Managing your time on this site

March 23rd, 2011
I like to be reciprocal with taking the time to view pictures and comment, but I need to reduce the amount of time I spend on here as its getting a bit over whelming.

How do you balance your time on here?

LOL I've not even got a huge amount of people that I follow/follow me, but I don't want to fall into the trap of writing 'nice shot' on everyone's lovely work everyday I feel that's a bit trite especially with people that take the time to add lovely descriptions to their pics.....sooooo any tips/suggestions : )
March 23rd, 2011
Man, I am in the same boat Araminta. I have so much going on, then I went and added a 365 for my son. I'm really not sure how to answer you because I need an answer as well.
March 23rd, 2011
I started concentrating my commenting on folks who comment on my photos. I follow a decent amount and it's getting hard to keep up so my commenters get my most time in looking back at their pics. Usually I'll take my daily photo and go check out the folks that left comments on that photo, since I quit doing the thank you thing, it is my way to say thanks. I try to also go through my feed as much as I can and check out the people I follow, but as it's grown I miss some but still try to comment on photos of others I especially like. I like commenting as I like a lot of different kinds of photos, but there's a core group that I stick with the most. I try to participate in the discussions when I can, but the past couple of weeks I've gotten busier so it's been a good deal harder to keep up.
March 23rd, 2011
@amyhughes Ha, lets hope we find an answer here then! Maybe we are just too polite ; P

@lislee75 Thats sort of how I am playing it too but I still find it hard to remember who I have commented on and who I haven't

Geeze when I joined this site I thought I had signed up to upload and that was it! This place should come with a warning attached!
March 23rd, 2011
Since everyone on here is so nice, I think we should all make a pact that a "thank you" is implied when someone comments on your photo and a response isn't necessary. I also wish this site had a "like" button like Facebook so that you could indicate you've visited a photo without having to write a comment. That way people know you've dropped by, but it would take less time . Just some thoughts.
March 23rd, 2011
Yeah, I've been sucked in! My kids have told me they wished I'd never heard of 365! haha I agree a warning is needed!
March 23rd, 2011
I also thought I'd basically just be uploading photos and didn't realize there'd be so much interaction. I'm finding it really time-consuming the more people I follow. I like to comment and to thank people for their comments on mine. But I benefit from looking at a lot of photos as I find some inspiring. And I really enjoy the interactions.

Thankfully I'm retired and have the time. I sit in front of the tv at night with my netbook in my lap and keep up on the photos of those I follow, and even those I don't.
March 23rd, 2011
@lisjam1 Yes, I do the no personal thanks now unless there is a specific comment or question I want to address. That certainly helps!
March 23rd, 2011
It's too hard, most days :/

I wish I had more time to see the amazing stuff posted on hereevery day but I get home around 7pm or even later, some days and I'm just too tired.

Weekends are easiest, when I'm still in bed :)
March 23rd, 2011
@lisjam1 Yep on the like button.

It's a woman thing , notice the men rarely do it LOL

If someone comments on your image surely you can take it that that person is grateful and appreciates the time you've taken to comment.

BTW look out for my post on the 31st..
March 23rd, 2011
I feel bad not commenting either, however I don't think it is possible to comment on every picture. I try to comment on the ones that catch my eye and respond to the comments on my photo(s). Beside that, if I have time I may comment on discussions when I can.
March 23rd, 2011
I am loving 365, in fact so much that I have found it has distracted me from doing things that I should be doing! I'm feeling very guilty the last week or so as I have been trying to get an assignment done (which I should be doing right now instead of typing this) so have not been thanking/commenting and viewing pictures as much as I should. Its very hard to manage the time and I also think it would be good to have a "like" button - it would make it much easier when time is short!
March 23rd, 2011
I find not having many people following me (2!) and not following many people (5!) means that I'm not very busy! Probably a good thing, as this site is a distraction without it...
March 23rd, 2011
I'm pretty lazy and leave comments only on the recently uploaded ones sometimes. I like to be involved in the threads more : )
March 23rd, 2011
I hear you!! I do like to look through everyones photos but I get so bogged down when hubby goes away I fall behind. I now look through the photos and the ones that stand out thumbnails I will comment. Sometimes with as little as 'great capture' not meaning to being trite though;)
March 23rd, 2011
@rogerprice The thank you thing has been addressed, its more the getting around to viewing everyone's great work and commenting when the need arises...oooh do you have a surprise for us all?

@shadesofgrey Hehe yes commenting on every picture would be a feat! I limit myself too especially on multiple uploads by the same member unless I really want to comment on the pic of course

@indiannie_jones Yes good excuse for an extended lie in!

