Im getting addicted

February 24th, 2011
to Photography, I've always loved Photography, Went to study it at College but after leaving College I ended up working in Retail as I couldn't find any Photography Jobs, Well I was offered one at a Company called Barkers Photographic not far from Town Centre towards the Seafront but they wanted Me to start straight away and I couldn't as I was on Holiday the following week, Back then I guess a Holiday was more important now I wish I had of cancelled/rescheduled and took the job, Anyhow I left my Retail Job to go on Maternity Leave and by the time My Maternity Leave was up the Company which was a Computer Company were closing down due to lack of trade, I never really got back into Photography other than taking Photos of My Children but since 365 I have got back into it again in fact Ive been sitting here playing around with Collages on Picnik since I created My First one yesterday. Im sure Im not alone in being addicted ? I am enjoying having something to do for "Me" if that makes sense although I get very little "Me" time these days but I am really enjoying it :)
February 24th, 2011
I am very much addicted too!!! I think it is a great addiction to have though and my family & friends enjoy it as well (although everyone now expects me to be the "photographer" wherever I go lol!!)
February 24th, 2011
I have always had a passion for photography, I have never seriously looked at as a career as my choice there has always been television and 22 years later I am still working and loving television.
The thing with my passion for photography is that life got in the way and it is not that I lost the passion but other things took over the time I dedicated to it. Last year I headed overseas and took over 5000 shots in 19 days, my passion was back but once again life took over.
A new year and a new resolution to make myself to keep that passion burning and so I started this project...
I have to admit that it has changed my life in so many ways,
I see things differently,
I carry my camera everywhere with me,
I want to take photos and
this is the first website I now visit for the day (and not just once a day)... before facebook and my F1 sites.

I know that I am addicted and it surprises me how many of my friends on facebook are also addicted to my project, if I haven't posted a photo for the day I get text and facebook messages checking that I am okay because they are waiting for my photo.
February 24th, 2011
Definitely addicted! :) I think it's actually allowed me to slow down and appreciate the beauty around me. It's getting to be real expensive though haha.
February 24th, 2011
@jo365 Its definitely a good addiction to have, its stopped Me raiding the cuboards at night as I get engrossed with messing with Photos.

@frameit Actually its the same with Me tbh life got in the way rather than losing the passion.
February 24th, 2011
another addictee,i'm surprised you don't all hear my husband sigh when i pick up my camera again lol.
despite the fact that his brother works in photography and he took it as a subject in school he doesn't seem to get my passion for it and hates it when i spend any money on it, he complained so much about me buying my last p&s that my mum and dad ended up giving me the money for it and he was livid when i bought m,y dslr, despite me getting a second hand one at a decent price,i can see i'm going to have to keep lens purchases from him ;)
February 24th, 2011
wayyyy addicted!! Since starting the project, I bought 2 cameras...I'm look at a third now (it will be the first DSLR), I take a camera EVERYWHERE, and I'm beginning to be referred to as "that girl behind the lens" by family and friends...a little joke they made. it is one of the first things i think about in the day, and i am constantly pulling out my notebook and writing down ideas for setting up a shot, or a shot to try. i LOVE being addicted, obsessed....i am having the time of my life!
February 24th, 2011
There are worse addictions to have! It has actually taken over my brain - the other day, I entered a room to get something and came out with my camera!
February 25th, 2011
I am dreaming of taking pictures and dreaming of various shots. Now, if I can get these shots taken in real life, I would really be happy! I am thinking of getting a 2nd camera already (and I just bought my first digital camera in December).
February 25th, 2011
I'm waiting on 365adone from the chemist
February 25th, 2011
Me too! and I like being getting addicted to photography. Its so much fun and this is such a great forum!
February 25th, 2011
When we started our home renovations I went crazy with photography. Then, my job took more hours,I changed jobs, more life changes happened and the camera sat in the corner. It sat there because I had no time in the day.

I vowed to make time this year for photography and I'm pretty addicted right now. I still probably only have 30 minutes at most at the end of the day to put towards the project but still at least I'm making the time and not watching the days, weeks, months go by and not even pick up the camera.

I'm experimenting and getting so many ideas from taking part in this project, it's wonderful! I feel like the 'old' me is now returning and turning into a 'better' me. :)
February 25th, 2011
addicted??? obsessed!!! I other half sighs and rolls his eyes and then laughs whenever I have the camera in my hand. He's now trained to not eat anything unless I have taken a picture of it yet. Hahaha!

I have always wanted to start photography and thanks to finding old childhood pics my dad had................and then this site........I'm so in to it now! This site just gave me more confidence. It's like I found a new family with similar interests. :)
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