Delete Conformation

February 28th, 2011
A few times when going to reply to a persons post on my pictures I have accidentally hit delete. I don't know if this is something anyone else does, or if I'm alone here. But I was thinking it may be a good idea to have some sort of conformation when delete is clicked that asks if we really want to delete the comment. How does everyone else feel about this?
February 28th, 2011
Probably a good idea :) also, a preview/edit button on comments couldn't hurt!
February 28th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Thats a good idea too!
February 28th, 2011
Both good ideas!
February 28th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @crystal423 @jessleeca should we start a thread on enhancements we'd love to see?

For me, I'd really like rating buttons (Agree, Funny, Clueless, etc)... that would be good if you feel that same way as someone else and you don't want to be redundant and it would be good for the photographer because they could acknowledge the poster's comment with a "THANK YOU" rating.
February 28th, 2011
@marthashields I'm down for a suggestion thread but odds are, after a few days at best, it'd die down and we wouldn't bother looking for it anymore anyway.
February 28th, 2011
I have not done that yet, but, have caught myself right before the fatal click. the 2 options are quite close to each other.
February 28th, 2011
@indiannie_jones I suppose you're right... I just always find myself looking for the "Like" button! (such a Facebook addict). Does the developer/owner/administrator ever take suggestions? I wish I knew...
February 28th, 2011
@datsyukian They are very close!
February 28th, 2011
@marthashields Of course he does! That'd be good ol' Rossell (couldn't resist, sorry) - the idea of a 'like' button has been brought up before but we've pretty much established that we'll stick to the fav equivalent.
February 28th, 2011
@indiannie_jones "Fav"ing a picture does not work for me or "scratch my itch". First, I want to be able to "Like" or "agree" with other poster's comments - I'd rather not (and so I don't) post something a half dozen people above me already said but I'd like to acknowledge my appreciation for the picture. And second, I have noticed that the photographer is many times compelled to comment on the comments...many times by just saying "Thanks" after this long list of replies. If I, as the photographer, could just hit a "like" or even a "Thanks" on their comment, that would show the poster, who took the time to comment, that I saw and acknowledged their comment and appreciate it. "Fav" doesn't do either of these things - in fact, to me, "Fav"ing something is a huge deal - it would have to be a shot I'd want on my wall or that pulls on my heartstrings until their taught for me to "Fav" something. That's just my 2-cents worth, which isn't worth much!
March 1st, 2011
i agree with marti i think a "thank you" prompt for comments would be great -- as well as an agree/like .
March 1st, 2011
I'm always looking for a "like" button on here and then remember I'm not on Facebook.. LOL
March 1st, 2011
I feel like adding a like button would make this wonderful project start heading the ways of facebook. This would be a horrible thing. I don't feel like there is anything wrong with commenting things that have already been said as long as you mean it. It still feels good to get a new comment, regardless of if it is something that has been said before.
March 1st, 2011
@marthashields yes changes happen, I am sure there is a master plan for the site on a napkin in Ross's pocket.... it might be something like... Build Photo site, Have people submit photos, add like button, take over the world....

Can you believe at one time there was no reply button... nor comment notifications system.... sigh... memories...

@jessleeca +1 this is not facebook!
March 1st, 2011
@icywarm : )
March 1st, 2011
@icywarm @jessleeca
Seems I have unintentionally hit a nerve. I strongly disagree that adding a "like" or similar comment rating vehicle would "make this wonderful project start heading the ways of facebook." Let's face it, this project *is* a social network - it simply remains focused on a single topic, photography - just because it would institute a feature that the king-of-social-media has and many of its users like, doesn't mean this forum wants to change its focus. You may like it just the way it is and not want to update it, but I feel there is something lacking for the photographer and for the commenter...just my opinion. I will continue to *not* comment if it adds nothing substantive to the discussion or someone else has voiced what I would want to say - I don't feel the need to be redundant, just my style.

And please, check out this site - it allows discussion on certain topics in the media - let me draw your attention to the "Judge It" button, and all the choices it gives a reader to respond to the comment - it is on the same line as the date and time the comment was posted. This "Topix" site is not facebook either and doesn't want to be but it seems to be able to pull off a comment rating process ...
March 1st, 2011
@jessleeca @indiannie_jones I definitely second your requests!

@marthashields Personally I'm not too keen on rating buttons. I like the websites I use to have a clean design and as little bling as possible.

Besides that I see no reason for them in this project. I might misunderstand your suggestion, but I don't see the point in rating someone else's comments like they do in the link you provided. Moreover I value the comments I get in a way that I could never value a click on a "like" button. Too me that would be redundant.
March 1st, 2011
@halkia If you look higher in this line you'll see my reasoning in detail. I, too, like a clean design and don't like to see things gummed up with redundant posts WITH NOTHING NEW ADDED (basically, "Ditto!") and with "Thank Yous". A way to keep that down is for the reader to simply agree with an already posted comment or allow the photographer to have a way to acknowledge the comment without having to make a whole brand new post. I enjoy other people's comments immensely too - I just feel that if I have nothing new to add besides what has already been said, it's not constructive to comment at all - however, I'd love to let the photographer know that someone else feels that same way.

Anyway, sounds like there isn't a lot of energy behind this - and that's fine. This site is great and I love what I'm seeing and learning here so will just keep on keepin' on! Cheers all - happy Tuesday!
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