Macro Lens Advice

April 7th, 2010
So I have seen a ton of really neat photos on here, some of the coolest ones taken with macro lenses. Well, at least I think that's what they were taken with.

I have two lenses...a zoom lens and a shorter lens (I'm sorry I still don't know how to classify them. If you need to know I will figure it out :D ...but I do have a Canon Rebel XT camera). But the problem is that neither lens will let me get as close as I want to certain things to make a super cool photograph! Maybe to get the little hairs on a bee, or a snowflake, or each single little fiber on a shirt. Do you know what I am talking about? I just want to get some super cool close-ups, but I think to do this I need a Macro lens...right?

So my questions are:

How much do Macro Lenses cost?
What kind shoud I get?
Where should I get one? order one online?
What kind of lens do you use to take macro shots?

I think I am going to ask for one for Christmas or my Birthday...or more than likely have to get a job because I just can't WAIT to get one! lol
Thanks so much in advance for the help! :)
April 7th, 2010
i wish i could help you but i am as clueless as you. question do you know how much your camera cost? and do you like it? i really want to save up or ask it as a birthday gift :) to get a nice camera
April 7th, 2010

Lauren check out this link...I think it will help in answering your question
April 7th, 2010
Hi Lauren,

I totally heart my macro lens. It's my absolute favorite. I received mine as a gift, which was unexpected and wonderful and I probably wouldn't have bought it for myself.

I have a Tamron 60mm f2.0 1:1 lens. From what I have been told, 1:1 is a very good ratio for macro. I have a Nikon body, so I don't know the compatibility with Canon, but I can tell you this is a very fast and responsive lens when you have your focus right. Occasionally it has trouble finding my focus (auto mode.)

It's not a cheap lens. Like any lens, you get what you pay for. I think my husband got this at B&H, which has an online shop. Whatever lens you go for, shop around.

I use it a lot for floral shots. I also have been using it for my candy photos. It also takes some gorgeous portraits.

This is what I have, can't wait to see what you can do when you get one! :
April 7th, 2010
check this out:

i hope it might be add some info to you =)
April 7th, 2010
I have a Canon xsi, and I use a Tamron 90 mm macro lens quite often. It's frickin' awesome. Sometimes things aren't as sharp as I'd like them to be, but that could be me moving around too much (I hate tripods).

Anyway, if you go with your camera brand (Canon) you're gonna pay a lot more money. The Tamron lenses are off-brand, but I've had one for each of my main cameras and they are extremely reliable and do a great job for me. I think my most recent one was around four hundred bucks - macros are costly. But I feel very much worth the money. B&H Photo online is a good place to start pricing them.

Also, as an added bonus, it makes a good portrait lens!
April 7th, 2010
I'm a Nikon guy and have a Nikon 105 macro which wasn't cheap, but I must say that I love it. My choices in Nikon was 60mm, 105mm, or 200mm. The other macro lens that got good reviews was the Tamron 90 @ about half the price (Loni made reference to this lens above). Canon makes a similar IS (image stabilized) 100mm lens, but it's pretty pricey as well. I like that my is VR (Nikon's version of IS), but I am usually shooting from a tripod so rarely use that. Good luck Lauren. I was a little gun shy to pull the trigger on a macro lens, but I use it a lot more than I ever thought I would. There are cheaper alternatives available too (e.g. - extension tubes), but I'm treading into an area that I have zero experience or knowledge.
April 7th, 2010
My favourite is the canon 1x - 5x lens which if you are going to shoot with you need a macro twin light, most particularly when you shoot at the 5x. Together these run approximately 1700. One of the best places to get this is through I am saving up my money for these. The lense is a canon lense and costs about 900 and the macro flash costs about 700.
April 7th, 2010
How funny you posted this I was thinking the same thing today, because I can't get close up either, and I found out I don't hve a macro lens and won't for a long time! Too expensive! Glad you posted, so I can find out more from others as well!
April 7th, 2010
If you're wanting to get that close then yeah, you'll have to shell out for a full macro kit, but if you're just wanting to do shots like these:

then you can do that with 80mm. Also depends on what you're wanting to take pictures of. Moving things like bugs and birds etc you might want one with a bit more focal range to play with, as if you buy a static prime lens with a fixed focal length you'll need to be prepared to do a lot of bobbing back and forth to get things in focus, whereas if you get one with little bit of range it lessens that to an extent. The one I've got is 20-80mm (£12.50 off ebay but it's a manual lens) and after 40mm the lens clicks into macro mode, and you just slide the tube back or forward to get your focus and then use the focusing ring to finetune it. But if you're wanting static pretty things like flowers and stuff, just go it with a macro kit, you'll probably get better results in exchange for your hardearned cash :D
April 7th, 2010
Thank you so so so so much everyone!!! with all of your "techy/camera" language I have just realized I need to become more educated on the topic lol I will learn fact I am learning right just takes time. Too bad I can't learn it ALL in the snap of a finger =P
April 8th, 2010
I went to a Macro seminar last month. Tamron lenses are good quality and they are less expensive than the camera brands. They have another aspect to their business which allows them to offer them cheaper, but they are the same exact thing. I really liked the 60mm, but the 90mm was nice, too. It can also be used as a portrait length lens. You might want to check out, and look at the ratings for various lenses.
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