
February 26th, 2011
Just a thought to while away my lazy Saturday. Well I intend to go potter and tidy soon, but generally it's going to be PJ's all the way today.
I was just wondering about everyone's thought on commenting on other people's photo's.
My take is this:-
I won't leave a comment for the sake of commenting, it's either when the picture pops out, reflects something I like or is from someone I've been following for a while and I want to almost touch base to say "Hey, good work keep it up" I won't comment if it's just not my type of photo, which is cool and I wouldn't expect anyone to do with me. But as I type my comments I find I have stick words that come out and I really don't want people to think I'm commenting just to get some sort of reciprocal feedback, it's not about that at all.
If I comment on your photo you are more than likely going to get a cracking, ace, brill, brilliant, fantastic, love it, or smashing mixed in with all the other text.
I also try and add a little bit more dialogue, I don't know why, just something again to show I'm just not copying and pasting "love it" over and over. Something about what the photo makes me think about or how much I'd copy it if I ever got writing a to-do list.
I think the community here is ace (see that's my language there) and love the fact after only 60 days it feels like I'm getting to know some folk (only just, we're a long way off me trusting you with my bank account details.....) and I feel the comments should reflect the shared interest on here.
That's it, just random lazy day thoughts, nothing prompted this, this is a response to anything (well maybe the third coffee I've drank) I just thought I'd throw it out there.
February 26th, 2011
i get what you mean, i don't comment just for the sake of it, i comment if the picture jumps out at me, to offer encouragement to a new member or if i think the picture could be improved on in my humble and not very knowledgeable opinion
February 26th, 2011
I agree. I always comment if there is something in the photo that grabs me and demands comment, perhaps with a little expansion of the theme, a reminiscence, a quote, or anything else to express real interest.
I sometimes wonder if I seem impolite for not commenting on everything I see which might be worth a word or two if I could find the right ones, but whatever any of us say here, we have to remember it is only a personal view; we are not judges.
February 26th, 2011
I'm so glad I read your ideas. I started 365 in January and am very enthusiastic. I enjoy looking at other people's photos, I get ideas, begin to be able to assess my own photos more critically, and to realise that ideas I had which I thought were original, have all been done before in some shape or other!
However, I'm not too keen on the posting comments. Some are positive and helpful like "good colour", But the majority say nothing. I was hoping for some helpful comments like "what's it like in b and w?" I was hoping to LEARN, not just to receive unwarrented praise. I find myself deliberately moving away from the comments box where I am desperate to write "Great photo, why the horrid black frame" because it. destroys the delicate pastel colour in the shot.
I'm joining you - only commenting when there's something positive and constructive to say.
February 26th, 2011
I comment on other people's photos that take the time to comment on mine--and I can always find something good to say because that's just me.
I do try and catch up on photos I haven't seen when I have the time. I really WISH I had time to comment on every person that follows me and that I follow but realistically, there aren't enough hours in the day and I've had to let that go.
February 26th, 2011
I comment on photos I like and have several folks that I like most of their photos and comment regularly. I can usually always find something good about a photo, and find it hard to critique, even when people ask. I also try to dialogue on a comment about why I like it or what draws me in, if I have time. I think the community here is great!
February 26th, 2011
I have a few people that I follow and who follow me. I don't follow a ton of people because I find it overwhelming to keep up with all of that. I usually try to comment on most of the photos 'my' people post. I don't feel qualified to offer critiques. I kind of feel like I have developed a 'friendship' with my little group. I like to comment on their photos because it feels like I get a little glimpse of their life every time they post a new pic.
February 26th, 2011
I find it helpful to be very specific about praise. Not just "great shot," but " I like how the swan in the distance stands out against the dark background." A generic compliment feels good, but is not helpful in a technical or artistic sense.
February 26th, 2011
I try to comment on the shots that really get me, but I'm not very good at describing things, & generally they seem much blander than I mean. (there are the times I start to write what 5 other people already said) It can be tricky keeping up with lots of people, especially the ones in times zones so far different than my own. Though I don't want to unfollow anyone, just because of that.
February 26th, 2011
I like to comment and I like to be positive - especially because many of the people that I am following are young or new to this (like myself) and I don't want to put people off. I do sometimes say a general "great shot" but only if i really do think it is a great shot. I do try to say something personal to people and if i feel that I can add an helpful critique I will.
However I do think that it is important to remember that people who specifically want crits can tag their work with critique-me and if they have not tagged their work with that they may not want critcal comments. Some people are on this site as a way of documenting their lives in a visual form rather than written blogs, or micro blogs.

I'm rambling now but what I am getting at is that I often stumble across lovely photos that have no comments and the user has given up posting, maybe the occassional "good job" or "great shot" would have built their confidence up enough to keep them at the project and enabled them to get to the point where they could ask for more critcal comments. Just my opinion - no disrespect to anyone meant :D
February 26th, 2011
Exactly, exactly, exactly!! Your reasons and methods of commenting are mine also. And there are only so many words in the universe (I was going to say English language but that seems limiting here), though I suppose we could make some up. And, btw, after 5 months here I think there just may be a few I might even trust with my bank account details. Though, that's just gullible me, I think....:)
February 26th, 2011
I like leaving comments and do it often. I love browsing photos, both from people whom I follow and people whom I don't follow, and if something in the shot or caption appeals to me I leave a comment. My taste is broad and I find all different sorts of shots interesting.

About eight of the people I follow are irl friends or family members and I nearly always comment on their shots as I like to remain involved in their project.

And then there are some people whom I follow whose shots and/or perceived personality appeal to me more than average. I try and comment on a lot of their shots, again because I like being involved in their project and see their progress and development.
February 26th, 2011
To each their own, I say.

I always return the comment "favor", too, as @clarissajohal suggested. If someone is kind enough to comment on mine, I want to acknowledge that with my own comment on theirs. I can always find something kind to say, and personal to the photo, whether it is about technique or what is going on in the photo. It's just how I am. I would never presume to know someone's motivation for commenting on mine (or anyone else's) photo. If someone says, "Nice shot" I assume they mean it. I don't assume they are just saying it so I will reciprocate. If that happens to be their motivation, they are a winner, because that's what they get :) That being said, I try really hard to visit that person's photos. If the most recent one doesn't strike my fancy, I will expand their calendar and find one that does, and comment on that.

I agree with @halkia too. My taste is very broad. I love the macro shots, the shots of babies, kids, sunrises, someone reaching for a book under a bed, the really artsy edited stuff, whatever strikes me in that moment. I also agree that it is important to show your real friends and family (and people you don't know but feel a connection to, as you said) comment love as much as possible.

If you want more critique, or you don't want people to comment with generic "beautifuls" and "cools", why not say so in your photo post? (I'm not trying to start something, just wondering) Take a stand. Be bold! ;)
February 26th, 2011
@cazink Totally agree with you! Keep up the praise, you never know who needs it that day!
February 26th, 2011
I comment when I can really. I look right through all the peope I'm following every few days. I can't always manage it every night! I probably favour those who I've 'connected' to a tad more. But I definitely have a look, even if I don't comment or fav :o)

I also regualry check out the popular page, new faces and latest pages.. and if anything sticks out that I like or whatevers then i will pop along there and maybe leave a comment too :o)

I don't say anything 'negative', because their style of photgraphy and how they see images is not always going to be the way I see them. Also, I don't know very much, I still have lots and lots, and lots more to learn haha!

Anyways, that is just me :o)
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