Soo...any advice on taking great pics inside a cave?

March 5th, 2011
Yep - it's time to go on a field trip with my daughter's fifth grade class. We'll be visiting a zoo and caverns. I'm pretty confident with my zoo animal-photo-taking ability, but have zero confidence about the cave pics.

What advice can you lend?

Meredith :)
March 5th, 2011
I have done several sessions in cave systems with varying degrees of success. First thing to remember is that the built in flash can only cope with close up features. So when taking caverns you're effectively working with ambient light.

The worst enemy is movement, the Digi Rebel can cope with a wide range of options but if you can move to a tripod (or even a gorillapod) you will find your success rate rises exponentially.

The rest is probably well within your daily knowledge, high iso number (say 800) wider apertures... etc.

Good luck and have a good day out!
March 5th, 2011
you might also consider a monopod with a flip down foot. depending on the caves and space - not as good as a tripod, but better than trying to hand hold the camera. good luck
March 6th, 2011
For me, the longest exposure (no tripod) without getting motion blur is 1/40. try that and aperture wide as it can. Maybe you can use a flash...
March 6th, 2011
or go totally different with a tripod/ledge and use a 1 or 2 second exposure... and get lots of blur... tell the girls it is like an old fashion photo and see who can stand still for the longest without blinking...
March 6th, 2011
You have inspired me to post one of the cave shots I took in China. Take a look at it if you get a chance. The advice above is all good. Remember that your flash will only get the first 15 to 25 feet, anything further will be dark. If you use photoshop, you may be able to bring some of the dark parts back to life. Use long exposures for distant parts of the cave. If you don't have a mono or tripod, rest the camera on something like one of the student's heads if you can find one that can sit still!!!
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