January of 2010 when we first adopted our rescue dog Brutus and I started a blog about the experience. All I had was an old point and shoot. I think I got my first DSLR in June of last summer? It just grew from there. My next goal is to learn how to use the Photo Shop I was given for Christmas. It makes me crazy that I have it and don't know how to use it.
February 18th, 2011
Great discussion!

I fell in love with taking pictures when I was in first grade and got my first camera. I went through so much film and flash, I had to get a paper route. In high school when I traveled, I bought a backpack for my film and it cost over $200 per trip to develop. I love it!

I have had my DSLR for two years and I love it more and more each day.
February 18th, 2011
My mother was always taking pictures for a local small town newspaper. I was always interested about what she was doing and how it worked. I had several small film camera's as a kid and took pics here and there. When I got out of highschool and moved out, I decided that since she wasn't using the camera's anymore, I would. I tried to learn as much as I could by trial and error and a friend or two that was taking photo classes in college. I got my DSLR just over a year ago. My sister in law was getting married and her mom figured she would buy me a camera instead of paying a photog and I would take wedding pics in return. Talk about a steep learning curve, I got the camera a month before the wedding! I made it work and I have been able to learn way more because I can see my photo's in real time. It has made all the stuff I have read in books click. I feel like I have a better understanding of aperture, shutterspeed, lighting, etc. I feel more comfortable branching out and trying new things now.
February 19th, 2011
well ive been interested for only a couple of years which is a lot for me seeing im only 15! and i do not own a dSlr but would really love one soon!
February 19th, 2011
I fell in love with photography when I was a child, but was told that it was for adults. How Sad?! I would walk around setting up pictures in my mind, and framing them with my hands. I saved up and bought my first Point and shoot Cannon Sure Shot when I was 14, and I paid a fortune in 1 hr developing fee's (because I am all about the Instant gratification!) I took pictures for years and never shared them, When my husband and I started dating he saw some of my albums,he encouraged me, and best of all in 2004 he bought my first digital point and shoot, a Sony Cyber Shot, faster shutter, great lens, and best of all digital files. No more 1 hr photo labs for me!!! So here is the thing for 10 years I dreamed of taking pictures, for 20 years I took pictures just for the love of it. Oh To have had a place like 365 where you can talk to other photographers, see the work, be inspired, and encouraged. I've been taking lots of pictures in the last 8 years, and working hard at it for the last 3 when I bought my Nikon D40 DSLR. Right now I use picnik for editing, but hope to buy and learn photoshop this year. I'm sure I will learn more and create more in the months ahead than in the last 10 years. I've been so excited about this project that my 6 year old daughter has confiscated my Cyber Shot and joined the project with me. Now how cool is that?!
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