The hardest photo you have ever taken

February 26th, 2011
What is the hardest photo you have ever taken? Which one has taken the longest to set up, shoot, edit etc?

My pic from today would have to be it for me! I'd love to see yours!

February 26th, 2011
Fantastic photo, care to share how you achieved this?

My hardest photo was the following.. Because it was the first time I had ever used Photoshop whereas I normally use SOCC.
February 26th, 2011
Thats awesome! You have done a great job!

For mine, the cup was glued to the saucer and then attached to a clothes line using wire and a bit of bluetac (so was the teapot). I had to have someone 'driving' the teapot with water using another wire, and someone holding the clothes line still. This was all figured out after much trial and error! Then all the wires were just cloned out using photoshop. :)
February 26th, 2011
@holly_kate That is amazing Holly, well done for accommplishing such a fantastic photo
February 26th, 2011
This one...cos I'm not supposed to amongst other things

February 26th, 2011

this one.... for:
- critical focus plane,
- wind movements,
- no tripod
February 26th, 2011

My laptop's screen was messed up and I could barely make out what I was editing.
February 26th, 2011

This is mie. It was a windy day so being fast enough to catch the bubble in the right light to get the reflection took 175 tries! Luckily my 2 boys were more than happy to keep blowing bubbles for me to try! LOL!
February 26th, 2011
Probably this one, because I didn't have my tripod so I had to hold it steady in the fading light.

February 26th, 2011
There are at least four pictures that were probably equally difficult, but I've chosen this one for the blur theme. I knew what I wanted in my mind's eye and it too at least 250 shots to get it!!
February 26th, 2011
Hands-down (or hooks-down, as the case may be!) it was this one. I had a vision in my head how I wanted it to look and it took FOREVER to get the angle, props, mood, etc., right. Ad to that a very impatient child and suffering looks from my husband....yeah. My whole Peter Pan series was fun, but I have to say the most difficult photos I've done all around.

February 26th, 2011
@holly_kate Your photo is fabulous--I have no idea how you did that but it's cool.
Okay--I just read how you did that--wow!! That's dedication for you!
@wahyusp @indiannie_jones Both of you always turn out such fabulous photos. @michelleyoung I've seen my husband do this type of photography and I know it's extremely difficult. Beautiful job on yours. @positronicmommy Sounds like you had great helpers, lol. This is just so clear and beautiful! @miranda It's that "mind's eye" thing again! Isn't it frustrating? This is gorgeous, it looks like a painting.
February 26th, 2011
Probably this one - it's not one of my favourites but it took ages and my neighbours thought I was NUTS waving a torch around back garden at night.

February 26th, 2011

I was balancing on an ittybitty rock in the middle of this creek in public park....i wanted to be in the direction the ripples were coming, instead of on the edge of the creek which was diagonal to it.
February 26th, 2011
Figuring out how to physicaly combine the book and apple.
February 26th, 2011

Taken may not be the correct word for this. More like created. This is the hardest I've created. From spending a year collecting daily posts, finding the background (which was more difficult than I thought), to getting everything to fit on here. It is definately the one I spent the most amount of time on.
February 26th, 2011
This one. It took a bit to get the lighting JUST right. Also setting up the letters and pictures took a bit.

February 26th, 2011
for me i think this one..took me almost 2 hours to get a cool capture..glad they looked at the camera :)

February 26th, 2011
This -

Took bloody ages - didn't even come out very well! But yeah, probably the hardest thing I've attempted for this project...
February 26th, 2011
This is my hardest... it took me a while to figure out the angle, lighting (flash), etc.

February 26th, 2011

this cos of the emotion behind it
February 26th, 2011

and this cos i was waiting ages for a swan to flap lol
February 26th, 2011
In this project, probably this one

because it was midnight, with hardly any lighting, and i only had a D60 with a 70-200mm and a speedlight flash, and this marker was about 20-30m away from me, so the camera would not focus on it in the dim light, took quite a few gos to get this shot
February 26th, 2011
@holly_kate Fun thread, thanks for starting it!

I haven't done any really tough shots but I spent the most time on this one. First trying to cut out the bokeh filter made me realize I am so not an artist and then I drove around for quite a while trying to find some appropriate lights.

