What is Your Inspiration?

April 13th, 2011
It's funny, because when I first started this project, I was trying to take pics of what I thought other people would like. Then I realized, IDK what the general population likes. Even if I look at the popular page, I couldn't try to replicate what is there. Once I got over this concept, I began photographing for ME. I realized what inspires me. The outdoors, wilderness, nature and wildlife inspire me (I tend to photograph trees, A LOT - see a recent photo below). I see many people with little ones use them as their inspiration. So What is YOUR inspiration?

April 13th, 2011
We definately learn about ourselves doing this project, don't we? That's the way it should be.

I am inspired by my day-to-day life and the place in which I live. It's green and full of life yet colorful and fun. The birds sing every morning and the skies become a kalidescope of color in the evening. Preserving the natural habitats are encouraged here. Freinds and family are important to the people of this community as well as they are to me. We talk to our neighbors, teachers, and business owners. It is our home and as I do this project I learn more about it and the people here every day.
April 13th, 2011
At the moment I am inspired by flowers!! That has become quite a surprise to me because, as lovely as they are, I thought it was the soft option. But making them more interesting is what makes that a challenge.

I am also inspired by light, shadow, colour and texture and love including ceramics in my shots...

I love to take shots of the beautiful town and countryside in which I live, especially the trees.

When abroad it is people and architecture that is the focus.

I love horses too and would love to photograph the horsemen of the world as well as horses in their wild environment. Swans are currently a great theme for me as there is a beautiful pair of them nesting by the bridge in the middle of town three minutes from my front door.
April 13th, 2011
Spring and love! :)

April 13th, 2011
like you i did the same thing and finally realized that i have always loved the outdoors and nature, but i really love taking pictures of birds...i became an ACE member and started my album...i still do take all sorts of pictures but i have my specialty album. here are just a few...

April 13th, 2011
my kids/family life, hands down:)

April 13th, 2011
Just so you know, that photo you posted SHOULD be on the popular page, it is magnificent!!! I also got caught up in the whole shooting what other people would like. Now I stick to nature (sunsets and sky always inspire me). Animals (because they have the best expressions). Children are another big one and long exposure, anytime I see lights at night I want to pull out my camera.

My son is a big inspiration too as he has started his own 365 project at 8 years old and remembers to do a photo each day and then asks me where mine is so now I have someone holding me accountable too haha!

Recent shot of the budding photographer (and inspiration) himself and his project can be found here: http://365project.org/ajs/365

April 13th, 2011
I too, have been on a journey and I don't care about others any more. I didn't ask anyone to look, right? As a person who always did nature and landscapes, I have learned that children are my true inspiration. Such a great journey. By the way, I love your photo! Gorgeous!

I also love the everyday.
April 13th, 2011
My biggest inspiration are my kids , not always what they are doing but the way they think , the way they look at things , i try to tune in with that and find it gives some cool results ....

todays shot for example is made up of 3 shots of my older two sons , last night they were on the trampoline and had loads of fun creating poses for me , then in edit we decided itd make a cool cd cover and "the shot" was born lol !

other days it will be something theyve said that triggers a shot idea , crazy mad having a tot and two teens to bounce off and inspires me every day :)
April 13th, 2011
My inspirations are my dreams, or even nightmares. My emotions. The past whether a gloomy or cheerful one. Also, works from great photographers.

April 13th, 2011
Nature is my biggest inspiration. Even when I was younger and out on school outings there would be more photos of trees, clouds and snails than of people. Or random found objects. And color, lots of color,

April 13th, 2011
My inspiration is nature, and her beauty and diversity, from the smallest flower to the most intricate dragonflies wings to the cutest frog!

April 13th, 2011
Light. The way it falls upon faces, breaks through clouds and trees...

I'm also inspired by capturing those moments that people don't know I'm capturing, but I will stop posting pics now!
April 13th, 2011
I find it very hard to say what my inspiration is. I'd love to photograph my husband every day because he is the handsomest man on the planet but (probably fortunately for you guys) we have a long-distance relationship at the moment ;).

I love taking pictures of the outdoors, of animals, plants, the sky...

This site has also inspired me to take people shots as well and I'm loving it!!!

Plus I love taking shots of interesting finds or from special perspectives - I love the way photography challenges us to change our perspective!

April 13th, 2011



and Benches

also my kids, trees, sky, bus stops.....
April 13th, 2011
Weirdly, I am totally the other way round. I started off just taking pictures for myself - I wanted a New Years Resolution the I would enjoy keeping - I have never yet kept one, mostly because I always pick things I hate, like being tidier, doing homework, organisation, etc. So I just took photos cause I wanted to.. and who else would want to look at photos of a rubber duck, anyway?

But then I got a few followers, who commented regularly and I got really positive feedback on my photos, and my captions, and then I got more followers - for the first 2 months I got 10 new followers a day, every single day! :O

So I realised that, if so many people like my idea, maybe I should make more of an effort to take 'good' photos, rather than just silly ones, or ones to please myself. Now, I try to take photos that I think everyone else will be interested in, and I write silly captions with stories in, because I get so many comments on Greg's adventures.

Also, my project is more 'photojournalism' style, rather than just shots I like. I *do* take some 'real' photos every now and again, too. Honestly.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe it's just a thing.

Things that inspire me:

-What I do on different days
-Ideas from other people who want to see Greg do certain things
-Quite often, nothing at all
-Things I see when I'm out and about that I think might look interesting/amusing with a duck next to/on them
-Things I think a duck might do if he were like a person
-Things that are going on in my life

An example of each of these:

This is at college, where I go every day, in the recording studio, where I go every day, recording stuff, which I do most days.

This is Greg "taking photos with a Canon". Punny. :D

Mr @eyebrows suggested that I put Greg on a dog's head, so I did.

No inspiration at all.

Saw this sign and thought it was amusing.

Greg has a girlfriend, because that's something I reckon would happen if he were a person.

When I had a lot of college work to do, so did Greg.

So yeah. That was a long post. But now I have over 400 followers and I try to take photos that I think people will like, because it's fun and that's the way I like it. Yay!
April 13th, 2011

I love posting shots of my garden flowers, but only recently have I had them (springtime) i like to show off their colours and amazing ability to be completely unique... however i would LOVE to take more candid shots of children but sadly I just don't have access to any babies or toddlers at the moment... (my boy is a self conscious 9 yr old! LOL)
I love Macro and some of my fave shots are by @indiannie_jones ! ;-)
April 13th, 2011
@jennlouise :) too kind!
April 13th, 2011
Inspiration...hmm...lots of things inspire me, it really depends on what day you ask. Some of my favorite inspirations:

My family:

Our animals:

All the beautiful "rustic" stuff at our ranch:

My hobbies:

The way a B&W can make something average look amazingly beautiful:

I won't bore you with more photos, but other things that inspire me are colors, textures, everyday things in new perspectives, remembering loved ones....

I guess my biggest inspiration, and the reason for all of these sub-inspirations, is trying to capture all the things in my life that are special to me =)
April 13th, 2011

Books; from my Peter Pan series:


and my own silly head...
April 14th, 2011
LIFE INSPIRES ME! I find my greatest photo inspiration comes when I've had a bad day or feeling down. I like to photograph trees too. Great textures in trees!

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