January 1st Project Starters - How's Your Project Going?

March 12th, 2011
Thought I would check in and see how everyone's projects are coming along. What have you learned about your photos or yourself? What do you like or don't like? Did you expect to take the type of photos that are in your album right now or are you doing something new and creative?

I'm having problems in taking a pic a day - during a normal work week. I have a long commute, long work hours and can barely keep my eyes open when I get home. So, I usually take most of my pics on the weekend and then load one a day during the week, when/if needed. Also, I really didn't think I would stick with the project. Like most New Years resolutions, I thought I wouldn't keep at it - but I'm still here. :)

I am also noticing all the small details that make the photo. Previously, I would focus only on the subject and didn't really care what the background contained. Also, I like to have time to take a proper pic and not be too rushed. That's why weekends are the real time I focus on the project.

I have met some great people and am following some great international projects. I really enjoy learning new ways of using the camera to see the world and generally am always viewing life 'through the lens'. I so appreciate everyone who comments on my project. I just wish I had more free time to comment on all the other photos out there.

So, how is your project?
March 12th, 2011

oh what a fab idea !

I too am a january 1st'er :)

So far i am very supprised im still here and still enjoying the experience ! i have never ever stuck to something that was a desision on the 1st of jan so maybe just maybe this year is the the one for me as im still hanging in here :)

so far ive found it interesting to say the least , had a few wobbley moments when ive thought , why am i posting this ? its really rubbish , but with all the fab supportive people here ive carried on and now im starting to like what i upload :)

I've found im drawn to colour & water and also trying to add a bit of fun to a photo .... ive also found i like to try to be a little different . I would never in a million years have expected to see what i see in my album ! i was expecing there to be way more of the kids , but a strange thing happened , the kids are still involved as i thought they would be but not very often in front of the camera , they are involved more in a way of sparking ideas in my head when im sitting back and watching them , the weird thing is ive found im so much more observant than i was before i started this !

so yup , im still here still logging on daily , still uploading daily , still loving the experience and man !! there are so many wonderful people on here !

downside ....... i geta little lost in "365 land " some days haha !
March 12th, 2011
I'm a Jan 1st 'starter' but started January 2010 so this is my second year. I have taken one photo a day for 860 days (so far!). I have to say I'm finding this second year easier in that it is a habit now finding my shot, and others find them for me - quite often one of the family will see something interesting and shout 'have you got your photo today mum?! But I am finding I'm repeating some shots, especially around special days, festivals etc. I'm trying to keep it original and interesting but on the normal mundane work days it can be difficult.

I didn't think I would stick with it but I uploaded each shot each day to my facebook account so I couldn't loose face by giving up! In fact when I was getting towards the end of the first year I pondered on FB whether to carry on or not and got a resounding yes - even though people didn't necessarily comment on each shot it appears they had got used to checking my account to see the photo each evening - I was so surprised!

I don't always have time to comment on others shots but I do normally run through the new uploads each morning and evening and love seeing other peoples projects.

I have definitely learnt a lot about myself and my photography doing this 365+ so am going to continue for however long!
March 12th, 2011
Wellllllll, I sorta count because I started my second one on Jan 1st - which means I have two running right now; not easy. I do think I've put in a little more effort this year than before, mostly because I use every spare moment I have to go outside and shoot (most of my weekday shots are done during my lunch breaks, assuming the sun is out).
March 12th, 2011
I've really surprised myself at the quality of photos I'm producing - well I'm happy with them, anyway!
Day 71 today & I'm overloaded with ideas of things to shoot, seeing lots more opportunities during my daily life, and perhaps most importantly, thoroughly enjoying it!
If I could change one thing, I'd spend less time in front of the computer every evening, reviewing the days photos, processing them & doing all that stuff that takes time, but TBH, it's normally better than the rubbish I'd otherwise be watching on the telly!
March 12th, 2011
It's mostly been great for me so far! There have been a couple of days when I've struggled for a photo, or simply forgotten until I'm nearly asleep. But so far I've done it - I've taken at least one picture every day this year! And we're on what, almost 75? I think that's great. They say it only takes doing something 21 times for it to become a habit. :D
March 12th, 2011
I also feel happy for what I'm learning both about photography and also about myself. I've made a real commitment to shooting a photo a day (or more!) and though postprocessing is so time consuming it's something I enjoy a lot. I'm also happy with how my stream is turning out. I never thought myself able to shoot even a focused pic, so it feels so fine so far...!
I love seeing what other people do, but I don't always have the time to comment :-(
March 12th, 2011
It's been so much fun! I am taking better photos then I thought I would and in the process, I am really learning about my camera. I used to shoot everything in manual and then post process it how I wanted... now, I'm learning about shutter speeds and such. Granted, I don't know hardly anything but I'm working on it.

