when to do pregnant belly pictures?

March 18th, 2011
Silly question... What (in your opinion) is the ideal time to do belly shots for a pregnant Mama? I'm taking some (for the first time) of my sister-in-law.... she's 33-34 weeks, and I'm thinking of trying them now - I want to capture her belly at its biggest, but I don't want to wait so long that she goes into labor and I miss it! ;) Thoughts from those of you who've done this before? Thanks...
March 18th, 2011
Funny, I just posted about maternity pics too. Hadn't realized your post was here. I have heard 7 months is a good starting point and your sis- in-law should be at a good stage. I don't think many people want to be too close to delivery b/c they just aren't as comfortable or feeling like they look as good, so I think it's just fine to do them now.
March 18th, 2011
I always do them around 5~6 months. the belly is big enough but the mom hasn't gained that last surge of weight yet and usually still feels pretty good in their own skin. I remember for me, past 5 months I felt luke a fat cow and I was uncomfortable so u wouldn't have wanted photos of me then anyway. So that said, hurry up girl!! Lol 34 weeks is well into the home stretch
March 18th, 2011
Check my albums as I took some pictures of a client at 39 weeks gestation. She looked incredible. You can edit stretch marks!!!

When I say client I am a midwife and reflexologist, she was seeing me for reflexology but as I had seen her through her pregnancy since 12 weeks I thought I'd ask and I was lucky enough that she said yes. They are though I say it myself stunning pictures.
March 18th, 2011
I have shot as late as 41 weeks... sometimes... if someone goes late they feel like a cow and it is nice to show them how beautiful they are... but it can really be hit or miss.... I remember there was someone local try to find a photog who would be ready day or night the moment they went into labour to shoot them at their largest and than photograph the water birth.... so in that case you cannot really wait any longer... I took a quick photo of my wife on the way to the hospital well in early labour...
March 18th, 2011
id try around 36 weeks, if you wait too long she may not feel like doing them or not be happy with having photos of herself at that stage, i know at the end of my pregnancies i wouldnt have been very excited about doing photos lol
March 18th, 2011
I had mine done when I was 36 weeks 1 day and I never felt more beautiful. When we got them back (after baby was born) my husband even said, "Holy crap I don't remember you being that big!"
March 18th, 2011
We took photos throughout my pregnancy (11 years ago), every two weeks. I certainly think that by the 36th week stage the mom to be is heavy without being too heavy, and the bump is still sat high before dropping.
March 18th, 2011
My belly got huge during both pregnancies and I didn't like the look of it anymore (at least for photos) from the 37th week onwards. Mine was at its most beautiful at 34 weeks. So I would recommend starting already! You can always take shots again later into the pregnancy.
March 18th, 2011
I forgot to add that In the final stages of pregnancy a lot of women start to retain water - possibly causing their faces and/or legs to look real puffy.
March 18th, 2011
In my second pregnancy I got wonderful shots at 37 or 38 weeks, but unlike in my first pregnancy I didn't have fluid retention and looked great. Angle helped though. In my first pregnancy I did shots at 19 weeks (too small) and 39 weeks (too big and puffy), for the Goldilocks effect I should have done them between 33-36 weeks.
March 18th, 2011
I think taking some shots now is a fabulous idea- that way if for some reason you are unhappy with the outcome you still have a chance at a reshoot. For me personally I started gaining a lot of weight fast after about 36 weeks, a lot of it from water retention- this created a nice round face, but didn't do much for the belly.
March 18th, 2011
now sounds like an ideal time,having just discovered i'm pregnant again i shall be trying to get organised to keep a bump photo diary
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