Virtual Friends Feel Better

April 9th, 2011
Since I first started this project, I have grown very attached to the community on 365, and understandably so. It's an amazing community.

Last night we went out with a large group of people, and I unfortunately overheard two women say something snarky about me behind my back. It pertained to me working on web stuff and facebook stuff for the company I took pictures for. There was even an eye roll involved, and it hurt. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. At that moment I wished more than anything else that I could call up all of my 365 friends and have them come and surround me. I mean, I'm 48. When does the snarky crap stop!! Women need to learn to support each other, and not try to bring each other down.

I'm sorry this isn't camera related. I just needed to say how great the support on here has been, and how incredibly much I appreciate it.

I love 365.
April 9th, 2011
Diddo! I love my three six five friends!
April 9th, 2011
People are forever ratty... Here it's good, the people are awesome...

Some of them have become better friends to me than the people around me, then again that wouldn't be hard...
April 9th, 2011
You are such a sweet lady, Sheri! Sorry some people have hurt you. I always love your comments on my photos and other people's, too. What you say is upbeat, encouraging, and often brings a smile to my face. 365 is indeed a wonderful community!
April 9th, 2011
I never thought I would be a part of an online community, much less feel like I've made great friendships out of one, but I have been so pleasantly surprised by 365. I feel like it's a pretty special place, to be this supportive. And with so many different cultures no less! Yeah, you know we would have had your back. ;)
April 9th, 2011
@roejan Thank you Roe, and you are the same!! It was just so shocking to feel like I was back in middle school. Yuck!
April 9th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau lol!! Oh Lacey, I just had this wonderful vision of this wonderfully diverse group of friends bursting in to a little bar in the middle of no where in WI with their dukes up. Made me laugh. Thank you!!
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri (((((((big hugs))))))) to you Sheri! That is really not very nice or adult behaviour. You musn't let people like that get you down tho!! The community here is amazing!! I was so happily surprised to find that out!! So incredibly positive, helpful and supportive!! hang in there and just ignore "them"! Hope you have a better day today!! :o)
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri Hugs! I too am growing fond of my 365 friends! I especially like the ones that tell me the truth, who help me grow, and give me inspiration! Just let the drama slide...they aren't worth the heart ache!!!
April 9th, 2011
Some people just never grow up and it is unfortunate when they drag others into their immaturity and pettiness. I totally agree about 365 - it is such a great, supportive community. ((hugs))
April 9th, 2011
Snarky crap won't stop until people grow up! Don't let the immature behaviour of a few people stop you from being the wonderful person that you are! You're only 48 - give it a few years - when you're as old as I am you won't care!
April 9th, 2011
I love 365 and the feel of community it gives you. One can get to know people interacting with them on daily basis even just through photographs.. as they say "A picture is worth a thousand words"...
Tell us where and when you want us to beat up the two awful ladies ;)
April 9th, 2011
Aww. Sorry that happened. If I was there and I heard them talkin about ya I would have said something to them. Got your back!
April 9th, 2011
April 9th, 2011
Awww Sheri, sending BIG hugs your way - hope you can brush it off and forget about them; they sound awful anyway.

SERIOUSLY THOUGH, right? I've met some incredible people here...
April 9th, 2011
what happened was bad..just forget what those women has to have some creativity to understand and perceive what you why get and keep following your passion and what your heart says...cheers...
April 9th, 2011
@melaniep @killerjackalope @harley84 @arrayofblues @missyrosebee @meggageg @lauren211 @indiannie_jones @kammy @timandelke