Everyone on here inspires me to keep learning - and one day, I'll be as fabulous as the rest of the 365s I adore.
March 12th, 2011
I started Jan 1, and really enjoy it still. I did miss one day, but I had a good excuse and although there was a shot taken, it was uploaded the very next day so I didn't drag my feet too much.

I think my in-camera composition has improved with this project. I used to crop a lot but have only trimmed the edges of maybe 3 shots so far this year, so really stoked with that!

And I am using my macro lens more then ever before. And I have never taken soooo many frog-fotos before. But hey, if the froggys keep smiling, I'll keep shooting.

And also, really important to me, is that there is a sense of genuine community here, I have discovered some beautifully warm and creative people on this site and it keeps the smiles coming.
March 12th, 2011
I'm enjoying it, I find it difficult mid week when I'm at work to come up with ideas but I am proud that I haven't yet missed a day.
I think the quality of my photos are improving and to take my photos from January and compare them to what I'm now taking there is a marked difference.

I think part of the reason I have stuck with it is the community and inspiration I find here. I love receiving comments and get really excited if one of my photos is fav'd. If I have a day when I get less views or comments then usual I become more critical of my photo, what could I have done to make it more eyecatching? How can I improve it? etc
It's not so much that I am doing this for other people but other people are spuring me on to produce better photos.

I find I am noticing things a lot more as I am walking or looking around and several times ina day I will see soemthing and think "that would make a great photo" usually those are fleeting moments or expressions, hopefully I will capture more of them as time goes on.

I am really excited to see how I will have improved by December!
March 12th, 2011
I'm a January 1ster, and I've found this project so much more that I was expecting. More time-consuming, more interesting, more challenging and more social and fun than I was ever hoping!
I've learnt tons about photography, as I was a total newcomer. I take much more notice about what's around me, and am trying to develop my "eye" for a good photo as I post all my photos SOOC.
I have become much more critical of the photos I'm uploading, to the point where some days I get frustrated with myself. I love seeing comments on my photos, and then browsing through other photos, to get inspiration and to see what my friends are up to.

I'm pleased that I haven't yet missed a day, and I've not yet gone back on my initial challenge of posting all shots SOOC.

Work days are hard for me as well, I'm mostly stuck in an office, and shouldn't really be taking photos at all - so struggle for inspiration when my day consists of staring at a PC and then driving home!

I'm still utterly determined to make it to December 31st!
March 12th, 2011
I'm absolutely loving this Project! Not only am I learning from all of you, I am journaling a year in my life at the same time.
March 12th, 2011
I struggle, and I'm often a little late (I actually started on January 2nd), I have managed to take a shot every day although I still have uploading to do from a week or so ago when I had no internet access. I started this because I thought the discipline would be good for me and that it would make me learn to do some post capture processing. So far the discipline is becomming a habit, which is good. However I can't seem to find those few extra minutes to learn about software. This is a bit dissappointing for me, but maybe life will slow down a little soon. I really am loving all the support of all the super talented people on this site.
March 13th, 2011
I'm really enjoying the whole project! I love traveling around the world through my eyes here. Only twice have I not put up a 'not taken today photo' (today being one of them), both from the previous day. I think the hardest part is on the days that I have too many to choose from. I thought it would be getting to the computer & uploading (not a big computer fan, but now got a mac :) but since found there are days where I loose time looking at others photos & learning from them.
March 13th, 2011
I was off by a few days-- started January 3rd. But I absolutely love this project so far. It's taught me a lot about composition and editing, and has been a really interesting way to document the last 2 months. My friends are even getting in on the project now by pointing out things that should be my picture of the day.

