What have you taken pictures of today?

March 4th, 2011
As I have been lacking ideas this week I decided to look at everything today and see what presented itself as an opportunity.
It is 12.05pm now and so far I have taken photos of:
my children with messy faces after breakfast
my daughter swinging her feet on the bus
my son and daughter chasing pigeons
the textures of a freshly cut branch
a red and green leaf
work men removing a drain cover
An interesting shadow from a sculpture
people in a queue waiting for the bus
A view over the city from the bus
A motorcyclist on a lesson

I'm not happy with all of them and I won't be putting them all on here but it has made me keep my eyes open all morning and I've taken soem pictures of things I wouldn't usually.

So I'm interested (and looking for future ideas if I'm honest) what have you taken pictures of today.
March 4th, 2011
Oh, fun idea! Let's seeeee…

a black worm on the ground
a black worm on a leaf
a green (silk?) worm
a yellow flower
a bug in a yellow flower
a purple flower
a blurry spiderweb

That's about it :)

I also picked two dandelions but got distracted by a spider on the aforementioned spiderweb… and they blew away :(
March 4th, 2011
Oh dear, nothing...yet!
March 4th, 2011
Only the jar of buttons I just posted but the day is just getting started here.
March 4th, 2011
It's very early here, but I woke up just before sunrise. Put on my coat and went outside for a sunrise shot. I took several before I realised my camera was telling me it didn't have a memory card in it. LOL Next time, I probably should have coffee first.
March 4th, 2011
@cjwhite glad I'm not the only one, last time I walked 3 miles to a spot in the local woods that I wanted to get a photo of to discover the same thing.
March 4th, 2011
Nothing at all so far, but there's still time...
March 4th, 2011
today so far I have taken a mug of coffee some shots of seagulls a couple of fishermen unloading boxes of fish a rough textured wall and a few shots of various plants
March 4th, 2011
Almost midnight here and I've just taken the last photos for the day lol.
Today's photo is pink flowers.
Others I took are:
Flowers in my mother in laws garden
Huntsman (creepy hairy spider)
St. Andrews Cross Spider (less creepy)
My kids throughout the day

I think that's about it.
March 4th, 2011
HaHa, Lunch time and still no photo's
March 4th, 2011
Spent 1.5 hours in the KL Butterfly park and took pictures of lots of 'willing to be photographed' frogs, a tiny 1" sized mantis, lots of flowers, caterpillars, dragonflies but only 1 butterfly! Too hard as they really don't stay still for long! It was a great day ...!!!!
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @asrai I look forward to seeing what both of you choose for your photos today!

@charli321 @rich57 I often don't get to take my photos until the evening so days liek today when I get chance to wander and look for ideas are always enjoyable

@msk1p2 Sandra, I've just been to look at your jar of buttons and really like it!

@cjwhite Carolyn, that sounds liek soemthing I would do! I hope you have had chance for a coffee now!

March 4th, 2011
I'm still on my first cup of coffee.. but..

sun on some flowers in the house
leaves of a houseplant
the screen in the window, making an odd design
stack of library books
the obligatory tree
the colored pens left on the table

..so far..
March 4th, 2011
Oh lets see..
My cup of tea
My jewelry
Me in the shower well behind the shower curtain...long story haha
Burning candle
My son and his new bed
Cheerios with Chocolate chips on them...again long story
Lock and key
Think thats it...but then again its only 8am here. =)
March 4th, 2011
i have been taking things with the colour green on them,the kids' train set,my pram bag with boots charm and various other toys, i finally settled on the xylophone for today's picture
March 4th, 2011
@zferrie that sounds like my idea of hell,i hate insects and things that fly at you randomly
March 4th, 2011
So far nothing but then again I just woke up! LOL!
March 4th, 2011
@emmar84 Yeah I know what you mean, I was i n London yesterday and was spoilt for choice but stuck in the office all day today. If i get stuck I usually try some kind of night shot...
March 4th, 2011
I've been out for my morning walk with Libby, but the windchill was just too cold to stop and take pictures....but it is Friday and I have a whole day ahead of me. :)
March 4th, 2011
The grass (missed the bird-it flew away)
Have a meeting today, but will try to get in some picture taking either before or after the meeting, if it does not rain. I wish I could take pictures at the meeting, but I know picture taking is probably off limits at this meeting.
March 4th, 2011
@sallycheese Ha, it wasn't that bad! Everything was pretty much stationary except the butterflies!
March 4th, 2011
Nothing yet, it's 8:00am here. But these lists make me think I should have my camera out all the time! I do sometimes take pictures on my way to work but often I don't really have time (not a morning person). And on weekends I like to try to use my DSLR instead of my point and shoot. So....later....
March 4th, 2011
urmmmmm one thing only :( its an awfully busy day here and no time to really do anything , i shouldnt be sat here now ! hehe !

