Fans of Your 365 Project

March 23rd, 2011
I was prompted to pose this question as a result of the discussion on the Obsessed thread (

I found there are folks that are silently following my project via Facebook. I get feedback from folks that I didn't realize were even paying attention to my project:

1. Yesterday I had to call over to a coworker's office in another building and they asked about my chicken!

2. I was out at a party and someone told me I needed to take a picture at the event for my 365 project.

3. I was in a faculty meeting at work and someone told me how much they liked my project.

Does this happen to you? Do people mention your project in person that you weren't aware were following you?
March 23rd, 2011
Yup! I have it linked to post to my FB. One day my friend asked me if I had studied photography cause she was loving the pictures from my project. I've also gotten some comments on FB on different pictures.
March 23rd, 2011
Erm, in person? I guess. My sister sometimes used to encourage me and my mother does now too if she sees something outside I might like. Also, I've mentioned 365 to two girls at work - one has seen my stuff on here and the other has seen my Flickr. They usually ask me what I've shot for the day.
March 23rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones Yes, in least that how it seems to happen to me....I'm out and about and out of the blue someone comments on it.
March 23rd, 2011
yeah, all the time. It's such a great encouragement. My sister "likes" all my photos pretty much (she's my number 1 fan). Then there are some acquaintances and family friends, who I don't talk to much. But when I run into them, it is the one thing people always comment me on.
March 23rd, 2011
I've been stopped in the street and comments left on facebook too. It really feels good when others you didn't think was noticing leaves you comments.
March 23rd, 2011
Yep, all the time! You tend to post things on facebook with only those people who interact with you the most in mind, so when someone you hadn't even thought of says something, it's surprising!

One school friend has suggested I put together some sort of exhibition once I'm done, others have suggested making coffee table books. Something I don't think I would have considered..
March 23rd, 2011
This happens to me also. My cousins, co works and other friends are following me. If they do not see me for a while one of the first things they say to me is that they like my photos. Some of them say they are thinking about joining the project but do not know if they could be dedicated enough to do so.
March 23rd, 2011
I get a totally different reply/comment from my daily Facebook posts. For one, it's people who I know or have known in my past. They are usually not technical comments, however. But I probably get more responses from Facebook than from here!
March 23rd, 2011
Yes, I have mine linked to my FB, too, and I get occasional comments so I figure nobody’s paying attention. Then out of the blue someone will send me an e-mail or mention something to me indicating that they’ve been following me all along. I admit it feels good, but I also feel a little pressure to perform!
March 23rd, 2011
Yes, I get the same exact thing! I will bump into people that are friends on Facebook and they always comment about my photos. Most of the time I assume people aren't paying attention because they don't comment, but they always give positive comments when I see them, which is nice! And they bring it up first, so I'm feeling like it's a genuine compliment. Some people will also "like" photos I do on FB.
March 23rd, 2011
Yep, happens to me a lot. People that I haven't talked to in months will randomly "like" one of my pictures on facebook or I will run into someone that I haven't seen in forever and they randomly mention my project and how much they enjoy it! It's always a wonderful feeling!!
March 23rd, 2011
Happens to me too! I love it :)
March 23rd, 2011
Happens to me a fair bit.. the most embarrassing one though (I am a music teacher and I give private lessons in the evenings) - one of my pupils is 11 and has a heavy keyboard he brings with him, so his dad came in to pick him up and carry the keyboard for him.. he walked in and said "So how is our photographer extraordinaire then??" I didn't know what to say.. now all my pupils discuss Greg and what he's been up to.. I hear them asking each other if they've seen what Greg did yesterday etc and the ones who come to my house for private lessons love it when he is in my room and they get to see him! It's crazy!!!!!
March 23rd, 2011
Yes! I have my 365 project linked to my FB and get many comments from co-workers, my church family and several friends! I thought most of of my pics went unnoticed on FB until I got an email from a friend saying "btw - I loved the picture you put up last night". My sister - who is not computer friendly - asked me to start posting them separately on FB so she could see them without being taken to the 365 site.
March 24th, 2011
Although I started the project by focusing on my passion for photography and how to continually improve on it, I found that linking the project to my FB page was an added motivation toward capturing images. I've friends encouraging me to submit to different photo contests which is very flattering, but the coolest comment I've received from a lost long elementary school friend was how, at the end of her day, she looks forward to loging in to her FB account, to catch a glimpse of what I was able to capture during that day...a really awesome feeling!!
March 24th, 2011
I actually think I have lots of friends who are not on 365 - following my project more than - the ones who are my FOLLOWERS..... hahahahahaha...

Really, though, I have many FOLLOWERS who never even gave me a feedback - not even once... but I have friends on FB and here in Taipei - who regularly PM or talk to me in person regarding my Project.... I find this really funny.... :))
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