Not long now

March 2nd, 2011
I am a short time now. Under 100 days to go on my project. And I'm so glad for that. I won't be doing it again. I've learned a lesson here at the 365. It's not the photo that a person takes, it's who you know. I've taken some good photos over these past few months and in the last 2 months the number of views has dropped dramatically. It's disheartening to see so little views and no comments on my pictures. Yeah, there's a few comments here and a few comments there, but that's quite alright. I did this for myself. It got me out of the house. I doubt that I will stop taking pictures but it sure will be nice to not be obligated to take a picture for the day. And to be honest, I'm disappointed at people taking photos and putting them in their calendar for days that haven't even happened yet, and then there are a lot of archived photos as well. My understanding from the beginning was you take a picture a day and post it for that day. No matter what it is. So, with less than 100 days to go, I can't wait. I will fulfill my commitment to finish this project, but after that I won't do it again. It makes me sad to see that hardly anyone cares to view photos I take and I thought yesterday morning's picture was awesome because how often can you get the moon AND Venus in the same shot and make Venus actually come out because usually it's so tiny. And just to FYI everyone about that photo it was not edited in any way, shape or form. That was SOOC. I can't edit very well as it is. A couple last month got edited but only because I was messing around and those didn't even come out well. So, I just wanted to say my peace. No comments necessary to this post. Thank you for your time.
March 2nd, 2011
Isn't it crazy to think it's almost over already? You and I started pretty close to one another and tomorrow will be my 300th photo! Anyyyyway, I hope you can walk away from this experience knowing you did something new that you enjoyed and not worry about the amount of responses they got here.
March 2nd, 2011
Just to your charge of "It's not the photo that a person takes, it's who you know", I want to add that I did pretty much zero "social networking" trying to gain followers. It's definitely more about the photos one takes.

I'm not trying to make out I'm anything special, I really don't think (m)any of my shots are, but evidently some people did, as I didn't do much self promotion, and have a fair few followers.

I'm not having a go at you either, I just really rather like this little website right here and its inhabitants, and felt like responding to a (admittedly very mild) charge made against them :)
March 2nd, 2011
I hardly have any followers and not many comments, but that's okay. I'm not a photographer, so I don't expect people to be amazed with my work.
March 2nd, 2011
@prttblues If you only have a handful of followers (I see you have around 30 or so), those are the only people who see your photo in their newsfeed. The only way someone would find yours is if they happened to "Browse Latest" right when you posted it, searched a tag you happened to use (ie. Moon or Venus), or if you did a browse-and-pick so a new set of eyes could get to your albums. Do you participate in those threads?

I follow more people than follow me (about 100 difference), but I "browse latest" posts every day, and I love it when I get on a browse and pick and the last person was someone I've never seen before.

So, it IS about the photos, but there are ways to get your work seen aside from making a post specifically to do so (not that there's anything wrong with that, a lot of people do it).

Congrats on being so close to done! That's a real feat, and I hope you'll continue to take photos, even if not for a "project." It's good for the soul. :)
March 2nd, 2011
@eyebrows Stop being modest. You're one of the most helpful people on this site that I've encountered. You're a rock star. And you have nice eyebrows. :D
March 2nd, 2011
@sdpace You forgot to mention his teddy bear-esque tendencies :D
March 2nd, 2011
I don't like post-editing much either! Very often, if I do anything at all, it will just be a crop, or even a swap to black and white and just edit the blacks. I've only just joined, but it seems that a lot of the comments are just "oh thats nice" etc, rather than any comments with constructive criticism, which is what I'm really craving as a new photographer!
March 2nd, 2011
@sdpace @indiannie_jones oh man *blush-mode engaged*
March 2nd, 2011
I rather like this site and the people on it. You get out of this project what you put into it. If you enjoy taking pictures, if you enjoy commenting on other's pictures, and if you like lively discussions in the threads, then this is a nice place to be. Every person's project is their own, to do with as they will. There are no set "rules" to it. I wish you the best on your last 100 days, and I hope that you see the beauty in what you have created, as well as the those around you.
March 2nd, 2011
@prttblues I hate to say this, but I am going semi agree with you here. Only semi, I look at every single photo the people I fallow post, but if its truly amazing I will comment, while some people will almost comment on every thing so this is a case of the people and the picture.

I am sure some people look at the latest photo's etc but in all honesty your photos will probably only been seen by people that fallow you. I have realized this and have tried to be more friendly on the forums, helping people with questions and participating in themes and 'contests'(which is another huge pet peave of mine about this place) which all said only helped a little.

This is the type of community where your are supposed to be 'inspired' of others peoples photos to take your own, aka go out and make 'friends' and fallow people whos pictures inspire you and in turn and over time that will help.

Plus this isn't facebook or myspace where the amount of friends you have means anything. Sure its super disappointing when you post something that you think is great and it gets no comments, I know I personally have posted a few photos that have knocked the socks off people on other sites like flickr or deviant art but no one here 'seems' to care. I don't let it get me down, just gotta keep trying!
March 2nd, 2011
@prttblues I'm sorry you are getting so down on your exeperience here. I looked at your page and you do have some great photo's. I follow way (like 3x) more people than follow me but I have gotten the majority of my followers from finding photo's I like and following that photographer(I consider everyone on here a photog in their own right btw) and they return the favor. Most do not comment on my photos but at least they get a chance to see it.

