Do you need a "look"?

March 23rd, 2011
Just curious on some other photog's opinions. Do you think photographers should only have one "look" that they stick with? Not that this is going to change the way I take photographs (I am pretty stubborn and if someone says "no" you bet that's the way I'll do it), but my photos are all over the place with style. Do you think a "true" photographer has one style they stick with? :)
March 23rd, 2011
In my opinion, I think all photographers should have varieties on what they can do. Its just that each photographer out there specialize with a certain style. I think its okay to be all over the place but try to at least specialize in one style.
March 23rd, 2011
I don't really think we'll ever learn if we don't try new things but with that said, one has to make it their own. We all have our own style, regardless of what the subject matter is.
March 23rd, 2011
At the beginning of this project I had never processed and my pics were a random hotch potch. Now I still only use picnik (although Hubby is really trying to convince me to start using lightroom) but I have definitely found my 'style'.
I do like that my photos have an 'identity' but I also worry my pictures will become trite... but what do I know LOL!

I am going to challenge myself a bit I think such as I don't do many black and white pictures and want to improve on street candids and landscapes.
March 23rd, 2011
My photos are all over the place. I don't want to get locked into a style, I'm only a hobbyist and doing something one way all the time to achieve a certain look, for me would be too constricting. I want the sky to be the limit, no matter where that takes me and my pics. I don't know how to define "true" photog either. Is that ones that make money on their shots? I guess they usually have a following based on their style but what they sell is probably not the total breadth of their work either. My style, at least at this point, is not to have a style. haha
March 23rd, 2011
I definitely think you have a "comfort zone," but that it's good to venture out. Sometimes when I've ventured out I've ended up with some awesome photos.
March 23rd, 2011
i think everyone should just do what they like...
I like A LOT of different things!
March 23rd, 2011
It depends on the photographer. There are some photographers who stick with one idea and it works for them. Then, there are those who have a wide range of ideas. Artistry (and this specific case; photography) should express the artist.
March 23rd, 2011
I agree with Anna @annaruth Shortly after Ansel Adams died, I went to an exhibit of his photos. He was a landscape artist. His portraitures left a lot to be desired.
And yet others seem to be comfortable with any medium.
March 23rd, 2011
I am trying to have a sort of "remix/edit" style that is unique
March 23rd, 2011
One "look"? That happens naturally - you shouldn't even be thinking about it.
March 24th, 2011
@vikdaddy I agree. I had a trend of photographing buildings and architecture kind of creep up on me, and I didn't even think about it until I had half a years' worth of photos and a good portion of them were on the same set of buildings I see all the time. I think about photographing other things sometimes (and I do), but for the most part my eyes are on brick walls and skyscrapers.

Why? I have no idea. But I'm having lots of fun, and that's what matters. :)
March 24th, 2011
Im a complete amateur/beginner and a mum. So I take mostly pictures of my kids. Each day they're doing something new and i love taking photos of that. At my niece's bday, my SIL asked me to take as many photos and after that day, i realised how much i loved capturing children, their expressions, their "moments". I like landscape photos too. I guess it really depends what the photographer is into and finds interesting.
March 24th, 2011
All these responses are great to hear. Thank you @josamz @catherineb @vikdaddy @loztsoul @webfoot @annaruth @sweett @lislee75 @lolanae @araminta @indiannie_jones @calumpit for responding. I was talking to someone who considers themselves a "true photog" and they were talking about how everyone needs a uniform look. As an artist in other mediums, I have never felt this way and I had a "huh?" moment. I was very curious to how others felt ;) Thanks again!
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