Lacking Inspiration :(

March 15th, 2011
I'm just under half way through my project now, and I haven't uploaded in nearly two weeks, I have 3 or 4 photos, but the rest are going to have to be fillers. I'm totally lacking inspiration with not being able to go anywhere after school really and I've photographed what seems like my whole house I don't know how many times.

Every day I have no ideas currently and I just feel like my projects going slowly down the drain which is horrible because I've put so much work into it, but just lately my enthusiasm and creative levels have totally dropped. :(

What can I do? Has anyone experienced something similar around this time in their project? How do you get past a photographers block? I know I'll be more enthusiastic when the holidays come as I'll have time and won't end up leaving my photo until late in the evening, if I do one at all.

Please help! I really don't want my project to fail :(
March 15th, 2011
i use this :)
March 15th, 2011
There are quite a few threads on here discussing this exact topic, search through those for some more ideas but here are two sites that have been recommended quite a bit!
March 15th, 2011
Oops I reached that point before even doing 100 pics. i love your pictures though, for someone so young you're ace and you should keep trying. Does your school have a studio? You dip into portraits now and again and they're nice you could do more in that direction, you could experiment more with processing (thats what i'm doing at the moment to keep myself interested) you could experiment with a film camera, ASDA puts your pics on CD for cheap so you'd only be like a couple of days behind with posting them. I'd suggest not worrying too much about not getting one everyday, as long as you have a 365 project it's better than no 365 project so just do what you can and when you have a good shoot post loads. Maybe set mini projects for yourself and your friends, one a week or for two days or something theres also websites which suggest a theme every day. Good luck.
March 15th, 2011
P.s. I had 3 or 4 fillers in my first month due to life getting in the way and lack of inspiration! I took some advice and started carrying my camera with me everywhere, or at least having it handy in the car. Try using your phone to force you to really find a good picture in the everyday-ness of life! Or find a picture you really like on here and put your spin on it!
March 15th, 2011
Best of luck to you. Just start again, there is no fail here, it is your project.
March 15th, 2011
Oh I know this feeling really really well. Just posted it on my forum. (I'm just over half way) Got lots of response. And I wasn't the only one from that group struggling. Theme this week is bubbles which is a fun one. I'm also trying to find another photo for the International 365ers posted in hot topics.
March 15th, 2011
@hdoyle Thanks! :)
@shadesofgrey Thank you! :) Yeah I'm getting more and more fillers just lately, I feel so bad! Haha. I take my camera everywhere bar school for obvious reasons of it getting stolen/broke, but I'm out the house for half seven in a morning and don't get back until 4:10 so most of my day's gone in the week. But yeah, I should be getting a new phone in a week or so, so I'll make it a priority to get one with a decent enough camera! Thanks for your help :)

@chewyteeth Oh thank you so much! My school doesn't have a studio nah, we don't have anything photography related whatsoever haha, Ooh yeah that's a good idea! I've been thinking about doing the 100 strangers project (you heard of it?) then I could use some of those within my 365 maybe. :) Ooh I like the sound of a film camera, I'm gonna have to get one for my college course in september anyway so I guess it'd be good to get one now :) Thanks for all your help!! :)
Ooh and I just read on your project that you're doing a creative writing degree? That's so awesome! It's my dream to become an author someday :)
March 15th, 2011
I lack Inspiration alot lately :( I grab a random item and photograph it :)
March 15th, 2011
I've had a lot of difficulty keeping up lately as well . . . I've stopped striving for the perfect shot! I am carrying my point and shoot in purse with me and taking many more shots while engaged in other activities and when I can, some of which are fun anyway . . . hang in there!
March 15th, 2011
While I am not as far as you, I am trying to kind of come up with themes that are really flexible but give me something of a topic. This month I did flowers, which included a flower on my hat and baking flour. Next month I am going to take some of my favorite books and get a photo based on the title or subject in the book. I know with the change in weather I am starting to get out a bit more and have more variety in my photos.

You could always pick your favorite songs or tv shows as an inspiration or take photos of people at school doing silly things.
March 15th, 2011
@lala_land You've obviously realised the website I didn't know the name of was dailyshoot!!! what is 100 strangers? My long term aim is to man-up and start taking more candids of strangers, like Andrew Dearings Subway pics if you know them, but it's tought taking street photos, especially when you live in the bleak north where people might turn out not so friendly. Yeh i'm doing a Masters Degree in Creative writing, one evening a week whilst working, it's nice, we meet up and criticise and discuss each others work, but i'm art trained (ex secondary art teacher) I love art and writing equally. i'm sure you've heard it all before but it sure is tough being an author, very competitive and the future looks scary - everyone reads on their kindle/phone/internet now so we might be a dying breed. what do you write?
March 15th, 2011
Don't worry too much... I've been doing this for nearly 18 months and still get the same feeling.. Have a few trusted fall back options and just practice on them using different angles/techniques
March 15th, 2011
Oh and ask around amongst your friends and family before you buy a film camera on ebay or somewhere, everyone seems to have one getting dusty in their attic, or if you have money to spend go on the Lomography website!!
March 15th, 2011
@lala_land My advice, may sound cliche to other comments (I havent read them)...

Don't "try" so hard. It shouldn't be work. No one is paying you. Take it easy.

When I want inspiration, I step outside my element. I hop in my car, play a CD. When the CD is over, I get off the freeway. Wherever I am , I drive around for a few minutes. I have found my best stuff that way over the years.

And, it is an adventure too.

Try it!
March 16th, 2011
Some days I have too many creative ideas, so I write them down and save them for days I can't think of anything. Also, I find myself taking a lot of closeups of mundane things, or even just taking a walk around the block. Fresh air clears my head, and it's amazing what you can find if you just look around you. It doesn't have to be "pretty" or "interesting" to anyone else . . . just to you.
March 16th, 2011
I find myself with too many photos to use in any one day, I have a "B-Sides" folder which I'll flip through to go and re-take those photos. Worst case scenario, you've got some stunning photos that you can show off at the end of the year, best case, you've got some to re-take
March 16th, 2011
Taking a walk or a drive with my camera often helps or listening to music and trying to create something based on a song, quote, etc. When these don't work I turn to editing, play in photoshop and revamp a photo that you didn't really care to post in the first place. So often I have so many other shots that I like but don't love... its a fun way to find that missing element and get new ideas.
March 16th, 2011
@hdoyle didn't know about this site! thanks for sharing :)
March 16th, 2011
This sounds exactly like me!! Lately I won't post a pic until nighttime, if I even do at all, and I also feel like I've taken a pic of EVERYTHING in my house! Of course I really haven't, I think it's a matter of getting creative again. Find pictures online that are inspiring and give you a fresh take on something. Try to go somewhere new. I'm traveling for spring break so I know I'll have lots of new things to photograph. Sometimes getting away helps revive the creative process! Good luck! :)
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