
March 27th, 2010
What is a good macro lens for bugs, flowers etc? Also confused on the numbers on the macro, simple explanation please....
March 27th, 2010
I have a 105mm macro. I am not good macro. I know others on this site are great at it.

I tend to go the cheap route, and use +1, 2, and 4 diopters that screw on to a normal lens. For an amatuer, it works great.

Also, a "poor mans" macro (you will see these here also, and I have also tried it) is to remove your lens, and reverse it, holding it close to the body tightly, while opening up the aperture on the little lever "thingy" on the inside part of the lens. It does give great results! Try it! Save your money and buy yourself 100 dozen roses instead!
March 27th, 2010
I also have a 105mm which is great, although for bugs and jumpy critters something longer like a 200mm is probably better. That being said, I'm pretty happy with the 105. I don't do a lot of handheld macro shots, so even though my macro has VR (or in Canon speak - IS), I rarely use it. These are pricey, but for me a great lens to have. I found in my research that the Tamron 90mm was rated pretty highly and was significantly cheaper than my Nikon. Never tried the diopters Chris mentions above, but I've seen some great shots from people that use them. Good luck.
March 27th, 2010
Christina, you might want to try extension tubes. They are inexpensive and get you "closer" to the object. I want to try them too, but I don't have any right now.
March 27th, 2010
I have a Canon 100mm f2.8. I love it! Most of my 365 photos are taken with the 100mm.
March 27th, 2010
I do not do Macro for bugs, in fact I don't even have a real macro lens so I can't help you. HOWEVER, I do follow this gentlemen on flickr and he has some unbelievable work. if you want to take a look at his stuff and maybe even ask a FM question or two. (don't know if he responds as I watch from a far)
March 27th, 2010
I almost got the vapors looking at the pictures Jeff recommended at There is no question that Lord V is an expert. I think I'll admire his images from a safe distance!
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