digital camera lifespans

April 4th, 2010
I'm just curious if anyone knows the typical lifespans of digital point-and-shoot cameras and dSLR's? Or can direct me to a reliable source?

I'm curious because my current camera, a Canon PowerShot SD700 IS, bought in March 2007 is slowly breaking down. New malfunctions pop up everyday. I'm a little bit annoyed seeing as it's only 3 years old, but maybe my expectations are too high? I recall most of my film P&S lasting at least 10 years. To be honest, my Canon has been excessively used and possibly abused as I carry it around all the time in my purse, subjecting it to bumps and such. - So I could be partially to blame for it's early retirement.

On a separate note I'm considering the move to a DSLR, but I dont want to make such a big investment if I can only expect that camera to work 3-5 years. Of course, I would treat a DSLR different than a P&S, but I'd still like to know what to expect. (Again I think my expectations may be warped based off of experience with film cameras. - My dad's SLR's are over 35 years old and still work wonderfully)
April 4th, 2010
I am not a tech wizard at this, but they are unlike the film SLR's, that can last for decades. They typically have a number of shutter snap ratings. I think mine for example is 100,000. So, when people talk about digital and think that it is ok to shoot as much as you want, and delete later, I don't agree, as you are ticking the life of the camera of each time.

I also had a PowerShot, and the ONE day I needed it most, the sensor up and died on me. Not to be mean, but from that point, I walked away from Canon just on principle.
April 5th, 2010
so THATS why you're a nikon guy!

haha but yea you kinda hit that one on the head. SLR's will outlast any DSLR simply because of the design.

But as it is 100,000 photos is a massive amount. If you're using an SLR w/ 36 shots per roll... thats 2777 rolls. A professional photographer may eat through that in a couple years but as a hobbyist i know i wont hit that number for a LONG time.
April 5th, 2010
I've had my Minolta SLR since '73. I know I've taken more than 100,000 photos. It still doesn't take a bad photo. Just got my Digital in September. I've been taking a minimum of 5 photos a day and as many as 452 in one day. I'll have to get back to you on how it holds up. So far, I like only two things about it that are more satisfying than the SLR - I can view the results instantly and it fits in my pocket.
April 5th, 2010
DSLR have a life measured in shutter actuations. You should be able to check out each cameras rated actuations are with the manufaturer or the sales person may know.

I would reccomend this site, it is a great resource if you are looking at buying a camera and from memory it does tell you how many actuations you can expect from the camera. Link below.

April 5th, 2010
I have no delusions that my P&S Kodak will last as long as my Zeiss-Ikon Contax 35mm clone. It was built in Kiev, Ukraine in 1957, and still produces beautiful images.
April 5th, 2010
Good to know about the shutter snap ratings. I tend to take more pictures than necessary (mostly b/c I find that the way it looks on the camera LCD is not what it looks like on a computer and I never know which one I will like best). I've taken over 3000 pictures in the 3 years I've had my P&S.
April 5th, 2010
I take a lot of pictures. Almost an embarassing number actually but some of it is just due to my preferred subject: nature. I find that I take several shots in a row because the lighting will shift, the wind will blow or the critter will move. Sometimes it takes a number of shots to get the right one. I also run into the issue of the image on my LCD does not always give me what I really took. I have been pleasantly surprised by pictures on my computer after uploading.
April 5th, 2010
i too take alot of pictures i have a digital and if i dont like the pic i just delete it i like bein able to do this as appossed to developing a role just tto find i only like 5 or 6 outta 24. as to life of my camera i find its all in how its used and stored and takin care of. we had to send ours to the shop a while back cause our ferret grabbed the strap and knocked it off a table and busted a mirror inside and busted the flash it had to be sent all the way back to where ever it was made to get fixed so we where with out a camera for our first born. but other then that all our malfunctions are usually fixed with a good cleanin usually with a can of air and some q-tips dipped in alcohal for the tougher build up and since we live in a dusty area of california we have to do this alot. but we have had this camera for going on 4 years now and i still love it and everyday find new reasons to thankful for having it.
April 6th, 2010
I've been using my digital P&S since 2004. Last year it needed a repair, which cost about $35, but now it's working fine.
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