365 CAN teach an old dog new tricks

February 22nd, 2011
Since joining 365 a month ago, and signing up to ace a couple of weeks later, I have experienced a distinct change in my attitude to photography. Long retired after a working life as a press photographer, picture editor and agency manager taking, selling, buying and publishing photographs with a story to tell, I now have the time to photograph anything that takes my fancy, and am discovering the marvels of digital processing - a quantum leap forward since the days of wet processed black and white film when apart from dodging and burning and a touch of process white or black to hide a blemish, pictures were published 'as is'.

I have seen so many wonderful images here that I feel a sense of release from those constricts, but I still have the news hound's instinct only to photograph and enhance what is actually there with a story to tell, not set up as a still life ... but my views are veering in that direction now that I see so many imaginative creations here every day.

With two extra albums that are not date linked to the daily project I can now turn to some of my earlier images and see what a bit of digital magic can do, and look out for more subjects that I would formerly have dismissed as not newsworthy. I'll take it one step at a time, adding a bit of colour here or texture there while trying to maintain the integrity of the original image, but who knows where this all might lead?

Perhaps this old dog will learn a new trick or two from this amazing bunch of people all thinking outside the box in so many different directions.

February 22nd, 2011

ohhhh sounds really interesting ! going have to make sure im following you so i can see what you create :)

I love the editing and creating part of photography , im a sucker for colour too :)
February 22nd, 2011
its an interesting road we all travel I will make sure to follow you on your journey of exploration :)
February 22nd, 2011
It's good to hear that even a 'seasoned pro' can find something to learn here, means there's hope for me yet ;-)
February 22nd, 2011
Great observation!! Welcome to 365, even though you are not brand new here! Following along just so I can see what new things you might come up with!
February 22nd, 2011
Love this place. It has something for everyone, doesn't it? I'm going to go check you out now ;)
February 22nd, 2011
@wordpixman Wonderful to hear that. Being a relative newbie at photography myself.
February 22nd, 2011
I am new to photography all together, but I too struggle with the 'integrity' of pictures that are 'created' in PS or other mediums. Don't get me wrong, I think some of them are quite wonderful and very artistic in their own right. But it just seems to me that there should be some differentiation between what is a genuine capture and that which is art that has been manipulated into being. I look forward the art you create from your captures.
February 22nd, 2011
@wordpixman that is one thing that i am doing with this project, and having a lot of fun with it. i am finding a new enjoyment behind the lens, and also using mainly cell and point and shoot to kind of force myself to look thru the viewfinder in a different way than i had in the past. my first camera was a canon ae-1 that was bought from a display window in a camera store, still wrapped in its plastic if that dates things a bit, and been addicted to the shutter since. this project has been quite fun and has really helped me look differently at things.
February 22nd, 2011
I want to see your old stuff!!!
February 22nd, 2011
Wow! What have I started here? I went out for a few hours after posting my thoughts and have come back to this wonderful crop of reponses. Thank you all very much, especially those of you who have said you will follow me. Hmm, so I am being watched ... serves me right for opening my big mouth; now I'll have to make a real effort to convert words into action. Seriously though, I am a new boy here; my dinosaur mind needs updating and although there are and always will be differences of approach we can all learn from others.
Thanks again, and keep up the good work.
February 22nd, 2011
Arthur, you spoke my exact thoughts! While not a professional photographer myself, I must admit I had very specific opinion about editing...I even started a discussion on when the topic entitled "is there such thing as TOO much editing". The discussion that followed on that topic helped me change the way I look at photography. While I'm still not a fan of adding items that were not in the original photo, I do find myself rethinking how I once looked at photo editing. It has been fun to experiment in ways I might not have chosen to before. This project is giving me the confidence I need to try new things, and I am learning so much from the talent of others.
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