To all 365ers from Cambridge and around

April 6th, 2011
Hey ;),
I just wanted to tell you that I'm freshly arrived in Cambridge, where I'll stay the next four months, and that I would love to meet some of the 365ers around here. The only ones I know of so far are @judithg and @araminta. If you are also interested in a little get-together just write back and we'll concoct a plan... Have a wonderful evening, enjoying the warmth :) and see you soon (hopefully ;))!
April 6th, 2011
Well I'm on for it! @araminta is out west in Wales but I know a few others nearby. You certainly brought some good weather with you!
April 6th, 2011
Yey glad you arrived safely, welcome to the UK!
I'm not from Cambridge unfortunately. I have just checked, its 4 hours from me so its a bit far with a moaning child and limited time Boooo! I would love to meet up
: ( I will see how cheap trains are....
April 6th, 2011
@judithg : Yeah, my landlord said the same thing. I was truly amazed by the weather! Not so amazed by my room but at least it's not too expensive ;)
@araminta : Oh no! I thought it was a bit closer... Would be cool, if you could make it, but I understand, if you can't.
April 6th, 2011
Glad you got here safely, I'm not from Cambridge but if you end up exploring other areas of the UK and are near Coventry/Birmingham/Stratford upon Avon let me know and I'll see what I can do!
April 6th, 2011
Hi Janna, Welcome to Cambridge, officially the hottest place in UK today, so I'm told! I'd be up for a meet-up too. I live just a couple of miles from Cambridge.
April 6th, 2011
I'm from up north, but if you're up Sheffield way, we can try to arrange for some of the northerners to meet.
April 6th, 2011
hiya - I' from Hertfordshire which is a quick nip up the M11 and will definitely be up for a get together if we can manage it. @louisewilson4 is in Southend but has expressed interest in the past of a London meet - we've done a couple of shoots toghether in Cmabridge, so sure she'd be up for it too!
April 6th, 2011
ill be up for it, depending on hours at work etc!!! live around 50 miles away in Colchester, the oldest recorded town in the uk!!!!
April 6th, 2011
I live about an hour and half from Cambridge.. being a student with no money etc it wouldn't be very practical for me to drive 3 hours to spend 2 hours with everyone.. so if it's just a short thing then sorry but it's too far. If it were to be longer, like all dayish type thing then yeah, count me in :D
April 6th, 2011
@jannaellen are you on facebook or anything like that? if i get plenty of notice i will be able to get time of work!!!! love Cambridge as my brother spend 6 years studying there!!!! and love it!!!! full of students though lol but lovely place
April 6th, 2011
Heya, I'm from over in High Wycombe, so think it is about 1 1/2 hours from me - not too far! Occasionally anyway, as I am currently at uni until July :)
April 7th, 2011
Wow, wonderful to get so many replies! Well, I don't know what you're up for. I got plenty of time as I don't know anybody here, yet, and don't have any plans except for sitting in the library all day but with flexible hours. I suppose weekends would be best for everyone. This weekend might be too short of a notice, how about the weekend after (16./17.4.)? On the easter weekend my husband will come by and I'm sure you are all very busy as well, so I guess that's the best choice for this month. Just post what day and time would be convenient and maybe an idea where to meet and what to do (except photographing, of course). I wouldn't mind a punting trip but don't know if that's too touristy for you ;). I guess there are lots of nice walks around here, too, and loads of nice cafès but I don't know any, yet ;). Does anybody know how to create a doodle group, where we could post our most convenient time? Or maybe we can organize it on here, too. I am on Facebook as well with the name Janna Ellen and a photo of me and my turtle. If you want, you can add me there and we can plan further. Looking forward to meet you very much!!!
April 7th, 2011
I know that next weekend (16th/17th) is quite soon but when the students come back after Easter the colleges will close for exam season (until mid June) so it wouldn't be a bad idea to meet early. On the other hand you can still fill a day without going into the colleges (I've pretty much managed 3 months of photos so far!) Also you can see quite a lot from the river. I was thinking that Parker's Piece might be a good place to meet - it's handy for the railway station and Queen Anne's carpark which is one of the cheaper ones (they are all expensive for all day parking) and it's not a bad place to start a walk from. (What do you think @helenmoss - is outside King's more sensible?) I don't know if @samdan has seen the post but she's quite local too and @emb151 - she hasn't posted in a while but maybe we can persuade her to start again! The kids are off school so I'm a bit less flexible than usual but I should think I could meet earlier if you like - I'll let you know next week when I've worked out what they're up to!
April 7th, 2011
Just a quick reply, 16th/17th is ok with me, Cambridge is my 'home' town and am only 30mins away and would love to come.
April 7th, 2011
hav to check hours at work and see if i can get time off or not but that would be amazing!!!! will add you on facebook too, when i find you!!!! and any other time is good too - just need notice, but think sunday 17th - shop is closed so maybe????
April 8th, 2011
@angel4fs: Sunday (17th) would be perfect for me, too. I might have to go to a conference on the 15th and 16th, but on the 17th I'm definitely free.

@helenmoss @judithg @araminta @sparkle @cally @samdan How do you feel about that date? Thanx a lot, Judith, for providing ideas. They sound wonderful to me :)!

@emmar84 @wormentude : I'll definitely say hi, if I come near by you :)!

