Are there different home page view settings?

February 22nd, 2011
I try to keep up with complimenting as many of the folks I follow on their new uploads, but continuously going back and scrolling down the line after viewing a photo is very time consuming. Is there a way to change the view settings? to, maybe, a grid of thumbnails, or something similiar. I would like to follow more people and their outstanding photos, yet, I can hardly keep up with the ones I follow. Are you able to change the settings as part of the ACE membership perhaps? or I am missing the settings tab? or maybe none of the above.

If no other options, how in the world do you keep up with your tens or hundreds of friends you follow? Any tips or suggestions?

Not complaining about this exceptional site at all. Ross has done an amazing job. I can't imagine how busy he is now trying to keep up with it himself. Trying to make my "365ing" more efficient and curious to know if I missed something as far as the settings go.
February 22nd, 2011
I have no idea if there's way to change the view settings, but you can ask Ross. I copied this from the contact us page:

If you've tried everything else, or the question you have is of a more sensitive nature, you can email me at I can't promise to respond to every email, but I promise to do my best!

If you do need to contact me directly, please clearly state what the issue is and provide your username and any other relevant information / links. This is so I can help you as efficiently as possible.
February 22nd, 2011
I agree....If I want to comment etc it takes time so I limit my following - not because I don't want to add loads more 365ers but the amount I have already is time consuming. I think your idea is a good one and I agree, wholeheartedly that Ross' project is brilliant ..... so this is a tiny tweek request ... not criticism! :) But then again, maybe I'm also missing a setting?
February 22nd, 2011
@suelbiz47 thank you Sue, good idea, email sent

I emailed Ross as Sue suggested, I will let you know the response when I recieve the reply.
February 22nd, 2011
I'm an Ace member and I have to constantly scroll down the line to view all the photos on the home page too. It can be quite a pain sometimes.
February 22nd, 2011
In my opinion,it`s okay as it is.I don`t understand why people feel obligated to follow a lot of others.
And by the way,if you comment only the tumbnail,you`re not even adding a view to that photo,and you`re lieing to the person,because you can only apreciate the photograph if you view it a bit larger,not a thumbnail (!) ..
February 22nd, 2011
Open things in new browser tabs. It's what tabs are there for. Wahay! Also, use a decent browser, like Firefox, which'll remember your scroll position in any event.
February 22nd, 2011
@spaceman nope, not commenting on just the thumb, that was the point, when I click on the photo, it takes me away from the home page/feed, then I click back and I am at the top again, not lying, not commenting on just thumbs
February 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows good idea, I already have tabs open on a few other projects going at the same time, lol, gotta get better at the multi tasking
February 22nd, 2011
@spaceman and, never said I felt obligated, just a choice, one that I would like to do more efficiently is what I am getting at
February 22nd, 2011
@thebluegnu @kjarn tabs people tabs!
February 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows thank you, thank you o' wise Tabby Bear, thank you, much better
February 22nd, 2011
@spaceman - where Martin, that's a bit harsh! Nobody said anything about feeling obligated to follow others. I (as @datsyukian also said) choose to follow people (including you) and would like to do it more efficiently.

I have never commented on a thumbnail because I choose to look at the whole picture but if someone does choose to comment on a thumbnail surely it is their choice, it doesn't make them liars!
February 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows - luckily I have Firefox and it remembers my scroll position sometimes but I still have to do some manual scrolling.
For those who follow me or are being followed by me will be aware that I'm a bit of a retard when it comes to anything technical so tabs means zilch!
February 22nd, 2011
@kjarn Hi Kathy, when you are on the home page right click on the persons pic and select open new tab,then click on the new tab to view. Then you can just exit out of that tab and continue doing the same on the next pic on your home page. hope that makes sense :)
February 22nd, 2011
@kirsty - thank you very much Kirsty, it made sense and I even managed to do it. Every day you learn something is a good day I reckon!
February 22nd, 2011
@kjarn Your welcome,someone told me once how to do it on here, it use to frustrate me so much before I learnt how,lol.
February 22nd, 2011
I just right click>open new tab - do that for all photos I want a closer look at,
Then when I get to the bottom of the page start looking at the open tabs, closing them as I go,
When they are all finished with the main window has re loaded so I can carry on and repeat.
February 22nd, 2011
@kjarn I hadn't even thought of tabs at all....apparently even the technically savvy learn something new every day!! haha!
February 22nd, 2011
@datsyukian Wow, is this thread discussion where you thought it would go? My goodness! Good for you for wanting to show more love on here. Everyone loves to be acknowledged every once in a while. If people choose not to follow, or to follow, it is their choice. I choose to follow a lot of people because I love seeing what other people are doing and I feel inspiration here. I think if they do not change the settings, the tab ideas are great. I'm going to try that myself, because I want to show more love too :)
February 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows I use Chrome. When I see a great photo in the thumbnail I open it in another browser... @datsyukian
February 22nd, 2011
@kjarn then if you would allow I'd like to try and "tech you up", as they say :p

Oh wait I see @kirsty already did it - bah! :)

Well I'll just add this: if your mouse has a scroll wheel (which it really ought to, this being 2011 and that) you can click that on a link to open in a new tab, save the "right click then click open new tab" malarky :)
February 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows - I most certainly will allow you to tech me up whenever you like :-)

Yes @kirsty already did but now thanks to you its even easier. I'm on a roll here - learned something new two days in a row.

Many thanks.
February 22nd, 2011
@kirsty @pete21 @terek55 @terek55 @eyebrows
very nice, great suggestions on the Tabs, such a good communtiy of nice people

@sevinstitches I guess I never did think about where this discussion could go. Another great aspect of this Project, discussions can take many different turns, with a few possible answers, or strike up new and interesting topics.

thank you all for your responses, my "365-ing" is ran like a well oiled machine now!
February 22nd, 2011
@amyhughes definitely a little bit of the "front of the shelf syndrome", the answer was right there, have used tabs too many times, just didn't think to use them for this situation for some odd reason, (doht)
February 22nd, 2011
@kjarn thank you for all the great comments and input, nice to learn new things. Or, in my case a little smack up side the head from @eyebrows to focus on what's under my nose.
February 22nd, 2011
@datsyukian :P Always a pleasure ;)
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