Multiple Uploads

April 8th, 2010
I've just looked at the 'Browse: Latest' page and 21 of the 24 photos displayed are from the same person. Am I being picky here or does anyone else think that this is unfortunate. It is not in the spirit of 365 i.e. one photo per day. It also clogs up the Browse page with one person's work. Most days I only log on once and one of the great parts of 365 is seeing photos from all over the place at a glance. Is there any way multiple uploads can be restricted?
April 8th, 2010
Try clicking on the 'day' link rather than 'latest' if you want to see a spread from the day - latest doesn't really show that.

Maybe someone was catching up with uploading their photos - they may not have been able to post for some reason for a while. I personally don't think multiple uploads should be restricted. The 365 is about a photo a day - not an upload a day.

The Day link is much better for browsing photos. Try that and see what you think
April 8th, 2010
It could have been that said person was on vacation and couldn't upload their pictures until they got back home. I, too, don't always get to upload every day, but I am taking a picture for each day. Murray gave a great idea of looking at the day instead of the latest...good thinking, Murray!
April 8th, 2010
Also, people with ace memberships are allowed more than one album so they may be posting to more than one and then if they are getting caught up... Just my two cents since I have run into this. Not 21 pictures in one day but you get the idea.
April 8th, 2010
I rarely get a chance to upload daily. 4 children, Full Time work, Tee ball, Church & Ministry commitments... I'm lucky to upload once a week. It doesn't mean the camera doesn't go with me EVERYwhere I go, just that I rarely get a chance to sit down and get the pictures off my camera. As soon as I sit down, someone needs help with homework, bills need to be paid, baby needs feeding.. If I was restricted to one upload a day, I would miss out on posting a lot of pictures. : (

I agree the day option is much better for viewing than the latest if you are looking for a good sampling. : )
April 8th, 2010
When I first found this site I had about 60 photos to upload from my project, so yes, I think it's good to be able to upload more than just one per day. It also helped me get a few followers right off because I did "monopolize" the browse page for a little while. I don't think anyone who uploads a bunch at a time is trying to cheat or anything, it's just the way it goes sometimes. This summer I'm going to be traveling and won't be able to upload but about once per week, so I'll be sending my photos in batches as I can.
April 9th, 2010
agree... it is only people uploading a bunch of pics at the same time... nothing too sinister, some can post eveery day, other upload a bunch at the same time.... nowt to worry about :-)
April 9th, 2010
Sorry...that was probably me... I just found this web site and was trying to catch up with my 365 day challenge. I have most of the loaded now, so I it shouldn't happen again.

I guess I didn't make a very good first impression. :-(
April 9th, 2010
It's ok Karen. : )
April 10th, 2010
OK! Seems I was being picky. I will now skip 'latest' and look at "day'.
Karen, it wasn't you I was talking about. No offence meant people. Just a reaction to what I saw that particular day.
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