How fun is your project?!

March 3rd, 2011
I don't know about anyone else, but I am having an absolute BLAST doing my project.
Coming up with ideas, and then making them become a reality is the best :) I have found a passion, as I'm sure all of you had....
so let's share!! Which photo did you have the most fun with?!
I know I had a super time today, making a prop for my photo (the glasses), and then putting on my diva pout (HA!) for the photo!!
Share your photo that was the most fun to create!

March 3rd, 2011

yup i think my project is pretty fun :) :)

i think out of the more recent shots this one was most fun :

im still supprised people liked it !

this shot was soooo much fun ! and i admit i ate loads :( lol
March 3rd, 2011
This one because I did it for the theme "action" and I titled it "nope, no action today!"

March 3rd, 2011
this one I had loads of fun with - pebbles, candles, glass backgrounds and one grumpy husband moaning at me about taking up all the front room lol

March 3rd, 2011
I've not done much of these kinds of shots in recent months but they're fun.

And then when I can throw toys into it :P

March 3rd, 2011
I love taking photos... but I also enjoyed the editing... but this photo was really fun when I did this one and saw the result afterwards.

March 3rd, 2011
@flamez @indiannie_jones @parisouailleurs @cazink @ddantic
these are all awesome, guys!! love it :)
March 3rd, 2011
@mollyanne31790 by the way your photo is superbly fabulous. How I wish I have the model and the resources. Such an awesome creation.
March 3rd, 2011
Annie, that toothbrush picture was one of the first I conciously saw of yours and is what prompted me to follow you to see more of your work. I really do love that picture!
March 3rd, 2011
@ddantic thank you!!!
March 3rd, 2011
@emmar84 Thanks, Emma! The reaction it got was a (pleasant) surprise!
March 3rd, 2011
Me and Andrew had A LOT of fun getting this shot :)

March 3rd, 2011
@wrighty hahaha, looks like a good time!! i need to try this :)
March 3rd, 2011
I wake up everyday wishing that an idea from Photo Heaven will just land on my head! Even that "mere musing" makes me smile. Haha! Here's my take on fun:

March 3rd, 2011
@rafaelseno hahaha, awesome!! love jumping pics :) and your musing....makes me giggle :)
March 3rd, 2011
March 3rd, 2011
yes I am having soooo much fun with this project! my picture today was the most fun. without this project I would NEVER go out and play in the snow by myself. I am seeing things differently and having fun at the same time
March 3rd, 2011
@annikaz so cute :)
@laurentye snow still?! where are you from? adorable concept!
March 3rd, 2011
@mollyanne31790 urggh yes snow still...never ending this year it seems. I'm in alberta, canada
March 3rd, 2011
March 3rd, 2011
@laurentye ah, canada...that makes sense then! hahaha :)
March 3rd, 2011

I am trying to create emotive self-portraits but sometimes, the kid on me has to show.. :)
March 3rd, 2011
@mollyanne31790 lol yes it's true! you must be somewhere south of me, somewhere warmer :)
March 3rd, 2011

I am loving every moment and like you have found a passion, this shot was so much fun (no editing at all, straight from the camera) I wanted the contrast, so no laughing just the beauty of my model (daughter) and the goo! Initially she struggled not to laugh/smirk/grin and oh the mess!!
March 3rd, 2011
This one was fun, It was my firs time playing chess. My boyfriend was teaching me and I made him stop so I could take a picture! haha
March 3rd, 2011
@laurentye new jersey...south jersey :) it was around 45 degrees today.
@arielmagyawejr i am OBSESSED. those are awesome.
@michellegaynor forever loving this photo.
@jessleeca my boyfriend wants so badly to teach me to play, but i just haven't been interested...maybe i should give it a shot!
March 3rd, 2011
@mollyanne31790 You should let him! I was so against it, but it actually ended up being a lot of fun. It's not a game I will play all the time, but it's one of his favorites so now I can play it with him!
March 3rd, 2011
@jessleeca you talked me into it :) lol...he is gonna wanna thank you!! lol!
March 3rd, 2011

another fun one... @arielmagyawejr reminded me of it :) very fun to make!
March 3rd, 2011
Took me ages to find a dark enough place in the house.
But what with how light trails work, you never know till its over, you just keep trying to remember what order it went in and for how long. Was still fun though, wizzing a torch around in the dark - trying NOT to knock the glass

March 3rd, 2011
the one I had most fun taking was probably this one

was interesting to see just how close I could before it shot off :) however the one I had most fun "creating" is my latest

Just seeing it all take shape layer by layer, but hey I'm a bit of a geek :D
March 3rd, 2011
@cazink Where DID you find that??
March 3rd, 2011
anything with toys is fun!

this was fun too...because they're angry birds, and because i just got my lensbaby, so it was fun to play around with it
March 3rd, 2011
I do think it is funny
March 4th, 2011
In this onw supposed to guess the record in the background
March 4th, 2011
I'm having a blast and learning a ton! This was the most fun for me and learned the most about photoshop with...