What I love about this site is that everyone is pretty realistic about how time consuming this project can be. For every one person that says that they're worried about skipping a day or using filler, there are 50 people telling them not to stress about it. It's nice to have creative encouragement without anyone being judgmental. =)
March 13th, 2011
I started on December 31st. On the whole, I really love this project. I find myself going through cycles of frustration and elation. My photo taking seems to be impacted by my moods. I am surprised that I have no problems taking pictures each day. On my "bad" days, it is more difficult to get a good photo.

I started out wanting to take pictures of flowers and perhaps explore other photo ideas. I surprised myself by really liking to take pictures of birds.

I find that I am better and quicker at lining up my shots these days.

I have learned and am learning so much about photography. This 365 community has really helped me develop my photography skills. Than you 3653rs!
March 13th, 2011
I started January 25, not the 1st, as January 26th is my birthday and so when MY New Year starts : )

I am surprised about how incredibly inspiring it is to be posting daily - I find the more I post and participate, the more I am constantly 'seeing' photos wherever I look - I see why people need 3 albums to contain all the overflow of ideas!!

I'm surprised also how my 'style' has been evolving - very different, with the (personal) rule and restriction of using iPhone camera and iPhone apps only, from my 'straight' photography. I feel I am more likely to use brighter color and much bolder compositions and forms in this project than normal. I'm not afraid to push the envelope a bit more on processing, and I am proud of my work so far!
March 13th, 2011
I'm absolutely loving doing the project. In fact, I've even bought a point and shoot to keep with me in my handbag because the SLR is too big to tote around all the time. (Husband rolls eyes and mouths "more money") LOL. I do worry that I have too many "nature" shots but because we have such a big block of land with lots of different plants and heaps of visiting animals and birds I just tend to gravitate that way. I think I am being safe though and I am now going to try and do more photos that are different (I'm sure there will still be nature shots). My plan is to be around on day 365 and beyond. Now to work out how to do my scrapbook so that I will have a hard copy record at the end of the year. I think my Creative Memories consultant is going to get lots of orders (husband rolls eyes yet again and mouths "bankruptcy here we come")
March 13th, 2011
I am very surprised how much this has helped me as a photographer! I have learned more in the first 70+ days than I have in the last year. Just shooting more keeps me learning. I am so inspired from all the 365ers, and LOVE seeing everyone's photos. I just wish I had more time to comment.

My goal was to upload a photo a day. Mostly I shoot daily, but not always. My photos are all very recent, but I'm not 100% on the daily shooting. Decided I needed to make this realistic to work for me, and it's been so worthwhile.

Thanks for sharing your photos with me!
March 13th, 2011
I am a January first-er and so far I am loving the project! I can say that I have stuck with it, even if that means posting a terrible, random photo seconds before midnight.

I do feel like I have improved my skills, have found talented people to follow and became flattered at those who decided to follow me. But most of all, I have learned to be a keen observer in the world, appreciating the beauty that surrounds me everywhere. The ordinary can become extraordinary through the lens and a click of the shutter.

Keep your inspiration flowing January project starters!
March 13th, 2011
So far I've been so pleased with my project. Even with the cross country traveling I've managed, though late on uploading due to having or not having Internet on the journey etc . But I always strive to take a picture every single day and to be honest I didn't know if I could! I find myself thinking " picture moment!" far more than I used to. Stopping at anything that grabs my eye. Which can be very time consuming on some days. lol

I feared I'd be running out of photo ideas fairly quickly and in reality it's quite the opposite, more overload of ideas. I have days I struggle because of time of course and I had a couple of "burnt out" moments but I've been doing so much in these last months( travels-moving 2,800 miles away with four kids!!) I think most people would too. :p So I'm cutting myself a bit of slack.

