Since starting this project...

February 21st, 2011
Today I realized that since starting this project I never, ever visit a hollywood gossip blog that I use to visit daily! I didn't even really notice that it happened, but I guess the time that I use to spend reading useless gossip, is now filled with taking pictures and browsing through other people's pictures. I would say that is definitely a positive change for me!
Also, I have realized that I am learning to appreciate winter. I am finding myself thinking of picture opportunities when I am out in the snow and I am really enjoying looking at peoples winter/snow/ice pictures.

Anyone else notice changes or a difference in the way they do or perceive things since starting?
February 21st, 2011
yes !! facebook has been relegated !! i rarely post status's and thats sooooo not me normally !

but ....... i love it !everyone is so friendly here and im finally finding a little confidence in my own shots which i always used to call "lame"
February 21st, 2011
Since starting this project Ive neglected a Forum that I created and have been running for 6 years Ooops.... Anyone would think Im obsesed with 365!!
February 22nd, 2011
Haven´t really been on FB since I started. Love spending my time here instead :-)
As you I find myself looking for photo opp´s everywhere I go. Just what I hoped would happen when joining. Loooove 365 :-D
February 22nd, 2011
oh yes! facebook. see, I completely forgot about facebook too! and @flamez I'm glad you are finding confidence in your shots because they are definitely far from "lame"
February 22nd, 2011
I used to frequent Ausphotography! Ahh I must return!
February 22nd, 2011
@laurentye I agree there @flamez Your shots are no way lame
February 22nd, 2011
...I see EVERYTHING as a potential picture!
February 22nd, 2011
@flamez ME TOO!!! Man, I never use facebook anymore!
February 22nd, 2011
@laurentye I used to follow the gossip blogs too, and now I never know what's going on. Is Lindsey Lohan still in jail? lol!!
Facebook--forget about it. My friends wonder what has happened to me, so sometimes I post and INCLUDE A PHOTO!!
Housework--don't even ask!
February 22nd, 2011
yep... it becomes addictive doesn't it.. a year and a quarter in and still browse here then remember I've a FB a/c i'd better check in from time to time...
February 22nd, 2011
I still do facebook, but definitely not he way I used to! I get outside everyday now and I'm seeing things in a whole different light. The thing I have neglected the most is my housework. If I don't catch up soon, I'm afraid my husband might hide my camera or I might loose it in the clutter. :0)
February 22nd, 2011
I notice every little detail in my environment - especially patterns or colors that catch my eye.
February 22nd, 2011
I've (practically) given up Facebook, too! So funny :) I've also definitely become more appreciative of the little things in life and found beauty in things that, at first glance, might not look so great. I think that all this time behind the lens has given me a better perspective, in general.
February 22nd, 2011
I think my Facebook account is going to go dormant! ;-) Lauren, totally agree about winter - once I did my icicle pics I started looking for other winter things ( just did another ice shoot). I don't like winter but at least 365 is adding a positive spin to it!