anyhow , a paint brush being washed , thats it ! its all i have today ! uploaded sorted and thats me ! releif is ill have loads of time tomorrow :) YAY !
March 4th, 2011
So far, just a bottle of industrial-strength limescale remover, with my iPhone camera, to put on Twitter...

Haven't done any "real photography" yet today...
March 4th, 2011
It's dark and dreary here. So, I took a picture of the rain clouds. Yuck.
March 4th, 2011
A quirrel (there's a shock!) and a paintpot. I'm decorating ;-)
March 4th, 2011
None today, but let's look at yesterday!

-several shots of our freshly blooming trees
-pansies in the front garden
-a bejeweled candy (didn't turn out at all like I thought it would...)
-@browndog's fingernail and polish
-some spatulas and such in a container
-a cute bag of peanuts
-the little vase of clover on the windowsill
March 4th, 2011
I am making a "The Golden Age..." series and i took a shot of gold fake flower for my series.

March 4th, 2011
Right now it is almost lunch and I've taken:

-some of my daughter in her blingy glasses w/my iPhone
-and a big piece of rocket being transported by my building

Today I got lucky and uploaded early. Most of the time I get things after work or in the evening. But the day is still young!
March 4th, 2011
basically i went to the park where i live
March 4th, 2011
The lake
some water drops off leaves
under leaves with light peering through
some purple flowers
an abstract pattern on a trailer
i think thats it so far haha
March 4th, 2011
didn't go anywhere so all my pics today were taken inside my house or in the garden or from my front porch.

a lemon I had just sliced
daffodil buds
ceiling light with old painted ceiling rose
a view out a window
a fishing boat
a ship
March 4th, 2011
My boobs, AGAIN....

In my defence I did lots today in the garden of wheelbarrows, spring blossom/plants then managed to delete them, so boobs it was!
March 4th, 2011
it's about noon, and I've been working since 8, but today I've taken photos of:
a guy on a motorcycle with a mohawk on top of his helmet
my feet on a scale to remind me that i'm a fatass who needs exercise
a lonely tree
a Call of Duty edition Jeep Wrangler that I saw on the road
and a building that I take a hipstamatic picture of every day just because I like the colors

I'm doing homework for lunch, so I have no idea where I'll get a photo of a flower today - might have to improvise this evening.
March 4th, 2011
blood oranges
another blue bulb flower
a glass swan
a red rose
rainbow reflections
views through my window
buds on trees
thorny branches
lichen... I think that's about it.
March 4th, 2011
Nothing, I'm at the office, working (and occassionally peeking at 365). I'll get to that later. :-)
March 4th, 2011
I took lots of shots of the Dr. Seuss parade and Leprechaun contest. Don't know how they turned out yet and will probably take more as the grand children are coming!
March 4th, 2011
Its 2:30pm here and I have photographed:
Daffodils sprouting
Flowers budding on my Camelia tree
My dogs poking their noses through the fence
...that's it for now, but there are more to come for sure
March 4th, 2011
I took over 70 photos today including:-

hot chocolate
bark on trees

I struggled to choose which one to use today!
March 4th, 2011
train station in stepney train sign on wall
my train station
flower that looks lke a daffodil but isnt
phone box old man walking near flower stall
March 4th, 2011
soup bowls
stuffed Easter Bunny
yogurt crocks
kids at a school play
flowers outside a restaurant
March 4th, 2011
Nothing yet and it's already 10:30 in the evening; tired and hoping to find a subject in... this time perhaps in the kitchen. :-)
March 4th, 2011
I have taken a few flower macros, but I haven't posted them. I'm not sure what to photograph. I think I have photographers block. :-)
March 4th, 2011
March 4th, 2011
Ive had a manic day so only took 2 Photos both of My Sons Globe, used the best one of the 2 for todays Photo.
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