@katiegc24 : I don't know about the others, but I'm free all day ;)
April 8th, 2011
I have looked up train prices and they are extortionate! So I shall bow out gracefully and wish you all a lovely day : )
April 8th, 2011
I'm very sorry, but weekends are really very difficult for me :( I would love to make it, but I hope you all have a nice time!
April 8th, 2011
@jannaellen have to get the day off - being sunday - have to get back to you on that one - but should be ok? hopefully ill let you know later on today hopefully? hope you are enjoying the british weather?
April 8th, 2011
@araminta : Yeah, I know. That's really sad :(. I'll just have to look at your pictures and communicate that way then :(.
@cally : Oh no! I'm not deadset on weekend but I don't know about the others. You can still come by anytime and we'll have tea :).
April 8th, 2011
hi, hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather!!! tried adding you on facebook - but wouldnt let me, im on 365project on facebook too!!!! still waiting to here from my colleagues to see if he will work for me on sunday? but let you know?
April 8th, 2011
17th is possible for me but it's looking a little busy as I'm planning to go to some talks at the Wordfest event (well worth looking into if you are interested in literature - lot of great authors giving talks in Cambridge from 15th to 17th April). If a weekday is better for others, perhaps one day during the following week?
April 8th, 2011
usually only get one day off!!!! but hoping to get two next week!!!! im off work on wednesday if thats convenient, usually off on wednesdays? but hopefully sunday would be better?
April 9th, 2011
Sunday or Wednesday doesn't make a difference to me. What do the others think?
April 11th, 2011
@jannaellen stil not heard from my colleague!!! hopefully it will be ok though - i dont ask for days off a lot so should be ok!!!! fingers crossed!!! hope your enjoying your week so far?
April 12th, 2011
@everyone: Judith and I talked about our meeting yesterday and we thought that as Helen can't make it before 12:30 we should just all meet at 12:30 in front of the entrance to King's College on King's Parade. Is that ok for everyone? Looking forward to meeting you all :)!
@angel4fs : I'll keep my fingers crossed, too. I had a lovely walk with Judith yesterday and today I'm busy in the library, so yes I am enjoying my week ;).
April 12th, 2011
Hi @jannaellen, just caught up with this thread - I already have plans for this weekend :o( so won't be able to make it - I probably need nearer 3 or 4 weeks notice around all these long weekends as working away a lot at the minute and trying to cram visits in to family etc! Definitely keep me in the loop for the next one - have a great day all!
April 12th, 2011
@sparkle : Oh no! Well I'm hoping we'll manage to meet again and this time you may choose the date :).
April 12th, 2011
@helenmoss : Wow, this festival looks great! Anything you can recommend? I'll definitely drop by :)!
April 12th, 2011
if i can make it - half twelve should be ok - have to check timetable for train etc!!!! glad your enjoying your week!!! had a nice day in the park today
April 12th, 2011
I just realized that 12:30 means half twelve and not half one, which is different to what I'm used to in Germany. Did @helenmoss say she could make it by 12:30 or 1:30? Sorry for the mix-up, I'll clarify this as soon as possible!
April 13th, 2011
@jannaellen good news - I CAN MAKE IT!!!! so excited, however the train i plan to get doesnt get to cambridge til 12.30 so 1PM would be better gives me time to get into cambridge - we still meeting outside Kings College Cathedral on the street side lol?
April 14th, 2011
@angel4fs : Yeah ;)!

@angel4s @helenmoss @samdan @judithg: As Faith's train will arrive in Cambridge at 12:30 let's just say 1pm - hope that's ok for everybody. If not, please say so and we'll set a date convenient for all. I couldn't come up with any better meeting place than Kings College because I'm not very familiar with Cambridge, yet. If someone has a better idea, please share it ;)! See you Sunday!
April 15th, 2011
@jannaellen thank you lol - just gives me time to get into town and not rush - you know us photographers take ages getting anywhere - photos to take lol!!! i look forward to seeing you all on sunday - nervous and excited all at the same time!!!! kings college good for me - i know where it is lol?
April 15th, 2011
@jannaellen @helenmoss @samdan @angel4s I think Helen said 1.20 but she knows Cambridge well and has my mobile numer so if we don't go to far I'm sure she'll catch up with us - I'll e-mail her to make sure she gets the message. See you Sunday!
April 15th, 2011
@judithg cool ill be there - just take my time - while taking photos on the way into cambridge centre lol - look forward to seeing you all on sunday
April 15th, 2011
i would have loved to but i am in wales too! maybe we need a welsh meet up lol
April 16th, 2011
@cariadon : I've never seen Wales and would love to have a reason to go, so why not ;)?
April 16th, 2011
@jannaellen we meeting at 1.20 now? just checking!!!!!
May 5th, 2011
@judithg Just checked in to browse.
Sorry I missed the meet up, life got busy with starting a new course then out of the blue I had a dodgy result from a routine mammogram which has lead to surgery and further treatment which starts next week. I miss 365, I originally started the project to document my days but I don't feel as though I want to remember this year so far so have deliberately stopped taking photos.
I was so touched that you noticed my absence. 365 is such a wonderful community. Thank you for the mention and for thinking of me.
My treatment finishes on June 6th and I hope to be back then.
May 5th, 2011
@emb151 Oh June - sorry to hear you've been having such a rubbish time. I'm not surprised you could do without the pressure of taking photos as well! There are at least 4 of us in Cambridge if you do fancy taking your mind off things with coffee & cake (with or without camera) at any time though. Hope to see some shots when you're nice and relaxed and feeling better. I'm copying @helenmoss as we were talking about you on the walk and hoping things were OK with you.
May 7th, 2011
@judithg Thanks Judith, It'll be great to meet up sometime.
May 7th, 2011
June - I'm so sorry to hear about that. No wonder you stopped taking photos, you've clearly had a lot of other things to deal with. I do hope that when this treatment is finished in June you will start to feel much better. As Judith says, we could definitely get together for a coffee when you feel like it - with or without our cameras in tow!
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