I agree with with @sdpace @eyebrows @indiannie_jones , you have to give a little to get a little. I see Annie all over, commenting on photos she likes, even for people she doesn't follow ( I assume she finds them the same way I do, by clicking interesting profile pics or browsing latest posts) I can always count on SPace to put up a few photo's in the browse-and-pick threads and I see her commenting a fair amount too. This doesn't make them popular and it's not why they do it, but it sure does lead people to their page. Then that person can decide if they like their work and follow/comment/leave whatever. Eyebrows is very technically savvy. He has put up several posts that have been very helpful. None of these 3 are out there promoting themselves but in giving of themselves, they make others aware of them.

I understand that you may not have a lot of time to browse everybodies photo's but if you make 5 mins every time you can get on, to find someone new and interesting, compliment a photo you are attracted to and maybe follow them you will get a lot more views and comments. I didn't start this project to get views and comments but it sure does feel good that someone appreciates your work.

Finally, I again side with @eyebrows... I am also not having a go at you, please don't take it that way. I am simply trying to present a different viewpoint. This is a very mild charge against us inhabitants. A lesson I learned growing up is that no one is going to help you until you help yourself. Another way it was put to me is manifest destiny (on a smaller scale).. if you keep thinking you can't, you never will, you have to strive to change it yourself.

Again, this is not an attack on you, I just hate to see someone get discouraged with something that they enjoy. Sorry for the long rant, this just struck a nerve, I meant no offense.
March 2nd, 2011
P.s. Here is one of @eyebrows contributions that may help explain the sudden lack of comments on your photos.

March 2nd, 2011
@eyebrows - I don't know if I'm misreading what @prttblues said, but I read it as meaning that the project is about who you know, not just about the photos. I may be wrong, but for me this project is at least as much about the "friends" I've made as the photos I've taken.
March 2nd, 2011
@wormentude yeah, which given the sudden drop in comments, I took as "If you don't know the right people...", but maybe I took it wrong.
March 2nd, 2011
Your picture is awesome. Even though I don't follow your daily posts I have noticed your pictures and have taken a few minutes from time to time to comment on them. I usually scan the Browse By Day photos and that is where I see a lot from people I don't follow.

As far as commenting on those that I do follow, you can ask any of them and they will tell you the same thing. I comment occasionally. There are a few who I talk to more than others but it's really a handful of people. I can't and don't comment on every picture from everyone I follow and I don't expect others to do that with mine either.

It was mentioned to participate in the Browse and Pick threads. This has been the single best way to see what others think about my pictures as well as me finding what I like about other photographers pictures, many of whom I don't follow. By doing this, I learn quite a bit about myself.

With 100 days left you can still find new people to get to know. So, why not? You have nothing to lose by taking the leap and sharing yourself with others. :-)
March 2nd, 2011
Speaking for myself, I have found that I have taken that one picture that I think is great and wonderful. Now everything that I try to take is to beat that photo, and I haven't found the combination to beat it. so, I still carry my camera with me, to and from work.

I was getting into the night photography in the morning, but the sun is up and I don't see anything interesting that gains the interest of others, so be it. On the other hand, life happens and we go our separate ways. Good luck on your last 100 days.
March 2nd, 2011
If you want your work to be seem by more than 30 people, you have to network - it's as simple as that! You could take the most fabulous shots every day, but if nobody's seeing them, how can they comment? I'm sorry that you're not enjoying the experience. Many of the people that I follow have finished their commitment and have decided to continue because they are having so much fun!
March 2nd, 2011
I just checked your followers (yep, am anal like that!) and 14 of them havent posted for a least a couple of weeks, some a few months. So thats nearly half of your followers not here every day, or at all! I wonder if that has something to do with the lack of comments?
And as the others say, you need to 'get out there more' if its comments you are after. You follow just a few people, so perhaps to give you the ooph and bring back some of the enjoyment then you need to find some other photographers here you like - there are so many ace people here, am sure it would be easy!! Grins.

As for the rules, well, thats up to you. There's been many discussions here about the 'rules' and I think the best rule is there are no rules. Its a personal project, so why not let people do whatever they want, and just enjoy the crack here anyway? A lot of people love the fact they manage to do a pic ever day, and others dont mind if life gets in the way a bit and they post a filler now and then.

As for the popularity contest. Well.. personally speaking I think people take this to heart too much. 365 isnt about this is it? Enjoy your last 100 days - I've just a couple of weeks and cannot wait for it to end too - but thats because I am lazy and not because of anything else!
March 2nd, 2011
@shadesofgrey darn it, I just looked at each one, forgot Steve's speedy checker!! ;-)
March 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones I can't believe we're almost done. And I know I've thanked you on more than one occasion for guiding me here. I'll thank you again, because if not for you, I wouldn't have gone anywhere in the last 9 or 10 months. It is because of you that I got out of my house and did somethings that I wouldn't have done before, resulting in some great shots. For that, I thank you whole heartedly and am glad that we are friends.