This is exactly what I mean. Even people I am just meeting now are offering to show up and beat them up. Makes me crack up and shamefully fills my heart with joy! lol!! I think we need some 365 squad t-shirts.
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri - lol "shamefully fills your heart with joy" haha that made me laugh :) hey we are 365, we've got your back!! that's what I love about this site too, beyond supportive. as corny as it sounds, we are a big happy loving family :D:D
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri haha 365 squad T-Shirts! why nobody thought of that earlier!! ;)
April 9th, 2011
People like that don't matter--they really don't! (But I'm sorry they made you feel badly.) I find that stuff like that usually stems from jealousy or boredom. Personally, I would have confronted them on the spot and asked them to explain themselves. Something along the lines of, "I noticed that you were rolling your eyes and mentioned my name, I was wondering what you meant by that?"
Yep, but that's me.
April 9th, 2011
Don't you ever give up your faith in who you are, what you like, what you do and what you believe. People with no education an class are going to be everywhere and we have to learn not to get hurt by them, not everybody is the same and I can only feel sorry for those people talking behind you. Unfurtunitely, I experienced that myself a few years ago and it was not good. So, heads up and be happy.
April 9th, 2011
@clarissajohal I should have, and that would have been my advice to anyone else in the same spot. The hold back came in in that these are the neighbors we see almost every weekend, which makes this even worse. I didn't know that I was being talked about like that. I was so shocked and hurt that the only response that reacted was my "flight" response. And now it will be my protective wall response. Trust is so hard to gain and so easily lost.
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri Neighbors?? Ack. I would send them a note, for sure. You don't have to be rude, though at this point, they are the ones that should be worrying about their behavior. If it gets left as it is, nothing will be resolved. I'm all about resolving things by talking it out! Maybe they didn't mean the comment/eye roll the way it came across(?)
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri: These women must have had some problems of their own - in my opinion, saying bad things about others is often a result of low self-esteem. So I hope you can forget about this quickly!
I love this community as much as you do and really find myself looking forward to each time I'm on here commenting, reading comments, looking at awesome shots and reading up on my friends' lives. Especially now that I'm abroad and a bit lonely as I don't know anyboday, yet, this page has been something of an anchor of support and lovely words. Thank you all so much for that - you rock!
April 9th, 2011
Some people!!! I am so sorry they hurt you like that. You are a wonderful woman! Believe it!! We all do! :0) Keep your chin up. Lots of great big (((HUGS)))!!
April 9th, 2011
@kammy Hahaha, I'll go with you
April 9th, 2011
@alecio well said Alecio!! I like your attitude! and id say the two of us will be enough for the job ;) im sure we can take two ladies if ill bring the lego killers!
April 9th, 2011
that's just too bad. You know, I really look forward to my virtual converations on here - I spend about 2-3 hrs a day with my 365 follwers/followees - and it's not because I don't have friends - I have lots, but it's because us guys "get" each other - enjoy each other's passions and realise that this project actually gives us something back - not just images but a common sharing of the beautiful things in life. I'm only half way through my project and am gunna find it hard to give up after a year - I can't imagine my day without it. ignore the ignorant - I've found my true friends in "real!" life absolutely understand what I'm doing with this project and support me 100% even though they know it means slightly less time for them. agree with @jannaellen they haven't found their way in life or have low self esteem. Rise above it...hold your head high - this site is great, what you're doing is great, you're the winner here!
April 9th, 2011
Sounds like these women need to get lives of their own, if they have nothing better to do than criticise yours. You put me in contact with them and I'll give them a piece of my mind ;)

I love your comments on my photos and you deserve better than them, it doesn't matter what they think of you, because *you* know that you are fantastic, and nothing they can say will change that.

Yeah, I've met some fairly awesome people on here, 365 is a great community :D
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri women are so bitchy to other women..i used to work with a bunch of women and they were nasty if each time iv worked for men iv had a better bitchy ness,, now i work free lance if someone bitches i walk out..its usually jelousy and low self asteam ignore them
April 9th, 2011
Aww, awful when people can't grow up :o( Onwards and upwards hey, *hugs*!
April 9th, 2011
oh god i hate people like that :( unluckily i seem to have entered a similar world when i moved here 4 years ago and its not really improved ! so i know how u feel ! Head up and ignore chick-a-dee , plaster on a smile and be happy that u are doing well enough for them to feel threatened enough to try & bring u down !

i agree 365 is an awesome community ! makes my every night in (due to know help babysitter wise) much more bareable ! hehehe ! xx
April 9th, 2011
Oh Sheri, such a shame to have heard something like this. But you know it's jealousy and self-esteem issues; they're trying to drag you down to their level. I'd be one of those giving them a good knee-capping on your behalf if I could. Hold your head high; you've got a lot to be proud of. And don't forget we're all here for you anytime you need us.
April 9th, 2011
My good mother always said: talking ( swear ) don`t hurt, hitting ( knok)do .
or think : Lord , please forgive them, they don`t know they are doing.
I try to like everybody and ignore they one I can`t.Play sometimes , you`re deaf
April 9th, 2011
I too am digging the vibe of the 365, and having reached 100 today, I keep wondering, how does Ross keep all the Trolls away? Every other online forum has teeny bits of negativity that seem to come hand in hand with human nature, but the 365 seems to be very positive.

