FAO ~ Those that I follow

March 22nd, 2011
Im not being rude and not commenting on Photos its just I have been so busy, Ive hardly been Online lately, Various things going on - Little Ones Birthdays, I.T Course and been doing some I.T work in the evening between nodding off, I've been taking a Photo, Uploading it then going off again to do something else, I have Dentist tomorrow and have been told to take it easy for 24 Hours after due to bleeding thats not easy with 4 Little Ones though but will try my best so hopefully I will get to sit down tomorrow evening and catch up, Love all the Photos that come up when I login, they brighten my day :)
March 22nd, 2011
Lisa it's a bit like that for me too atm. I am solo parenting again and with school and all else that goes on I just haven't caught up. I plan to do so on the weekend when hubby returns once more. I also got hit with a huge assignment the other night and we haven't actually handed our workbooks in yet.

March 22nd, 2011
No worries :o) I struggle too sometimes, but we get there don't we :o)

:o( with the dentist! Hope your lil ones are extra good for you, so you can kind of rest. x
March 22nd, 2011
Thanks, Now off to bed, Nodding off here. Night All :)
March 22nd, 2011
Should say good luck for tomorrow and take care!! :) Sleep well
March 23rd, 2011
I'm the same. I catch up when i can. I do get notifications on my phone but i'd rather use my laptop to see photos and get actually updated with things going on, and commenting. Having a 13mnth old, 4yr old, 6yr old, cake-ing, etc .. there's just not enough hours in a day *sigh* ... Hope you all have a wonderful day! And hope to catch up and follow some more amazing ppl!
March 23rd, 2011
Don't beat yourself up Lisa. They are only little once. Enjoy all 4 of them .
When they have all left the nest you will wonder where the time went!!
It is only now that I am retired and a grandparent that I have time for taking pictures!!!!
March 23rd, 2011
Thanks for the Good Lucks, It was over quickly thankfully, Im ok with the pain, I have to be, Was told to rest and take it easy but no chance with these 4, Its true though Francesca they are only little once, I mainly do My Photos late at night as Im just too busy in the day time. Yet to even have an idea for todays Photo and feel shattered so it wont be great but never mind theres always tomorrow.
March 26th, 2011
hii mum :) :( :)
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