
April 8th, 2011
Well, I went on year, four months, and six days of taking a photo every single day. Yesterday for the first time, I didn't take one. As I laid on the couch reading a book, I fell asleep and completely forgot. So here I am this morning feeling bad for myself that I messed up after so much time.

I think I will create an image for the day using photoshop, but not take a photo since the time has passed. Or maybe I'll do 2 photos today and cheat. Man, this sucks!

How long did you go before forgetting?
April 8th, 2011
I made a conscious decision to miss a day back in March. I have no regrets. I stand by my decision.

You've done well Daniel.
April 8th, 2011
I have only started in mid Jan and haven't forgotten one yet. I don't do refill either. However, I used my own paintings to re-edit and post twice as second edition. Is it something you can do.... ?? Or use different "time zone" :-)
April 8th, 2011
I have never forgotten but I have had days when I've been too busy, too tired or uninspired so have added numerous fillers but its OK because each and every photo is part of my 365 story no matter what day it was taken.
April 8th, 2011
Aww, don't be too hard on yourself. I don't care what time it is; if I've not slept, my day hasn't ended so according to that, I've stuck with my first one for 11 months and the second for four months.
April 8th, 2011
haha.. day 8.. and since then I've decided I'll post when I want , it's my project and all I want out it is 365 pictures that I am proud of.. hehe if you look at my calendar of photos, I am in February, but keep posting them in order of calendar and not the date that it was taken.. though there are a few that were taken on "that day" but were then posted to another day..
Don't be so hard on yourself.. you are amazing for doing THAT MUCH~ I wish I could have done so too.. I'm sure it's easier to see the progression of quality in picture taking if you do it daily. I'm lucky if I get out once every couple of weeks.. though I have seen the difference in mine. By browsing others I find I try different things and finally got my "groove/style" .. lmao.. sorry to blab on about this.. you just gave me reason to write.. lol.
If you are cheating then.. I am surely cheating.. lol
April 8th, 2011
Since starting in January I've taken (at least) one photo a day, nearing 100 days. Although there are maybe 3 days here, in which I posted they day before photo.
Don't be so hard on yourself, you've done amazing!
April 8th, 2011
I've used heaps of fillers, it didn't take me long to forget a day because of everything that happens in my day to start with.
You did well to go so long! Don't feel bad :-)
April 8th, 2011
I can't say that I forget. Sometimes it's hard to stop what I am doing to take a picture but this project as well as photography in general is important to me. Personally, I don't think it matters one way or the other what you do as long as it makes sense to you.
April 8th, 2011
What I have noticed since completing the first year is that I'm not spending as much time on my photos, and my quality is being effected by that. It's probably better for me to skip a day than to take a photo "just to take" which has happened more than a handful of times over the past few months.
April 8th, 2011
From Day 1 of my project, I told myself while I was going to *try* and take one photo every day, I recognized there is no possible way I'd be able to do it Every. Single. Day. I've got too much stuff going on in my life. Heck, two weeks ago, I was home for a grand total of four waking hours. So while I make an honest attempt to get out every day and take a photo, I've also allowed myself a one or two day 'buffer' - if I can't make it out today, I try to make it up tomorrow or the day after. Even that methodology fell apart recently - between my busy week, and getting sick the following week, I was a fully 8 days behind, so I spent one whole afternoon out driving the countryside looking for 'catch-up' photos.
April 8th, 2011
I have taken a photo Every. Single. Day. I'm approaching my 100th day this weekend, but I admit there have been days when life has gotten in the way and it's been a struggle. I will try to make it the full year without any fillers, but I don't know if that's possible...so don't be too hard on yourself, Daniel.
April 8th, 2011
You should be proud that you went that long before forgetting with as busy as you are!
April 8th, 2011
ive now decided 24 hours either way is A-OK for my project heeh ! altho most are on the day , but with 3 kiddos its sometimes hard ..

Youve done amazingly well !
April 8th, 2011
Wow! Over a year! Well done! Celebrate that! I have taken one everyday for over 100 days. But, it happens to us all. Fill yesterday however you want and enjoy your success!
April 8th, 2011
You should be proud of what you have accomplished and not beat up yourself for not being "perfect." I am approaching the 365 Project as an attempt to record 365 days in my life. I am not perfect and refuse to attempt to be perfect. Of my 69 photographs, approximately sixty were taken on the specific day. The other nine are extra shots I took on those 60 days. All of the photographs are still a part of my 365 days of taking photographs, a part of my 365 days of growth.

"You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian woman leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out." ~Martha Graham
April 8th, 2011
this is what I do when I forget...

April 8th, 2011
I started on August 1, 2010, and I didn't miss until last Sunday (April 3). I was extremely sick, and remembered as I was laying in bed trying to get some sleep, and I decided it wasn't worth it. Only time I have missed!
April 9th, 2011
I didn't post a picture on the day I was supposed to within the first week of starting back last August. Then I gave up on the project for three months. Then I decided I really wanted to keep going with it, so I took a TON of pictures and filled in all the gaps in my project. Now I'm either posting or taking a picture almost every day (this past Thursday I didn't have time).

So yeah, don't feel bad for missing a day after being here every day for the past year and four months-- that should win an award for perseverance, I think! :)
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