February 26th, 2011

This little guy did not want to sit still and only stuck around for a minute, so I didn't have much time to grab the shot.
February 26th, 2011
i have got two that I have to show you :)

This first one was terrible, I was doing a picture (that didnt come out as I wanted, so i posted this simple one) where i wanted the boats to be on water. So i made about 25 really really little paper boats, and they all sank ;)

The second one is a recent one. I had to dry this flower and then it took me a while, to find the right angle :)

February 26th, 2011
probably this one

the way the moon was, and with only having the gorillapod, i had to set it up on the hood of my car or my husband's car, and then i couldn't see through the viewfinder, so i had to take the pic, and then look on the screen, move the camera, etc
February 26th, 2011

this one :)

tbh it wasnt that hard but it was probably the hardest out of all mine on here (or possibly my apple ipod shot lol)

anyhow this one was set up 1 glass , one child , i had to get him blowing in the straw hard enough to acheive bubbles and a splash together.

then over to paintshop pro , remove child and mirror image the glass and change the colours :)
February 26th, 2011
I think this was my hardest one... I am petrified of bees, so I was worried the whole time that it was going to suddenly come at me. I'm glad I stuck with it, though...I think the bee actually fell asleep in there because it was there for a long time after I took the pic.

February 26th, 2011

This one was difficult for me to calculate so I could get her and not include me. I wanted the shot to be as pure as possible with very little photo editing since I'm not well versed in it. I finally figured it out - I simply shot from the top and flipped the photo!
February 26th, 2011

This was definitely one of the hardest photographs for me to take. I had trained him and worked with him. He died in the line of duty.
February 26th, 2011
Not difficult to take, just more of me getting out of my film mindset. This project has really stretched me in ways I could not even fathom before. During my film era, I was very conservative with my shots, mainly because of the overall expense of film and processing. I've never taken a lot of photos, just been very selective. For this one, I just had to keep reminding myself to take more pictures. After all, it's only pixels. Good thing too, because the one that I thought I'd already had was totally out of focus. This one was my next to the last picture I took of this little guy before he flew away.

February 26th, 2011

1 roll of Kodak Tmax 100. Printed as a contact sheet (in a wet darkroom) and scanned with no digital alterations.
February 26th, 2011

It took me a while to figure out how I wanted the picture to look. Only when I started working on it, I realized that even the glasses made a big difference with the shadow. I used a table lamp to get some shine on the page but the exact angle took me some time. Also, I had shoot without my glasses. It was absolutely painful!
February 26th, 2011
This creation was the hardest to complete because it took lots of time and several trips around town to get the photos, but it was also the most fun.
February 26th, 2011
All these photos are so amazing and inspiring!
February 27th, 2011
This has been my hardest by far. I had to get my husband to help take the shots, and holding myself under water proved to be a learning experience. I had to plug up my nose so I didn't have to hold it while underwater, then ended up editing that out anyway.

February 27th, 2011
This probably applies as the hardest and the longest photo it took to set up. I was trying to be a bit more professional and writing up a shoot planner with the other photographer that I was working with which described all the various looks we were trying to create including lights / props / example images. We then also had to build the props. Total time taken for this would have been somewhere in the range of 5 or so hours

February 28th, 2011
This one by far. It was hard to post, hard to decide to do, hard to get everything covered just right and the I had a horribly hard time getting the lighting and flash working right together. I took more than 200 shots and only liked about 4 of them. Luckily I had a remote for this one and my husband helped by holding a card as a make-shift flash diffuser.

February 28th, 2011

I have done some really stupid things to get photos and it was quite difficult to pick one as the hardest shot to get.. but this one probably (I don't even like it that much!) because it was late and I had run out of ideas and I get very annoyed if the datestamp in the exif data is for a different day.. and I wanted to get the water running directly onto the top of the duck's head. Except that, to get it coming out that far I had to turn the tap on quite fast, which made him spin round and round in circles.. added to the fact that the basin was rapidly filling up with water so I had to keep stopping and draining it and starting again. Very frustrating.
February 28th, 2011
@wahyusp NO TRIPOD??? Man you're good. I always just assumed you had one to have such crisp focus!
February 28th, 2011
The hardest part of this one was that I could not get it to match the image in my head. On the other hand, I do like how it turned out.

February 28th, 2011
this would have to be mine just because i had to wait for the exact moment to have the post and moon in the shot and then having to just focus on the this thread

February 28th, 2011
Knowing very little about photography and indoor shooting it took me a lot of time to get to a result I was somehow satisfied for the line theme of that week.

February 28th, 2011
@interludephotos fantastic effort and fantastic out come.
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
wanted to get a pic of my then 20 month old enjoying the water at a park...she NEVER stands still(even today lol) and everything i took with my p&s was blurry...this was the only keeper and i still love it 3 years later....
February 28th, 2011
@interludephotos this is such a great idea!
February 28th, 2011
This is one, is the hardest and most difficult photo that I have taken... taking photo of myself in the park.

February 28th, 2011

this would be mine....