@iowsara Oi, get some work done! LOL, I know the feeling I have a tiny deadline for something and I am on here instead, that is deliberate procrastinating though!
March 23rd, 2011
My time Management for 365project,

1. after coming from work I open the site 365project
2. i check the popular page.
3. check the discussion if there are interesting or informative topics.
4. open comments on my photos.
5. Upload new photos.
6. then spend 1 hour and half to 2 hours reciprocating comments to all my regular friends who comment. as i open their album i browsed their photos and comments to photos that caught my attention. ( because i think it's not right to comment to photos that were not really caught your attention. commenting something Just to show that you comment back is not a good thing for me. The comments must be done with all honesty and sincerity, it is a free will of commenting. ) if i were not able to comment or browse their photos for let say 1,2 or 3 days then i give 2 to 3 hours catching up.
7. then go to home page and scroll down and comment to people who posted their photos irregardless if I'm following them or their following me.

Well that is my routine , hope you were able to get some ideas he he he he he he.
March 23rd, 2011
@busymum I know you are sooo busy, so never take your comments to be ; ) Its just how I felt about my commenting, I suppose I'm my own worst enemy eh!

@blueburn11 Ah good routine! Yes I suppose sincerity was what I was getting at too! Good word to use!
March 23rd, 2011
@araminta Good to read this thread, I have the same problem as you, and I have been here for only 2 weeks (although I've been looking at pictures for more than 2 months before joining). The time I spend in this site is way too much, and some days I skip other important things to look at pics and reply. I don't have an answer, perhaps I should reply only when the picture is really-really drawing my attention, but even then, there are so many good pics...!
March 23rd, 2011
It's getting a tad crazy over here too haha. More time needed with the more people I follow.. and when they follw me, I follow them too. I like to check out the popular page, new faces and latest, and I also like to take a look at the discussion boards! :o| My time on here usually happens in the evening-ish time, when my girls are in bed.
March 23rd, 2011
I had a lot of time for viewing/commenting a few months ago and got into a routine but the last few weeks I've really found it hard to do too much apart from check who's just uploaded at the same time. I don't want to get into the "nice shot" loop either so I promise myself i'll do it all justice later but it's hard. But i also know most other people are in the same boat. As for time management I try and fit it in when I've got spare time but that's usually when I need to be asleep! I have tried catching up when travelling to and from work on the bus but for some reason I run into problems adding comments via iPhone without wifi.
March 23rd, 2011
@araminta @amyhughes one thing I have been doing that I find helpful because I work is I am not restricting myself to just the photo has to be taken on same day ruleset...I try to take a few photos select the ones I like and I post mainly in my main album as far in advance as I can (three days) and then my longer edits or if I have photos I just love to post I sometimes work with my other too ace albums.

for feed management I do try to take a break from something and comment down the line until I got to do something else without feeling like I have to see every single photo. I see the feed as an infinte art waterfall and know I will never be able to catch every drop falling from it...

for my days off what I am doing now is I am trying to prioritize based on the people that seem to be my most active followers and those names I will review their album and comment backwards to where I left off...on a particullary day I sort of pick a small number of people I haven't done that on their albums so I am mixing it up a little bit

I am also trying to find at least one stand out photo for people that are infrequent commentators as the photo I can spend time on commenting on to let them know I do indeed follow and want to check everyones work out

ultimately I am also trying to have my favorite photo system work out where I am looking for a follower that hasn't gotten a fav photo from me as of yet and review their album for that stunner shot that I truley believe was overlooked by others but deserved a fav or two....I believe one fav is = to a thousand comments
March 26th, 2011
Anyone following my work will see that I am really struggling with the time thing. I was going (and occasionally still do) going to bed regularly at 2am-3am in the morning to fit 365 in. There are a few measures I have taken to reduce the time, although it is still absorbing 2-3 hours daily - that is a hell of a lot of time that you can't envisage when you first join. The measures I have taken to manage this is as follows:
1 On a more or less daily basis I mainly check out the work of those who have been kind enough to comment on my photos. I also only comment on those pictures that move me to do so.
2 I was thanking people individually. Now I thank people either in the comments on their pics or on the copy with my subsequent pic.
3 I used to go through all the shots of those I followed daily. I can't do that any more. Now it is a couple of times a week.
4 I use the right click button to open up any images so that I can go straight back to the same place afterwards, so no waiting and having to click on 'previous images' (or whatever), which took ages.
5 I check out followers less frequently, getting to most of their work through their commenting.
6 I do far less on the popular page and the discussion threads.
7 I now do a shoot, which anyway suits far better my style of working and improving my photography than the once a day pic as I learn so much by going into more depth with a particular subject. I must admit, even if I only have my point and shoot I am taking pics nearly every day - It's an addiction LOL.
8 I have even resorted to getting a friend to take my best SLR camera away so I am less obsessive with my photography until I have caught up on some essentials with the rest of my life, in particular a some courses I am doing.

Good luck with it Araminta. I think you should rightly guard against 365 becoming a chore and take whatever measures you have to take to make it manageable. I wish more was done in terms of how we could respond to other 365ers pics as it becomes really tough to keep up as you get several months in.

I hope that helps...

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