Which Software?

March 29th, 2011
I am onto my final day of my paint shop pro x3 trial and I love it. I have tried photoshop in the past but didn't get on with it. I don't know if that was from the programme itself, my lack of knowledge or a combination of both.

My question before I go out and pay for one which do you think is better paint shop pro or photo shop elements. They are both about £50 on amazon. Full photo shop is not even a contender becasue of the price.

Is it worth persevering with photo shop or does paintshop do just as well? Will I find myself limited by paint shop by the end of my 365?

Thank you :D
March 29th, 2011
It's the impossible question Emma. If it works for you...

One thing may add to your fact gathering is comparative popularity. Check out the web sites and magazines in the shops. There are so many offering free technique guides, actions and videos for Photoshop Elephants and (by my perception) not so many for paintshop.
March 29th, 2011
Personally I prefer paintshop pro just find photoshop too fiddly I found some of the edits that require just a couple of steps in PSP took several in photoshop, and I find that combined with Gimp there is not a great deal that I cant do equally as well. but it is really a personal preference
March 29th, 2011

I have been using paint shop pro for four years now and have never found myself limited :)

at the moment i chop and change between X2 & X3 depending on which system im using , usually i use X2 as thats on my main system :) .... i dont use anything else other than maybe lightroom once in a blue moon but i dont really need lightroom as i can do that all on paint shop pro i just occasionally fancy a pop on lightroom haha !

so my vote is with paint shop pro :)
March 29th, 2011
Well I vote for Photoshop ;-)

BUT really if you are getting on well with Paint Shop it does seem a bit of a waste to get Photoshop and have to start again.
March 29th, 2011
If you are able to use a student id and get the discount I would suggest spending the money to get the full CS5 photoshop.
March 30th, 2011
I use Photoshop, and yes it has been a steep learning curve at times, but there are so many resources on the web that if I want to do something e.g change a background, someone has written a step by step guide! Plus if you are a student then you can get a huge discount on the full package.
March 30th, 2011
@zferrie ~ those tutorials u can find online are also easy to find for paint shop pro too :)
March 30th, 2011
Emma , i think its more a preference thing rather than whats better, as i say in 4 years i dont feel restricted and can do things quick & easily........ I used to chat a lot on a graphics forum and they had a heated disscusion one day about this subject ...... back then 3/4's sat on the photoshop fence and only a 1/4 of us sat on the paint shop pro fence :( ..... i think photoshop will always be most popular in general but in practise i think it comes down to which program suits the way your brain works hehe !
March 30th, 2011
I used PSP for a few years, but switched to PS when the first CS was released. I've never looked back. That said, I don't much like PSE.

Between PSP and PSE, I don't think there's much in it - whatever works for you. There are definitely more resources for PSE, but that doesn't necessarily make it better. If you think you'll work towards more serious editing techniques, well, you'll need CS5 (or whatever the current version happens to be) at some point, so using PSE now would make that jump a lot easier, but if you're happy with what you're doing, probably just best to stick with what you already know.

There are plenty of good reasons why PS CS5 is industry standard. And really, I think PSE is designed to get people into the Adobe way of doing things so they'll eventually spend more money on CS5. PSE is no more powerful than PSP, from what I've read on it (and from my experiences of using it a number of years ago), but PSP doesn't have a CS5 equivalent (at least, in my opinion, it doesn't come close).
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