
March 1st, 2011
Anyone ever injured themselves for the sake of a photo?

I was taking photos of People's Palace in Glasgow Green and was too busy looking at the statues on the building I didn't see the step in front of me and nearly went flying. If I wasn't actually walking normally I would have went right over on my ankle. I could feel the stretch as I was falling. Luckily my next step caught me but I had to limp a little. Didn't help I had my tripod in hand with the camera attached.
March 1st, 2011
I walked into a tow-bar attached to a fairground ride as i was moving round it to get some shots of my kids on said ride. Whacked my shin which brought tears to my eyes!
March 1st, 2011
Almost! My husband's nephew was here in Oregon visiting us from NY. We took him tide pooling at Indian Head beach. I saw a single orange flower on the hillside I wanted a picture of so I started walking across all of these slippery rocks. Let's just say, it was a brilliant fall if I have ever seen one! Twisted my ankle pretty good. Good thing the ocean was cold just put my foot in there for a bit and it helped! I did get the picture I wanted though!
March 2nd, 2011
Oh no, hope your ok!!! I too am guilty of this (but not to that extent). I usually step on a lot of stuff since im usually barefoot on the beach, ive also been whacked by many branches! When I do a photo shoot, Ive noticed that im soooo sore the next day. My legs will ache for days after wards. lol :)
March 2nd, 2011
i have fallen three times with my camera or cameras around my neck.
i have hurt myself badly each time. my cameras have escaped injury except i scraped my lens cap once so badly it would not fit any more.
i am not waiting for surgery on my knee from those falls.
when i am taking photos nothing else matters it seems.
and i can not stop!!
glad you caught yourself.
March 2nd, 2011
oh my goodness both of you! wow!! both of those sound painful.... oh I hope I'm not jinxed now but I don't think I've ever been injured photographing....
March 2nd, 2011
Wow, hope you are ok! It's funny you mention this, because just this morning as I was taking my shot, I started to walk forward and then stopped myself! I was heading toward the canyon cliff and there wasn't a rail!! I remember thinking, now you better stop gawking and watch where you're walking!!
March 2nd, 2011
Im terrified of hieghts, and thought it was a clever idea to climb the tree that was in the way of my sunset! ( its got the tree out of the way ), And I fell OUT!!! Also had to climb a tree for my wedding photos, needless to say, I fell out if too!! A falling bride makes for funny photos! I do walk into things alot too, courtesy of keeping my camera to my eye and not paying attention to what on the ground infront of me! Evem with out a camera though, I am a total clutz, so i dont think it really makes a difference for me!
March 2nd, 2011
Not yet but I have my kids to keep an eye on me. What will I do when they no longer are telling me to be careful? ;-)
March 2nd, 2011
no lol
March 2nd, 2011
yes, not long ago actually, I fell of a freakin teeter totter! Felt like I twisted from my knee down backwards, I was like PLEASE tell me it's not broken!! I suppose I was lucky, but I did have to baby it a while . My camera also hit the dirt, but it was okay.
March 2nd, 2011
I got a headache from looking at Photoshop for too long, once...
March 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 hahaha been there too ......
March 2nd, 2011
And did you check on your camera first before you checked yourself for injuries? That's happened to me, too.
March 2nd, 2011
I fell down yesterday - except I was at work and carrying my 25lb video camera and 15lb tripod. Trying to get to a good vantage point to see the firefighters fishing a car out of the river. Of course, my natural instinct (or rather, the instinct drilled into all videographers) is to fall so that the camera is protected. So the camera is fine, my knee is only slightly bruised, and my pride certainly bruised by falling in front of the nice policeman who looked so concerned for my welfare.
March 2nd, 2011
I can remember sliding down a cliff once (about 20 feet or so) and I've fallen down numerous times. I have the photographer's reflex though where I've always ended up putting my body between the surface and my camera. My body will heal, the camera won't necessarily do the same.
March 2nd, 2011
I slipped on some algae covered rocks while shooting a waterfall, used my tripod like a hiking stick to help me catch my balance and forturnately didn't fall! Would have been super embarrasing since there were several folks there and I was trying my best to look "professional" so they'd stay out of my shot!!
March 2nd, 2011
@kirsty1975 From shooting tonight my back and shoulders are wrecked, as is my leg...

I've had a huge number of scrapes from getting photos, one of the worst was from shimmying up a pillar at Holi, I had very slowly slid down it as I shot and put a cut nearly a foot long in my thigh and ruined my jeans, had been so distracted I didn't realize...

Plenty of sprains and stretched muscles, a few punches and several burns...
March 2nd, 2011
I stepped directly off of 3 steps while framing a shot once - bruised my arse and, worse, busted the lens frame of my 20D. Art hurts!
March 2nd, 2011
My biggest boo boo so far has been stepping in dog poop. Yuck!
March 2nd, 2011
I've done stuff like that but I think the worst was when I was at a smash up derby & I was in the pits very close to the action. The only thing between me & the cars smashing each other was a telephone pole laying on the ground meant to keep the cars inside the area. So I was snapping away not paying attention to how close I was to the pole or how close the cars were getting when one was flying right for the pole. My DH grabbed me & pulled me back as it hopped up on the pole & lodged there on it's undercarriage, I was lucky because the front end ended up about where I had been standing, obliviously taking pics in my bliss!!
March 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 know that feeling lol!
March 2nd, 2011
Besides the foot that slipped off a rock and into the river and was wet on the hike back to the car, nothing too serious. I'm glad it was sunny and hot so it dried up enough. I end up getting in the way of people walking down the street. Glad they look where they're walking.
March 2nd, 2011
I have not hurt myself but I killed my first camera trying to take water shot for 365, does that count?!
March 2nd, 2011
I once took an underwater photo of some Dolphins and a big Shark came up to check me out. I wasn't injured, but nearly sprained my ankle trying to walk on water!!!
March 2nd, 2011
@webfoot I know what you mean about putting yourself between the ground and the camera. I was shooting a wedding and stepped back and tripped over a rock, the whole bridal party came running but couldn't believe how I kept the camera away from the ground.

Another injury was running to a fence to get a shot of a running horse, my foot went into a hole and the rest of me kept going.... I didn't tear it but I strained it and stretched it really badly....

Maybe I am just clumsy?!?!?!?
March 2nd, 2011
Oh yes, I've picked up ticks, gotten bit, fallen off a hill and down a cliff, the list goes on and on...but the camera was safe!!
@bobfoto Whoo! Now that's just exciting.
March 2nd, 2011
Nope, never injured myself, but my toddler fell down a flight of stairs (that no-one knows how he got onto as there was a baby gate on them, but that's another story) whilst I was shooting at a party and forgot to put my responsible adult hat on. Fortunately he was fine, I nearly had a heart attack.

Today I showered my macro lens with glitter powder trying to get a shot. Which I didn't get. Not impressed with myself. And I've fallen on my butt a couple of times, but have never dropped the camera.
March 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 lol, I know how that feels too
March 2nd, 2011
@chamrick I knew the camera was ok as I held it above my head, lol. I did panick though as it was still attached to the tripod and the tripod was open, I had visions of dropping the whole thing
March 2nd, 2011
@killerjackalope Oh no Adam. Hope you're ok?
March 2nd, 2011
@mikichelle OMG!!!!! You were so lucky. I think I would have been the same though.
March 2nd, 2011
Phew, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Lets hope there are no more but I've yet to be more adventurous so I'm sure there are more to come.
March 2nd, 2011
mum did not do injury she did brake a bowl and smashe it
March 2nd, 2011
@kirsty1975 Oh aye, I'm alive, little stiff atm but it's all good...
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