I'm also really happy that my project isn't just loaded with photos of my children. As horrible as that may sound to others I needed something for me. I take a ridiculous amount of photos of them and I want to branch out into "me" territory too.
March 13th, 2011
So far, I've managed to take at least one photo, every day. I am really happy I've stuck with it, and haven't skipped any days. There have been days where I could spare only 5 minutes, but sometimes those photos turn out to be my favorites. The photos I post were actually taken that day, no fillers.

Here's what I've learned:

(1) I often have Project 365 envy:
-Photo envy of people who take amazing pictures every single day
-Camera envy since I have a point and shoot
-Location envy of people who live in beautiful places like Australia or in the mountains
-Time envy of people who can take pictures during the day on weekdays. I can't take pictures until after work. We're not allowed to take photographs at our workplace for intellectual property reasons.

(2) I have an addiction to Picnik ever since I discovered it. Everything must be sharpened, autofixed, perhaps vignetted.... I could spend hours (and sometimes do) in Picnik.

(3) Project 365 is more fun than Facebook.

(4) I've only kept 2 of my New Year's resolutions and this is one of them.

I expected to take more run of the mill photos for this project, but now I find myself trying to be more creative, after being inspired by others' photos. I love the Project 365 community!! Everyone is so great.
March 13th, 2011
@snowangel - OH, YES! I also wanted to be sure pictures of my daughter didn't overwhelm my project. Sadly, the ONLY one I've posted of her was my most popular so far ... oh, well. People love kids, animals, and bokeh - what can you do? Ha! ; )
March 13th, 2011
I am loving every minute! I hope I don't ever miss a day. I am learning so much as a beginner. I know a few tricks now. I learned to experiment with different angles, lighting, etc..... I've learned a lot about post processing too. It takes so much of my time but no regrets. This community has been so much fun and interesting. I am so glad I found this site. :)
March 13th, 2011
I didn't start on the first, but shortly after! I am amazed at how much I have learned and grown as a photographer already in just a short time! I absolutely LOVE this experience, the site, and the people! It's wonderful getting the daily feedback, but just as satisfying are the photos of the people I follow! It motivates me to take better care in my photography and try to capture the best moment possible! I love the photos here, the great discussions, ideas, and encouragement! I have discovered from this experience that my favorite shots to take are landscape shots (not a surprise, I'm sure to those that follow me!). There's nothing that excites me more than exploring and discovering the next shot I'm going to take. I know it's been mentioned before, but I think it's almost worse than texting and driving! I have a horrible habit of trying to scope out the next shot while I'm driving! It's dangerous!!!

Thank you all for making this a wonderful learning experience!!
March 13th, 2011
I am loving that I am still going strong and loving every single day...

I have discovered that I love colour, I love vibrant colour that pops...
I have discovered that I love close ups, not macros as such but close ups
I have discovered that I love taking photos, it doesn't matter if they are captured moments or setup moments, I love taking photos

I have discovered that I love sharing my photos, I love hearing that people like my shots, I have discovered that sharing is wonderful.

I am inspired by so many of the people that I follow and that follow me...
@indiannie_jones I love your shots and have tried to create similar
@swilde your photos are amazing and your support wonderful
@bobfoto thanks to you I want to shoot more bugs and animals... I just have to find them
March 13th, 2011
I started mine thinking I would just do a daily snap shot of our family life as I tend to take so many pictures anyway it should not have been hard. As it was I have ended up with 2 albums with one with the more creative shots that make me learn so much & how to work my 1st DSLR, & the other is the family diary. It was being surround by so many gorgeous photos & experience it could not help but rub off on me! :)

I started out not liking processed shots & wanting all mine to be SOOC as much as possible, but the last week or 2 I have paid for an upgraded Picnic account & am loving playing with my shots!! LOL

I had a very tough couple of weeks last month & needed to not think about anything else, but other than that blip I have managed to keep up with at least 1, but quite often the 2 pictures a day I wanted. I'm not going to beat my self up though with the odd gap, as occasionally real life is more important ;)
March 13th, 2011
@frameit - thank you Tracy. Once you learn how to look for the bugs and animals, then they will come to your eyes more often then to the eyes of others.
March 13th, 2011
@frameit Thank you! :)
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