Where do you find 365ers to follow?

March 31st, 2011
Do you use the latest, new member or popular photo pages?
Do you follow people your favorite photographers on here follow?
Do you search tags to come across random members?
Or do the topics/threads mainly influence who you follow?

I do a little of all of these, but still feel like I am missing out on some really great photographers. Any other tips to find great people to follow?
March 31st, 2011
The browse and pick thread is usually how I find new people to follow or when I do a theme/challenge.
March 31st, 2011
I like to follow someone who followed me to help foster the community...I love the edit contests so often follow people that are fab at processing...I sometimes will follow someone who blew me away on popular page or browse and pick ...now there is 365facebook so I get more communication that leads me to new follows there as well...I definetly try to mix it up :)
March 31st, 2011
I usually pick mine from either the popular page or the different discussion threads. It's fun to see all the unique perspectives people show through their photography.
March 31st, 2011
I browse the latest and the new faces pages and will add if I like their work or if they follow me. :D
March 31st, 2011
I do a little of everything I think
Browse the Popular Page
Browse and Pick section
Newest Faces
and then I look at those that have left comments for me.
March 31st, 2011
The Browse and pick threads, popular page, new faces, random clicking here and there.
March 31st, 2011
I look at Latest and at Popular. I found this photographer in Latest -- I would like you all to look at this picture that I think is just beautiful!
March 31st, 2011
Browse the popular page
Browse the latest page
Look at the work of people who comment on my photos and then usually decide to follow them (but am behind in this).
March 31st, 2011
i look anywhere but the popular page for some reason. i try to follow people that have similar photos to mine. if i follow too many great photographers then i feel like i suck. :)
March 31st, 2011
I always try to follow someone who follows me, but I also find that if I follow too many people it starts to cause me to miss a lot of photos in the feed. I usually find them in the discussion area from photo posting and I look at the current month and see if their photos are something I would want to look at again. Also there are people that are following the same people I follow and make comments so I may look at them also.
March 31st, 2011
@brooketallman I thought I was following you but I was not. I do know I comment on your photos. I am now following you.
March 31st, 2011
I comment on the people that I'm following then click on people that commented the same picture as me. It has to be new. Then if I like their photos then I follow. Another way is looking at the PP.
March 31st, 2011
I am new here, so thank you all for your answers above! and thanks @brooketallman for asking the question!
March 31st, 2011
i use all the methods u have mentioned :) .... i often also click through and look at peoples photos if i notice them commenting on the same photos i am (ie they are following the same people as me ) ive discovered some gems this way :)
March 31st, 2011
when i search for new / great photos i go to any randoms favortie list , check out whats on there find a photo that really stands out and check out a few of that persons album . If a person gets more then 3 comments from me they belong in my following file. I could sit here and go through everyones favorites for hours. I miss alot of great shots and this is a great way to find them again.
March 31st, 2011
I like browsing 'by day' and clicking on the thumbnails that catch my eye - 'tis often the case that a good thumbnail leads to a great photo which leads to a great new 365'er to follow!
March 31st, 2011
@brooketallman I also do a combination of those things. but also mingle on the facebook group every now and again. Themes and Competitions are a great way to find fantastic work! :)
March 31st, 2011
@marinda ...says the girl who follows everyone... on the internet! :P
March 31st, 2011
@indiannie_jones I just set myself up for that one, didn't I? LOL
March 31st, 2011
@marinda Yes, dear :)
March 31st, 2011
Browse & Pick, and by day, and latest are my favs. There are some many hidden gems that don't get picked up by the popular page.
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