Deciding your daily photo

March 14th, 2011
Hey! So I know there have been previous topics on this but I figured I could do a shout out to all you fellow 365ers while I was at it...

I'm on my 32nd day or so of my 365, which is also the same amount of time I have had my DSLR camera. All I can say is WOW you all ROCK! You guys give me such great inspiration and I now have a new goal in my level of photography. I have soooooo far to go and I really gotta get a creative streak going here but this site really is giving me the push to do it, so thank you all! Also, as my page states, constructive criticism is encouraged!

With that being said, I think since I'm new on the camera that I am totally click happy. I drive down the road taking mental pics and click a hundred other real pics a day. And, I'm having a very hard time with which picture to post daily. Now my question is this: What determines the picture you post for the day? Today for instance...the first tulip of spring opened up in my yard and I got a great one of that. I also took my son to the dr's office for his checkup after Saturday's 911 scare that we had and got a not-so-great pic of him, and an ok one of some stuff in the dr's office. So do you post quality or do you post an important event that day? I originally began this as a daily diary but quickly changed it up for quality after seeing the amazing photos of others!! Just wanted to see what the majority do. Thanks everyone!

PS...after another discussion about overwhelming and time consuming thank you replies, I'm saying thanks in advance instead of thanking in a mass quantity reply!
March 14th, 2011
@arrayofblues Laura, firstly, I do hope your son is ok.
Most of the time I have to think about what I will photograph. Normally I get an idea in my head and then see if I can make that idea work and turn it into a photo. Some days I have no inspiration at all.. I am busy just about all of the time, and just taking time out to chase an idea can be a comprimise. Today was frustrating, I had an idea.. tried it and could not get it to work. Then I had to continue with my University course work. So this afternoon, I left the house slightly early for the school run and popped into town, seeking for something to capture. As to what determines my choice of photos to upload.. normally the best one I can pull out from the card lol I have no time in general to do any editing, so normally my images are sooc. I wish there was more hours in the day so I could photograph more and play and experiment more :o)
March 14th, 2011
@arrayofblues Hi Laura, I don't know how to pick. Some days my pictures are just lame and other days somewhat better! But I am so shutter happy and right now I see pictures everywhere. It is very hard to choose between pictures sometimes but that is part of the fun!
March 14th, 2011
I choose quality first, but this is your project and you do what you want with it. One thing that helps me choose is to ask myself if I will I have the opportunity to take this pic again. In your case, the tulips, yes. The doctor's office, not as soon (well, I hope).
March 14th, 2011
@potsbypam LOL thanks Pam! PS, if you haven't figured out how to change the date, it should be in the menu setting somewhere under tools maybe ;)
March 14th, 2011
I agree with Cynthia. A once in a lifetime opportunity trumps all. This includes family moments, the sky, and anything that is not easly taken at a later time. Now if that picture is not worthy of posting then I would go with the best picture of the day that helps me to remember it.
March 14th, 2011
I am doing 365 to have a year of my family in pictures. Most of the time I don't pick the best photo I took that day. If my husband is dancing in the yard I use that because it makes me laugh even with a large shadow. If my children are doing something that I want to remember I pick that over the perfect focus picture with good lighting every time. I was looking at my photos the other day and the first two weeks I have so many very poor quality photos. My husband was away and every night I took a photo of the kids for him. Poor lighting dark shadows but still precious moments to me. I know it sounds strange I often feel I should post the best quality picture for my 365 but I'm a sucker for a tender moment. Today I took lot of pictures of my daughter with a beautiful bunch of flowers and nice lighting across her face. I didn't pick any of them for my 365. I chose one that is back lit without perfect focus because the moment spoke to me.
March 14th, 2011
my daily pic varies between what i think is a quality shot or one which i feel represents my day,i hope one day to be able to merge the 2 effortlessly
March 14th, 2011
I try to get a mixture.. some are more 'photojournalism' and some (I hope!) are more quality shots (although that is hard with a crazy theme for the year) it all depends on how you feel at the time. Although if you have done something fantastic/emotional/whatever you want to share with us then maybe that is better to post.. if you have an incredible sunset shot or flowers or water drop or similar then put that up.. especially if you've posted a week's worth of 'photojournalism' it might be nice to break it up with something different.

I find that in the end, if I really can't decide between two shots that are very different, I put them up side my side on my computer screen and make a bit of a snap decision on which one is more eye-catching.. if they both fill half your screen they should be large enough, and it can make it quite easy. If you still aren't sure then ask someone else! I put the shots up side by side and take my laptop through to my dad or my brother, shove it in their faces and say "PICK A PHOTO.. QUICK QUICK QUICK!" and they just point at which one jumped out at them more.

Also perhaps as an idea, try to alternate between 'photojournalism' type shots and 'quality over composition' shots. It also depends on whether you are doing your project for yourself, or for other people. Either is fine, but when you look back on it do you want to see 365 photos of your kids doing silly things, 365 photos of sunsets and flowers, or a mix? (as extremes obviously!) If you don't know, try becoming an ace member and creating an album for 'quality' shots and having one for your daily diary.. and do two shots a day!

Wow, that was a ramble. I probably just repeated what everyone else said.. Sorry about that.
March 15th, 2011
What a pertinent subject! my daily dilemma hehehe!

I initially started this project as a personal diary, taking photos from my daily life, just using my mobile camera. But as you say, the quality of the photos influences you to up your game...and actually it really gets you back into photography, and helps you develop viewfinder eyes! In fact 2 months into my project I have started to carry my compact camera around with me all day, as I started to feel my mobile was limiting me, although it still has come in handy to capture unforeseen circumstances! I have also started to get interested in capturing people, something I rarely used to do (though am still learning, so I haven't posted any people photos yet!).

What I am ending up doing at present is uploading a photo and describing how I captured it has become a bit of a mixture of everything now! But this project is a great way to help you develop and take your skills further!
March 15th, 2011
I am click happy as well... easily 100 or more a day, It's ridiculous. :p What I do, is look at all the photos in a sort of large thumbnail all at once and whatever grabs me is usually what I choose. If I keep coming back to one photo, then that's it, I'll do it. IF I am in a real dilemma, it never fails to just ask my husband his preference!
March 15th, 2011
@arrayofbluesThank you! I finally figured it out. My camera is very new to me!
March 15th, 2011
I always seem to have this problem! One thing that's been helping me is to try and narrow it done to 2-3 pictures ... then, if I still can't decide I wait until the next day. Whichever one seems to weigh on my mind the most, is the one I pick. Also, I try to ask myself .... a few months from now, looking back, which photo would I be sad to not see in my 365 project?
March 15th, 2011
i just tend to show my hubby the pictures and see which one he likes best....he helps me decide
March 15th, 2011
I usually post quality over "importance" personally. I'm vain like that XD
I take about 100 pics+ a day as well, but rarely have a hard time picking out my favourite. Sometimes, I have to pick between 2-5 pics, but after staring at them for a while in bridge, I usually make up my mind. I post my "rejects" on facebook as well, so it's not like they go unseen. Some choice ones make it to my deviantart and flickr accounts as well.
March 15th, 2011
I'm doing my project a little bit all over the place. Some main themes I have going are selfies, and old houses, but I also try to roll those pictures into something that speaks about my day whether it be literal or figurative. I try to be arty with some, but sometimes don't have time. I just try to have fun taking pictures, which I love to do. I'm very click happy. Usually something will jump off the screen saying pick me, pick me and it's easy. A couple of times I've had to ask family members which they like and go with that. Hope you have fun either way you go with your project!
March 15th, 2011
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