For everyone else, it wasn't a jab at anyone by any means. I didn't mean for it to be taken that way. I get depressed once in awhile and I speak out. I was disappointed that my photos that used to get tons of views have been getting sparse views. I know that not everyone comments on every photo. I only comment on ones that grab my attention. I've gone outside of my list of followers and checked out others' pics. There are some great photographers here at 365. I just don't happen to be one. Not in my eyes anyway. I am in no way singling anyone out. And this was not some kind of ploy to get people to view my photo(s). I don't do that. I try to draw as little attention to myself as it is. I was more or less venting. I have to once in awhile. It's not healthy for me to keep things bottled up. I just was sad about my picture of the sliver moon with Venus in the shot only having 4 views since I posted it yesterday morning. That's all that sparked this discussion. I didn't expect comments and I didn't expect the views of any of my photos to increase. I'm not picking on people here. I don't do that. I don't know why I actually wrote this. Like I said, I have to vent or I'll blow up.... well implode would be more like it. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. That was not my intention. I am a weepy, sappy, emotional woman who sometimes throws temper tantrums. This project has had me feeling all sorts of emotions. From "WOOHOO Look at that!" and "OMG I can't believe I got that from my little Kodak Easy Share" to "what a crappy pic that is but it's all I've got"... I've been elated at some of my photos, disappointed to the point of tears at others, and everything in between. I've seen a lot of fantastic photos here and kept thinking "How'd they do that" and knowing that I would never have the patience or perseverance to get the shot they did (such as chevymom/aka Karen, the one that does the water drops all the time). I am physically challenged due to permanent injuries sustained from MVA that I can't do what some do to get the shots that some get. I commend all the wonderful photographers on this site. They put my photos to shame. But please ... hear me... I sincerely apologize for offending anyone who read my post. I needed to air my mind. It was only because I took such a neat photo (or so I think anyway) and it only had 4 views in more than 24 hours time and it just ... bothered me. I thought it was worth more than 4 views. And BTW Annie - Thank you for your comment! It didn't go unnoticed or ignored I assure you. I guess I just worded my post wrong. It certainly wasn't set out to gain any attention by anyone. I appreciate those who viewed it, however. Thank you. However... this was NOT a ploy to get people to look at my pics. I have to say what's on my mind sometimes. And sometimes I just don't say it right. This just happened to be one of those times. Again, sorry if I offended anyone.
March 3rd, 2011
No offense taken! I offered my input in the hopes that your last 100 days would be more rewarding for you. I'd be lost without the new friendships that have formed on this site.
March 3rd, 2011
@prttblues Of course no offense taken! I just had a conversation with a friend the other day about how I'm always surprised at the response from different photos. Some that I post and I am just absolutely smitten with get a fairly mediocre response, and some that I think are just kind of blah and really just put them up because I honestly couldn't capture anything better that day get quite a few comments (for me, that is). Just goes to show it's all in the eye of the beholder and people respond, I think, emotionally and differently to what they're presented with visually, based on past experiences and preferences. So, yeah, do it for yourself, but definitely take the time to enjoy the connections you make on here. I know I am.
And I had a browse through your photos and you've got some great stuff!! Congrats on making it as far as you have:)
March 3rd, 2011
@prttblues I for one, did not take any offense. I just hate seeing someone feel so down. I grew up with a mother that was always "poor me" (lack of self esteem) but never did anything about it. I hate hate hate seeing others that way. So I feel like if I can offer some advice, I want to. I did not think it was a ploy to get more "hits". If that is the only reason someone is on here, there are faster and more effective way to achieve that. I don't see the point of that, but I digress. Everyone needs to vent and I totally understand that. That is why I took pains to make sure you didn't think I was attacking you, only offering my point of view. I sincerely hope your next 100 days are better than your last few.
March 4th, 2011
@prttblues - As someone who was already following you.. I apologise for not noticing that awesome shot! It's really good.. and I see it now has more than 4 views on it! I hope you are feeling a bit better now :)

I have to admit though, I only comment on photos I think are good (I don't just say "nice shot" to everything.. if I say "nice shot" it must have been a nice shot! But whatever..) that doesn't mean I comment on all the good photos in my news feed. I follow nearly 350 people.. I only follow someone because I like their photography, never simply because they followed me first. But with that number of people's photos in my news feed every day it is inevitable that some get overlook and I sincerely apologise for that.

My other reason for not commenting is far better than simply 'I forgot'. I am a college student and I am perpetually late. I am on a dismissal warning from college (I have to be pretty much perfect from now on otherwise they kick me out) and I am working very hard on handing homework and coursework in on time.. meaning that most days I only get the time to take a photo, upload it and write about it and that is it. I would love to spend more time looking through the fabulous photography on this website but I just can't at the moment.. So again, my apologies.

I hope you enjoy the next 100 days more than the last 265, this is a great project to be a part of and the community is lovely :)
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