World Awareness Days

April 2nd, 2011
Seeing on here last night that yesterday and today start off World Autism Awareness Month made me think of all the other World Awareness Days there are and how it would be good if we could have a list of them all and maybe contribute to them as well like how we are with autism. I know we've had other causes brought to light here through this and wondered if there were other causes/awareness days we could do.

April 2nd, 2011
i think its a great idea and am happy to raise awareness on many of the world awareness days ! ...... a list would be fab :) will add to this when i think of some !
April 2nd, 2011
Well today, (April 2nd) is Makeup Free Day:).......!/event.php?eid=197002216986250&index=1
April 2nd, 2011
I hear about these all the time... There must be one for every day of the year, right?
April 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 Yeah, unfortunately there are too many diluting the message,
I vote we keep it 'real' and not frivolous if you know what I mean ;-)
April 2nd, 2011
"Real" and not frivolous, eh, @pete21?

Is this the right time to mention that it was National Cleavage Day two days ago...?
April 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 @pete21 ~ i know what u mean about there being so many ... and so man y are just plain daft ! haha @ world cleavage day !

anyone know when the anti bullying day is this year or did i miss it ?
April 2nd, 2011
@flamez World Cleavage Day? Dang, I couldn’t participate.
April 2nd, 2011
Glad you all like the idea and I agree what @pete21 said about making it more about the real causes.

And Hubby is gutted now that he missed National Cleavage Day, he suddenly had an interest in photography. lol.

@flamez In the UK it says here ( that it is 14th - 25th November, could be different elsewhere though.
April 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 There's a day for anything and everything, I have a calendar from my pet insurance company to prove this :)

Everyone has an awareness day about everything. Instead of awareness raising, maybe people should actually be trying to DO something. It's like with breast cancer... I think we all are aware breasts exist and that they get cancer. So instead of all this "awareness raising," how about doing something more productive with the issue? Just a personal soapbox of mine...
April 2nd, 2011
Yes, I know what you mean... Some time ago, there was a campaign for everyone to change their Facebook profile picture to a cartoon character, to "raise awareness" about something... In my opinion, changing my Facebook picture doesn't make any difference to a cause - surely it's better to go out and DO something about it?
April 2nd, 2011
@coolgirlsar - - - I think its a great idea, lol @ national cleavage day :D

@hmgphotos - - - While there are a lot of awareness days, the serious ones serve a purpose. They do get new support and raise money on these awareness days. These days are also used for people to get together to find support from others who know how they are feeling or to remember loved ones. Maybe you would feel different about them if you, a loved one or your child had an issue going on that required one of these 'non-productive' days...
April 2nd, 2011
@selardore I agree they serve a very important pupose, especially for conditions or illnesses that are still quite misunderstood by many people.
April 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 My birthday fell on National Cleavage Day in 2003!

It was ironic as I was 14 so... well... you know.
April 2nd, 2011
haha, really? I hope, if it comes 'round again, it'll be at a more appropriate age... :)
April 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 You and me both :D
April 2nd, 2011
@manek43509 I think that was for child abuse... there was another for animal abuse where everyone changed to animal photos. The only one I ever participated in was changing a photo on Veteran's Day to one of a current/former solider (yourself, a loved one, friend, etc).

@selardore If you must know, breast cancer runs in my family, and I even have the Colorado pink breast cancer support license plates. I just don't see how running around going "I love boobies!" makes a difference in the whole scheme of things.
April 2nd, 2011
November 14th diabetes awareness day - blue circle for colour. My ds3 has type 1 diabetes, then my daughter got diagnosed with type 1 too they day after nov 14th last year :-(
April 3rd, 2011
@hmgphotos Sooooooooooo right,

Most awareness days are a waste of time cos the message doesn't get through to the target audience anyway!

IMO if you want to help go volunteer or raise some money, you can raise awareness at the same time!

That said I think there are some VERY good campaigns out there too!

Like the idea of National Cleavage Day though ;-0
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