Yeah! 365!
April 9th, 2011
Send me her address. We'll sort this out.
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri, I agree with you, I find all the people on 365 so nice, geniune and friendly. I am 49 and had this sort of thing in work as well. It would stay with me for days and really get me down. I went to a counseller around the same time( different issue) and I spoke to her about it, like you said Im 49 for crying out loud, why does this s**t make me feel like a teenager.The advice she gave me was ( this is just a small bit of course) is that they have the issue, not me!! Just put it back on to them.tell yourself, they are not my friends, their opinion does not count. I printed the following and I have it one my desk and I read this several times a day, and It really helps me. I hope this has helped a little. Remeber your true friends would not do this to you.

'Surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values and goals. Friends that have the same ethics as you will encourage you to achieve your dreams. They help you to feel good about yourself. They are there to lend a helping hand when needed'
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri People who act like that aren't worth your time or worry!!! They need lives! Hugs!!! :0)
April 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri Hugs. I feel badly that you were hurt. What they said about you, says more about THEM than it ever will about you.

People like that steal your power, only if you let them. Rise above their catty remarks and continue on your way. Do the opinons of two catty women really matter to you?

I'd have confronted them straight on, but that's me. I find that people are veryyyy different when you confront them! A simple "I heard you mention my name, what was that that you just said about me?"...would have stopped them in their tracks.

Hugs..please DECIDE to not let people like that take your happiness away from you. You'll be glad you did!
April 9th, 2011
On whatever level, any artistic expression requires the artist(or hobbyist photographer) to bare their soul to some extent, that, in itself, sets you apart.
If others perceive that as a threat to their grasp on 'normality', well that is their problem. Good on you for standing out, for being REMARKABLE, c'mon the 365!!!!
April 10th, 2011
Group hug,everyone!!!!
April 10th, 2011
Sorry to hear about these nasty buggers, ignore them, they are probably either envious or jealous.

I'm usually rather skeptic about virtual friendship, but it's true, it can be a great support.

I've now had the luck to turn a virtual friendship into reality - thank you, 365!!! :-)

Sheri, just be yourself, those who can't appreciate it, are the ones missing out...
April 10th, 2011
I ditto everything that has been said. It makes me mad when women are so petty. Most likely their actions were out of jealousy. Hold your head up high and trust that you are a better person than they are. We all love you and will go to bat for you whenever necessary. Cyber hugs friend!!!!!!!!!
April 10th, 2011
sheri!!!!! no!!!! we love you. those girls suck. period.
April 10th, 2011 sorry that you had to experience that dearheart. if it makes you feel any better, i've found that most of the people who do that type of thing are either jealous or so miserable with their so-called perfect lives, talking about others is the only thing that makes them feel better.

am glad that we've found each other through 365. i've found many people on here to be wonderful friends.... i will admit that i actually check this site more than i do facebook. and there are often times during my day that i wish i could post something just to share with others. aside from my family, i have quite a lonely existance. glad to be here and be able to call you my friend.

also...i thought i was the only one who used the word snarky..see? we're meant to be friends :)

blessings to you, andie
April 10th, 2011
@petersonsheri Sheri - I don't think our paths have crossed yet here, but can I just say that you are a total sweetie! If I may join the horde of angry 365ers who will be coming to bop these nasty women over the head with our lenses? (OK, maybe that's getting a little drastic!).

Anyway, reading this has made me feel rather warm and fuzzy - I agree that there's some amazing people here and it's such a supportive community. Isn't it wonderful that a shared interest can develop into something much more!
April 10th, 2011
Oh man, if I could invite you all over for margaritas and a pontoon ride, I would!! What an amazing group of people. Thank you so much for cheering me up this weekend when I was feeling so beaten down. Hearing all of your stories, and support, made me realize that we are definitely a unique bunch with a passion that sometimes only we can understand. I can't even begin to tell you how lucky I feel to have a group to share photography with, and a group that will come and beat up the mean girls for me! lol!! You are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@harley84 @arrayofblues @missyrosebee @timandelke @kammy @meggageg @lauren211 @pankaj @alecio @indiannie_jones @jannaellen @gardengal @sparkle @katiegc24 @shenay @lilbumblebee @flamez @girlie @pyrrhula @bobfoto @eyebrows @cookie123 @cjwhite @wndswptlady @tolpol @spaceman @niara @dejongdd @amyhughes @andiejaye @microart
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