Film vs. Digital camera

March 3rd, 2011
I was wondering how many people still use a film camera. Which do you like better, and why?
March 3rd, 2011
I can't remember the last time I picked up a film camera! I did use it a lot in college for my black & white film photography class. For that purpose, I loved it. I think it's great, it has taught me a lot on what a camera can do.
March 3rd, 2011
I still use a film camera. In fact, I just got a large format 4x5 that I'm looking forward to learning. I still lean towards film as I think there are things in B&W that I can do better with film. But then I'm also pretty new to digital. We'll have to see where it goes.
March 3rd, 2011
I still use film. Film has a dynamic digital has yet to match. I rarely blow out highlights, skies, and clouds on film, even with uncontrolled exposure, and the color saturation of Velvia while still retaining detail is unmatched. I dunno, I'm just a film snob... I use a Nikon F5 for 35mm, and an associated mix of "toy"/vintage cameras for medium format, my favorite being my Holga 120FN. Favorite films so far (I experiment with a variety) are Kodak Tri-X 400 for B&W, and Velvia 100 for slide. I usually use Fujicolor films for normal color negative film.

Before I shot a lot of film, I'd go out and take 500 photos easily on digital of the stupidest things. Film taught me to slow down, to think, and to compose, and to get it right the first time. I feel it completely changed how I photographed.
March 3rd, 2011
I haven't used film since 1999. I like the freedom to take as many shots as I want w/o cost and I only print a few of my photos anyway. Film and the developing costs a fortune!
March 3rd, 2011
@hmgphotos That is so interesting, Heidi. I have been wanting to play around with film for a bit. I can't wait to start the hunt for fun "toy" cameras. :)
March 3rd, 2011
I use both! It nice to have options. Film cameras bring excitement in the unpredictability of its nature. You don't get to see immediately the shot you took. You tend to be experimental. Though I try to apply what I have researched, my good shots usually come from what I call "happy accidents".

Digital photography on the other hand is about the angles and precision. A bad shot can easily be avoided or replaced by the next button click. Here, I can easily see the areas I have to improve on.

These two may seem opposite in concept but for me, having both types give me a certain equilibrium on how I view and feel about photography.
March 3rd, 2011
I gave each of the trustees of the Historical Society a disposable film camera to go shot interesting places in the township and I still, albeit very rarely, use my 35mm slr; but, I prefer the digital mainly from the cost per picture aspect.
March 3rd, 2011
i am about to embark on the joys of film photography again,i'm hoping that it will teach me a lot about exposure etc and therefore make me better with my digital photography
March 3rd, 2011
I use both! I am shooting film and developing it in the darkroom at school (college) Its so much fun! I think there is a bit of excitement going through the process of taking the picture, then developing the film, making the contact sheet and developing the pictures.

@hmgphotos I completely agree with you, I don't play on toy camera's much though, but my daughter just got the diana f, and im gonna play with it! I was using TRI-X 400, but I switch to the Arista 400 cause it was cheap, and yep its cheap, I will never do that again!
March 3rd, 2011
Here is one I get a kick out of using
March 3rd, 2011
I took these two pictures with it several years ago. I very much enjoy film, but the digital being as quick as it is, has a great deal as to why I use it
March 3rd, 2011
I still use film! But it's so expensive to get developed nowadays...
My plan is to have a dark room when I actually buy a house, so I can continue with the film without going bankrupt! :-) Does anyone still develop at home?!?! That's how I came to love photography...
March 3rd, 2011
@lottie I use to develop at home, but I'm lazy and just send my B&W To Dwayne's Photo. They process 120 for $2.99 or $3.99 a roll. Then I don't have to worry about keeping my chemicals fresh and what not.
March 4th, 2011
Thank you all so much for your comments!! It sounds like using both film and digital is a good way to go. With film and processing being so costly, the idea of using digital to help improve photography skills is a good one. Which will save money when it comes to using film... :)
March 3rd, 2012
I've started using film, much to the derision of everyone I know using a digital or iPhone! I bought myself a Holga and take a bunch of good and terrible pictures and I'm loving it.

Honestly, I just can't see myself forking out the $$$ for a decent digital SLR so I figured just buy a toy camera and I won't freak out if I drop it or let it out of my sight.

The development can get expensive, but I've definitely slowed down snapping away at anything, so about $8 a roll to develop every couple of weeks isn't too bad....

Because of the unpredictable nature of the Holga though, I will still take snaps on my 6 year old digital camera to make sure I captured a moment :)
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