Shots looking dark?

March 22nd, 2010
I usually view my photos and post them from my laptop, but when I get to work and look at them on a larger screen, they end up looking much darker than I intended. Does anybody else have this issue?
March 22nd, 2010
it deals with a lot. How dark/light is it in each setting. Window light versus artifical light. Types of monitors, settings on monitors. Is the monitor calibrated at home, if so I would trust that one over one that isn't. This is a very common problem. If I view your work at home and at work, they will be different to me too. Not to worry.
March 22nd, 2010
I view mine my PC with a 21 inch monitor and also on an iphone and I don't notice any issues, so I'm not sure the size does much. But I have noticed that my shots can look slightly lighter or darker in different browers (IE, firefox, chrome) Perhaps this is the issue?
March 22nd, 2010
If your monitor is not calibrated like so many aren't, you will see a difference in every screen you look at. That is just the way things are.

Just like TV's some look great some don't. The better calibrated and the quality of the screen will make your photos better or worse.
March 22nd, 2010
No, this is a problem with 365Project. I have just uploaded the same photo to Flickr and 365Project. On Flickr it looks fine and bright, but on this site it looks seriously underexposed. Obviously I am using the same monitor to view them.
March 22nd, 2010
Anji, I looked at both of your links(side by side) and I didn't notice too much of a difference.
March 22nd, 2010
yea there is a difference... but its very slight. if you look at the child's hair you will notice that on flickr it is more brown/blonde. on 365 it is a darker brown color.

Here's the thing... if you upload the same picture to facebook, photobucket, flickr, 365, and any other image hosting website... you will find differences in them all.

*edit* wow i just tried viewing those 2 pics on my work screen. (a dell 30" screen)

the difference is now VERY apparent. on flickr not only is the hair lighter but the colors are more vivid and bright

the 365 pic looks greyscale in comparison.
March 22nd, 2010
i agree there is a difference. I post an image then often have to take it down and brighten it up
March 22nd, 2010
It appears it may be an algorythmic difference in the way the website resizes and processes the photo for display on the website. I kinda like the way 365 displays my pics, because they appear sharper and more detailed as well as colorful. Anyone who has viewed my gallery can attest to that. :)
March 23rd, 2010
I've also noticed that my pictures on the 365 website often look a little more muted than I was expecting, and have had to go back and pep them up a bit (sorry, not the most technical use of terms there!)
March 23rd, 2010
Anj the pictures look the same...maybe it is the white to blue background change.

I had this same issue when I first started on here. I had an old old old computer monitor and then we bought a flat screen and when I went back and looked at my first few photos they were horrible! My old monitor was no calibrated and made everything look way darker then it actually was.
March 23rd, 2010
The only real difference between those images is the one on here has been compressed more, lost more information. This is what makes it look less sharp, and ever so mildly more dull. Was probably done to make smaller file sizes due to trying to keep the site's footprint (and thus costs) down.
March 24th, 2010

As explained before the problem is due to the color space the image is saved in. Photos uploaded to the web need to be in the sRGB color space, if you take a photo using RAW on your camera or edit it in photoshop, often the color space will be in Adobe RGB or CMYK, this however can be changed. When uploading to the web using the "Export to web" option in photoshop, this should then fix the problem.

March 24th, 2010
Hey Ross, if this has come up before, is there any way to "sticky" this topic like on other forums?
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