-2 hrs of me snoring... waiting for the make up to be done..
-crumpled white cloth on the background, so how am i suppose to clean that up?
-the fear of emptying the battery of my speedlight and camera! YES!!! almost empty bat
-and yes, after i woke up, my eyes are still are, errrmmm well, im still sleepy, can't focus right =p
February 28th, 2011
This is mine, and it isn't even a good photo. I just couldn't figure out how to get a silhouette!! It was making me nuts!
February 28th, 2011
this one for sure, for something that looks so simple it took a lot of working out But thats Escher for you :D

February 28th, 2011
It has to be this. I came here to get better with the Camera and learn how it works and maybe even predict with the settings rather than using it as a heavy point and shoot. I took one the other day for the first time in RAW and maybe the third time ever SOOC. So today I remembered a walk and a river our family had seen exploring and thought I would try and get a half decent shot of it.
I scrape my shins and grab nettles and brambles all the way down the embankment, I waded and almost slipped three times through fast flowing water with my expensive camera and at one point I tried to kick a traffic cone (yeh you read right) out of the water and twisted my knee that hurt like a bleeder and left me thinking I was going to get stuck there.
The shot it's self is average and ordinary, but it is SOOC, taken in RAW and planned

I was stood right in the middle of the river when I took this picture
February 28th, 2011
Far too many to choose from my night work, but I'd say this one....

February 28th, 2011
@interludephotos wow, this is awesome!
February 28th, 2011
This one I guess. I wanted to do a fizz shot but use something other than fruit so decided on corks (I'm not sure if it's an original idea though) What I didn't consider before I started was that corks float and so it was almost impossible to get the corks to stay in the water. I'm pleased with the result and glad I came up with a solution.

February 28th, 2011
All of these photographs are amazing!
It's lovely seeing/reading about all the hard work and effort people put into their photographs.

Truly inspiring.

For me, it'd definitely have to be this one:

It was simple to shoot as I had the concept in my mind for a couple of days, but when it came to processing! That's where it gets brutal.
From the very start I knew what I wanted out of the photograph, but didn't know how to get there.
Was up all night, one night, retouching this.
Very pleased with how it came out :)
February 28th, 2011
this one for sure. we spent days trying to get the perfect look of her hair, the light right on her skin, everything. Finally....we got it.

February 28th, 2011
@azza_l that one is freaking brilliant!
February 28th, 2011
@stefanieneves stunning!
February 28th, 2011
@amyhughes this one is fantastic! So much said in it. I love it!
February 28th, 2011

Have to be this one - I got myself a remote trigger in the end - I started off wanting to take a pic of a flying clock with the title "time flies" but there is little chance of getting focus, correct object orientation and positioning plus everything else right when you are on your own. I started the series of these shots off in bright sunlight and got this when dusk was nigh!! a long but satisfying afternoon of shooting!
February 28th, 2011
@positronicmommy wow, awesome reflections!! nicely done!
February 28th, 2011
@sparkle Thank you Juliette! It took a lot of patience to get that! LOL!
February 28th, 2011
This is a great thread because a lot of photos seem like they're very difficult to take! I've had quite a few.....

On this one I was limping around the store with one high heeled shoe trying to take a picture of my own foot while avoiding all the people! It took a few tries but I finally got it!

This was very time consuming because it's a picture of miniatures and it took a while to set up everything precisely!
February 28th, 2011
This was hard to take. I was in a car crossing the boarder from Canada to the US. Also, it was around 15F outside. I was sitting in the back seat of my friends car, as she was driving with both arms out the window to take this shot. I got some very funny looks, but oh well! I plan on going back to the falls soon to take better pictures, but this will have to do for now!
February 28th, 2011
First of all,I want to say all my selfies are really hard for me to take...
Here are some of my shots that required time to set up.It`s not comfortable doing something "creative",the result can easily be more stupid then unique.Sometimes I get lucky,sometimes,I fail.
My love story.You gotta read the description to "get it":

The sun was going away,my time was running out.I wanted the light halway on the door.And I also needed the bloodmarks to look real.

It was difficult to place the coins in the right spot,and then needed to wait to snow a bit,so it looks natural.I ended up leaving it out too much and had to blow off the snow and wait again,a bit.

This actually took me about 24 hours.I put water in a plastic cup-thingy,and right in the middle,the light bulb.But since I needed it halfway sunk and standing straight,I needed to use duckt tape to keep it straight in position.It was freezing outside,I left it there for about a day and it froze.I took the tape off,ripped the ice out of the plastic and this is the result.(I also think this was my first PP photo)

It was a sunday.I hate sundays.I had to hold my finger in the right position,with my other hand holding the "rope",from above,the camera was set on self times and flash.And the flash needed to be just right,so the room in the backround wont be visible.

Some of you may have seen this allready.What can I say? I had to be careful with the needle,not to go in to deep.
February 28th, 2011
March 1st, 2011
@holly_kate Thank you!
Yours as well, very inspirational!
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