Would You Buy...?

April 12th, 2011
Recently I've had numerous friends tell me I should try selling prints of some of my photos. I'm sceptical about this for two reasons:
1 . They're my friends, of course they'll say nice things to me!
2. I don't think my photos are of a high enough quality for someone to want to buy them.

So I come to you for your honest feed back, I have 2 albums, would you pay for prints of any of my pictures, if so which ones?

As I said I don't think they're a high enough standard, I also now I am very critical of myself.
I am asking now so that if the general opinion is I do have 1 or 2 shots that are ok I could try to sell them at local craft fairs.

To clarify, in no way do I wish to make a living off this but if I can generate a little extra money to make our montly budget easier it has to be a good thing.

I've also looked at laws/tax for selling things as no matter how small I know it would be classed as a business.
April 12th, 2011
I'd buy this one it would look great on my bedroom wall!!

April 12th, 2011
i'd but this
April 12th, 2011
To me it would be how they are printed... something fun and modern and sure... you could sell a few... local craft shows are tough... 99% of the time people want cheap things... don't race to the bottom, print, frame, add $300 price tag and you will sell more than... cheap prints for $20 at a craft show...
April 12th, 2011
This one:

And this one:

And this one:

And actually quite a few are very good, good enough to sell, if you print them right. I don't really know anything about buying/selling photos/prints etc but I know that I think they look best on canvas, and I know that I would buy some of them because they would look good on my wall. :)
April 12th, 2011
This is too cute!

And the focus here is divine:

(Actually most of your flower shots are breathtaking - those would be the ones I'd buy!)
April 12th, 2011
Hi, your images look more than good enough to me BUT I would be wary of investing time and money trying to sell these face-to-face with the public unless you have easy access to a large marketplace. I think it would be all too easy to spend heaps on stock that ends up not selling :(
That's not to say the pictures aren't good enough, I think they are. If you wanted to get a return have you considered art sites that sell prints and objects for you (eg cafepress, deviantart, there must be others)?
April 13th, 2011
Just my 2-cents-worth: My son is a photographer, but not by trade. He doesn't do weddings or anything; he just wants to sell photos much like you are thinking of doing. You've already mastered the first part, and that is taking sell-quality photos. The hardest part is marketing yourself. You could set up a blog site where there is an option to buy prints, but you have to figure out how to get people there to look. My advice is to look for any outlet you can find to showcase what you can do, be it on the web or in shops or in person, and include links to your website or other sites where you are selling your pictures. I've seen a lot of prints for sale in art galleries, too (and, in fact, have purchased them there). You might even try etsy.com
April 13th, 2011
Is there a local store or boutique that might let you put a few prints up. That might be a start.
April 13th, 2011
I have gone around to business' and asked if they would be willing to put some of my art up on the walls to sell. Some have been receptive, some not. Try to find a gallery in the area that sells local artist works. That will get the most traffic from people who are specifically looking for art, not just happening to see it. You have some great quality photos. If you approach a business, think about their clientel and what they do/sell. Flowers would be great at a hair salon but probably not go over as well at a diner. (just an example). They will be more likely to put them up if they think they will accent the business and are realtive to what they are doing.
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