And, the best of them all, my camera is actually being used for once! I was quite into photography when we were renovating our house - but after the main renos were over I put the camera down. Now, my husband is very happy I am back using the camera - he knows photography makes me a happy woman. And, in his words - Happy Wife, Happy Life! *lol*
February 22nd, 2011
I knit less and facebook less, so yes! The only posts on my facebook are through my networked blog, no status updates!
February 22nd, 2011
@laurentye Great topic! I am going through the exact same transformation! facebook no matter how I tried to spice it up to me has been pretty much neglected...I used to post status updates, music, etc but the lack of any sort of true social network has made that place pretty sad...until 365 came...365 has transformed me for it is what I feel facebook is lacking...a truly wonderful place where you feel part of a family and I would rather spend time sharing and commenting on other peoples wonderful art!...sadly there is a small minority on facebook that I feel even bother to look at my 365 postings via the 365ap...isn't that sad? you can show people true beauty and it gets sucked into a blackhole feed not to be appreciated...the opposite holds true with 365 its so incredibly positive and it just makes me strive to tap into deeper beauty for the world that actually cares to seek all are so wonderful and this is my new home...facebook is only active for me at this point because of 365...
February 22nd, 2011
I feel like I need to bring my camera everywhere -- and with 2 babies and lots of gear to lug around, it's just another thing -- but I would hate to miss a shot. I actually found myself taking a pic of a tree while in a drive-thru the other day! Oh, and my family blog is also suffering a bit, but I have a lot more photos for it!
February 22nd, 2011
I definitely want to take my camera everywhere now. hehe. I also will spent time just taking pictures of random things or following my daughter around documenting her antics. And definitely less time on the computer.
February 22nd, 2011
Ha ha, I understand how people can neglect Facebook these days because of 365, but have any of you also had the urge to click on the 'LIKE' button and find it wasn't there...since that's only a Facebook thing? ha ha Here we can 'Fav' them, but still, I keep wanting to click on 'LIKE'. Just sayin'... This sight is SO fun!
February 22nd, 2011
@interludephotos I know, I do feel the need to "like" photos sometimes! The only thing that gets posted to my facebook is my 365 uploads. I used to troll all kinds of fashion websites, and celebrity gossip websites but now I just look on 365. Now I look at buying lenses instead of shoes! I like the feedback on this site a lot, I feel like I have learned SO much in a short time.
February 22nd, 2011
I've now become a 365 creeper instead of a Facebook creeper.. I'd say that's a better change :) hahah
February 22nd, 2011
Yep - facebook has suffered. I rarely go there anymore. The only activity is the picture that gets posted there from here. I also find that I notice much more of my surroundings when I'm out and about - things I would have never noticed.

I know I will finish - I just hope my photography gets better in the process. And I'm really enjoying the people and their photos that I have 'met' through this group.
February 22nd, 2011
@chamrick so true about appreciating and finding beauty in things that would normally not be noticed. That's exactly what i love about this place. I see pictures that people do and think "wow, I never would have thought of taking a picture of that". I was just looking at a picture today of a toilette that looked really cool (I believe it was @amyhughes ) never would have thought of that lol. And I agree with @loztsoul this place is just so positive that i find I am just spending way more time here than on FB. I'm so glad this has replaced those other time wasters for me because at least this is something positive, whereas reading celeb gossip definitely was not.

yep. i love this place :)
February 22nd, 2011
@laurentye this is my new home :)
February 22nd, 2011
@laurentye I just wanted to hook on to this with a side note...not only has been working and I say working loosely because working on facebook is not a job but a complete pleasure...but where I am going with this is how wonderful this has been for my wife and I; we have been looking for something we can do together and its been such a blessing in our marriage to find time for photography and help each other...we often will help set things up...point out potential on feedback on mosaics/edits etc...hell one of my better photo's my wonderful wife helped me brush back the original color of a very intricate bridge...I have always loved my wifes art and I can't tell you how much pleasure I get from watching her blossom as an artist and to be included in being part of a 365 family is wonderful but I want to say and I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way...but 365 is absolutely wonderful for couples!
February 22nd, 2011
I so agree with you all on facebook! 365 is what Facebook should be but will NEVER add up to. Lets face it people I have known since I was a child cant even take the time out of there day to like anything I post (Music,photos, and even updates on my life) disappointing really! I feel closer to most of you because I get to see the world through your eyes and the comments you all make are so positive. I have found that I'm addicted to this site and the people on it. I don't draw anymore or scrapbook or any of the arts and crafts I used to do taking photos has become part of my life and I see a photo in everything I do like stopping doing dishes to take a shot of bubbles lol. It is also as Loztsoul said a blessing to our marriage for it has brought us closer when as years go by people tend to drift apart. If 365 where a Drug it would be a happy pill I could take daily and just wanted to say thank you for that!
February 22nd, 2011
@loztsoul @relicsong although my husband is not into photography at all, he enjoys looking at my pictures and asking "so, what are you going to take a picture of today?" I love that he has been so encouraging (in fact he is the reason I even have my camera!). It's so nice to see couples on here or see families (like people's kids doing their own 365).
February 22nd, 2011
@laurentye awesome! :)
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