March 4th, 2011
So much fun working on this with my 2-year-old:

March 4th, 2011
Heh heh heh- my evil sense of humor comes to the fore..
March 4th, 2011
AND don't forget
March 4th, 2011
I had to pick two because generally I'm not all that creative and these were both fun:

March 4th, 2011
My funnest moment was for my 50th day. This is SOOC.
This project is like a roller coaster some days i have good ones and some not so good.
March 4th, 2011
I have so many that were fun, but this is the latest, todays pic:

March 4th, 2011

I have sooooo many that have fun memories with them it was hard to choose. But I laughed so hard I cried when my friend Jeremy posed for this one.
March 4th, 2011
My daugher and I made a huge mess with this one. great times!!

March 4th, 2011
I've been really enjoying my project! This one was really fun. I got to make the crane and then took a bunch of shots of it and edited this one. It was one of those rare times when the thing I see in my mind ends up coming to life!
March 4th, 2011
I'm not sure who had more fun, me or my dog!
March 4th, 2011
This one just happened, I needed something to prop my fly on, and the lime was there, and it matched. I t ended up working better than I had planned.

And this one was just a fun edit. Dandelions are done a lot on here, so I was trying to get unique with it.

It's a tie between these two for amount of time and thought put into the shot though!

But to answer your question... I'm having too much fun! I wake up every morning thinking about my picture of the day :)
March 4th, 2011
At times I struggle. However, I am having fun at this point in my project. For the last two days, I have visited one of the city parks to take photos. I am finding myself relaxing, really relaxing when I am taking my shots. So, I come home from the park, all relaxed!

When I started this project, I started taking pictures of birds. I never thought I would take pictures of birds! I have found capturing bird shots to be very fun. I have noticed so much about the birds I observe through my camera lens. This bird that I captured on a previous week really made me smile with his antics.

March 4th, 2011
This was, by far, my most fun to make:

March 4th, 2011
All my shots are really fun and crazy and I couldn't decide between these two:

March 4th, 2011
Without a doubt, it was today's photo of my "Material Girl" daughter.
March 4th, 2011
that was playing and fun
March 4th, 2011
so fun!!! mine from today is silly :)

March 4th, 2011
My project is providing me with daily joy--even when I take a so-so photograph. I had the most joy with one of my entries in the "overexposed" contest. The weather cooperated with me and covered my city in fog, and then, I drove all over the city trying to find my "vision" for the contest--when I found it, I was thrilled. Plus, I loved the idea of overexposing an image in the background while keeping color in the foreground.

March 4th, 2011
I had the most fun with this shot. It was completely outside of my comfort zone, not only because I'd only ever done one other (much simpler) multiple exposure shot, but also because I hate photos of myself. But still, I had a great time creating and composing this!

March 4th, 2011
I had fun doing this Shot & Processing!

March 4th, 2011
Having so much fun with this project no matter what I am shooting! LOL!

March 4th, 2011
Some days, it's enormous fun... Other days, it's just something I have to squeeze in, somewhere, in a break at work, or something...

I guess it's not much of a surprise, really, that the former are the days which produce marginally better photographs!
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
what a great question -- i had the most fun putting together this memory map from 1972 when i was sixteen and moved to berkeley california -- and gathered and arranged my watercolors, journals, other precious items from that trans-formative time in my life...
March 4th, 2011
Well this one was fun because I was in the front room being all serious trying to get this perfect shot of an antique clock, only to come into my daughter's room and see what she'd been up to while I was busy. Made me laugh, and I abandoned the "perfect shot" in favour of this:)
March 4th, 2011
Fun thread! Yes, I am absolutely enjoying my project and I'm so happy that I'm doing it. It has opened my eyes to the beauty in everyday things, and it has helped me re-foucus on enjoying all of the small moments in my life.
As I look back on my pics, there are so many were fun to take, but I really like this one.

March 4th, 2011

this one for me, i'd not long started my project and was stressing about what to shoot. I found new ways of enjoing my work surroundings and looking at things differently
March 4th, 2011
@mollyanne31790 One of these probably, the storm troopers were just a phone snapshot during work but such a day, got me free cake too!

The ear biting was just lunacy and a night I'm shocked I survived...

The one of gerry at the bottom, from the blues jam, the man is shameless and hilarious, his version of Gloria is filthy...

March 4th, 2011

I had just found colours plash! And then we ate it, so even more fun...
March 4th, 2011
Annoying a teenager is always fun...

March 4th, 2011
I will totally sound self centered here, but I LOVE taking selfies and having them look pretty awesome. :-) Here are the two I've taken so far:

Most days, I have fun with the photos I take. And then there are some days where it's stressful! Thankfully, more fun times than stressful times. :-)

@mollyanne31790 -- What a fun thread to start!
March 4th, 2011
March 5th, 2011
So happy this thread is making people smile :) !!!
Love how fun everyone's photo's are, and to see everyone enjoying themselves.
This website is so amazing...makes me smile every single day.
so HAPPY i joined!!!
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