One more newbie with a question :)

March 17th, 2011
Hi there everyone :)

I came across this wonderful site yesterday and I'm completely in love with it. I've done the 365 project before but I never managed to complete it (blamed it on the horrible camera I used to have but really, it was just my lack of willpower).
I'm a beginner and my photos aren't anywhere near as pro-looking as many of yours are but I'm doing this to learn and have fun - for me it's always been about capturing the moment first, focusing on the technique later :)

I was wondering if there is somewhere I can read any rules and how-to's for the site? E.g. I still can't figure out to post a photo reply and stuff like that and I wouldn't be too happy about breaking any forum rules either.

Nothing left to say but enjoy taking pictures of those wonderful moments in your lives :D
March 17th, 2011

Morning Amy, since I'm up for some reason thought I'd respond! Rules? The site only allows you to post on picture for each calendar day. The goal is to take a picture a day, but as you browse you'll see it's not always possible. Folks use "fillers" or take many pictures in one day and spread the uploads over several days.

As for a photo reply, like posting a picture here... go to one of your pictures already posted. In the right hand column you'll see a share link that you can copy and paste into these discussions and such...

Welcome aboard and enjoy! :D
March 17th, 2011
Morning :) Thank you so much for the help! I don't always do technology very well...

Hope you enjoy your day :D
March 17th, 2011
Not sure that answers any questions you have but it did help me in the beginning.
March 17th, 2011
It's really helpful, thank you :D
March 17th, 2011
Oh, and have you noticed the 'reply' function? @deanshotgun
That way the person you reply to will get a notification that you wrote something to them, otherwise your message might not get noticed. :)
March 17th, 2011
@elephantgirl Aah, I love you for helping me with this :)
March 17th, 2011
I think the only rule is "enjoy yourself". Each 365er has his/her own interpretation of what it means. I post a photo taken on the day every day .... but some post for a week or more ... some post occasionally ... you set your rule and enjoy the process.
One of the things that is seriously frowned on (and can get you blocked) is posting a "stolen" image and claiming it as if it were your own.
Happy snapping!
March 17th, 2011
Welcome to 365! This is a fantastic "place to be" with loads of awesome people. I hope you enjoy it. Sometimes I get frustrated with my photos, but I keep reminding myself why I am doing this. Don't forget the reason why you started and stay to true to yourself. Well, I know this isn't your question, but I just wanted to give you some advice since I know the photos on this site are beautiful and can be intimidating to a newbie. :0)
March 17th, 2011
Like @cfitzgerald said, don't get intimidated by the great photos on here. I thought I had some great ones in the past until I got on here and realized they weren't as great as I thought, however I still think they are pretty good. Try hard not to get caught up in the " I have to shoot something amazing to get on the Popular Page" mentality. It can get discouraging. There is a guy on here who takes a picture of dog poop everyday because that is his job, well removing it anyway. Bottom line is to do this for yourself, not for anyone's approval, although it does feel good to get compliments and get featured! I know its not your question but everyon inevitably gets a creative block and asks what others do to stay I just thought I would add my 2 cents before you got there!
March 17th, 2011
I echo @elizabeth. My own preference is to post on or very close to the day of taking when working in the 365 album, depending how many extra shots I take on that day which might be better posted a day or two later, but for my miscelleny and unclassified albums I impose no date restrictions as long as they do not appear to be an attempt to cheat or mislead.

As @elizabeth says, the most important rule is to enjoy, and I feel that if you cheat you are only cheating yourself out of the very enjoyable experience of honing your skills through self expression with a modicum of self restraint.

Keep clicking, and enjoying!
March 17th, 2011
@elizabetha @ cfitzgerald @ shadesofgray @wordpixman

I would never post anything that isn't mine - I'd rather post something I did myself, even if it's not as great as a lot of the pictures on here. It is a bit intimidating, I'll admit, that everyone seems to have all these wonderful pictures and then mine are all "meh" but for me it's about the process and having fun, the quality pictures will come with time and lots of practice :)

Thank you all for the support and the advice, it means a lot :)

March 17th, 2011
@deanshotgun you will find this entire community to be very helpful and supportive. welcome aboard!
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