What photo shoot have you always wanted to do?

April 18th, 2011
I am just three days away from the one photo shoot I have wanted to do since I bought my first DSLR and sold my first photo as a professional photographer: shoot my hometown of Sugar Grove, Virginia.

This is such a big deal for me because no professional photographer has ever shot a photo there. It is a quiet country town in the southwestern part of Virginia with a population under 1,000. Go ahead, do a Google search. There is literally nothing there. The only photos that come up are actually from Sugar Grove, WEST Virginia.

And now, with the uses of a website, Facebook, and blog, it is easier than ever to share photos. So, in just three days, I will shoot professional landscape and photojournalism photos of my home town for the very first time.

What photo shoot have you always wanted to do and why?
April 18th, 2011
I want all access backstage at a circus. Omg. If I can do that before I die, I will....probably be too excited to function. To be able to capture all of that excitement and focus going on just before the show, with all of the color and characters and sequins and adrenaline...is my dream.
April 18th, 2011
That's really cool that you're going to do that!

April 18th, 2011
I have been dying to capture this capsized boat near my house. The only problem is the best perspective is from an overpass on a busy highway (with no place for pedestrians). I've been trying to figure out how to capture the shot I want safely... I've taken a couple, but they're not what I want. I will probably keep trying until I get something I'm happy with...
Here's what I have so far:

April 18th, 2011
Jason, congrats on getting the shoot you always wanted! I'm so happy for you! My dream shoot would be a child fall fashion show (for Baby Dior). I love designing and sewing kids clothes so being able to photograph the fashion pros would be a dream come true for me.
April 18th, 2011
I want to take pictures while skydiving. For one, I'm not sure I'll have the guts to do it, and two, even if I do I'm not sure they would let me take a camera. So, it's on my bucket list, but I'm not optimistic.
April 18th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Congrats! Mine would be follow an athlete through their journey at the winter olympics. I'm a reporter and covering the olympics is a major career goal for me.
April 18th, 2011
Congrats on this awesome event Jason, Hope it goes as you have planned it ..
April 18th, 2011
A photo journalistic cross country trip on old Rt. 40 from Atlantic City, NJ to San Francisco, CA up 101 to Astoria, OR and Rt. 30 back to Atlantic City.
April 18th, 2011
My dream shoot is something done often by professionals but since I'm not one I doubt I'd be able to do it (and my current cam wouldn't deliver the final product I want) but anyways I would absolutely LOVE to shoot on stage at a huge music concert, shoot the audience and the musicians. If it was I band that I loved it would just be perfect.
April 18th, 2011
@jasonbarnette awesome that you get to do your dream shoot! is this a pro shoot (and if so, who commissioned this project), or is this something that you're doing out of personal interest? either way, looking forward to see the pics =)
April 18th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau I love that idea ...Google circuses, email em... what ya waiting for... I know, you got a family, job etc etc, but it just sounds too gorgeous and I hope we get to see some shots on here.
April 18th, 2011
My dream shoot is a series of shoots of horse herds of the world, and also horemen (and women) of the world. I need a lot more practice first.
April 18th, 2011
That's so exciting, Jason! Have fun :)

I don't really have a dream shoot, but there are some things in Cyprus I'd love to shoot - I got one yesterday, but not at the right time of the day. I'm really thinking about making my way to another city for some sunsets and long exp during the week.
April 18th, 2011
Maybe shooting Snowboarding- the pros that is. ive watched too many docos and videos about snowboarding and its amazing the places that they go. Funnily enough, sport/action photography isnt up top of my list of favourite types of photography but this one just gets to me :D
April 18th, 2011
@christiq In a way, both. About three weeks ago I did a commissioned photo shoot for Budget Travel Magazine. Now, they want me to continue working freelance for them. I'll shoot photos and let the photo editor know what I've got, and they'll decide if they need them. From time to time, they'll continue to send on my assignment. Probably once or twice a month.

But mostly, it's just for me. Just to do it. To document my hometown in a way that's never been done before.
April 18th, 2011
Dream photo job... following the F1 circuit as a professional photography with all access
April 18th, 2011
I was about to say that, as well - I'm a big Formula 1 fan, and I love watching the races on TV... To get to go to a race weekend live, and to take photos of the cars, and drivers, and race garages, would be amazing!
April 18th, 2011
have fun with your shoot!
i'd have to say my dream photo shoot would be at a concert....preferably for one of my fave bands...
April 18th, 2011
My absolute dream job is to be photographer for the National Football League! To capture that excitement, those crashes, those catches, and those runs - wow....gets my heart pumping! Football rocks.

On the other hand, I intend to do a series of shots from my hometown too, and the surrounding towns. I want to share it with my facebook friends who have moved on to other cities and states. The trouble is finding the time.
April 18th, 2011
@jasonbarnette well congrats! have a great time. but don't make the photos look TOO attractive. if your beautiful little hometown makes it into a travel book, it'll turn into a tourist destination!
April 18th, 2011
Great thread. My dream photo shoot would include Arches National Park. I've never been there.

I would like to spend an entire day at the base of Delicate Arch, taking photos throughout the day, seeing how the light plays on the arch as it travels across the sky.
April 19th, 2011
Wow, congrats on getting the shoot you always wanted, hope it lives up to your expectations!

For me, I guess my dream shoot would be (BORING, sorry) a wedding. Simply because everyone always looks their best at weddings and have so much fun. But also I would love just doing portrait shoots. But nothing involving a rubber duck - sorry. I do wish I could do *real* photography.
April 19th, 2011
@natcruz87 @dkg --I'd have to go with Nat and Danielle...I have always wanted to get an all access pass and get up close with one of my favorite bands! :-)
April 19th, 2011
Jason, I look forward to seeing your photos!
My dream photo shoot is something similar. I want to go back to my grandparents' farm and take photos of... Well... Everything. Everything I remember growing up, and that list is so long.
The farm is pretty far away, but even the idea of it makes my stomach dance.
Enjoy your time there and please share your pictures!!
April 19th, 2011
Jason, I think that is wonderful. I know you will love it and I am sure everyone that lives there will love you for it. Maybe you can make a "coffee table" book to sell of your town.
I agree with Kate -- @katiegc24 -- I just want to do "real" photography. I love taking portraits of people, especially in their own world when they forget that the camera is around.
My dream would have to be maybe National Geographic with the lions and tigers, seeing how close I can get to their world - seeing how much they would let me into their world.
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 Haha, we've got the same 'dream' shoot. I too would love to shoot a wedding, though I don't think very many people would be willing to have me as their photographer.
Then there's the shoots that are second and third: second being a cross-country trip across the US, on foot. I'd like to do that one day, take my camera and just shoot. Third is a shoot of lightning. It's one I think I'll have to cheat on, using metal rods to attract it, but if I could do it right, that would be incredible.
@jasonbarnette Congratulations on your dream shoot! That sounds brilliant, unknown landscapes? Awesomesauce!
April 19th, 2011
@awtehskyscryin @terrih2os Weddings are great. I've been to a few receptions with the band, but never with the photographer. I'd just love to take photos of a bride, and a bride and groom, looking all loved up - would just be perfect.

I'm not even sure what I meant by 'real' photography when I wrote that - I guess I don't see any of my photos as 'real' photography, and I would love to do portraits, in a studio or on location, or anything really. Just working with people (as opposed to a duck!) and making people happy when they see the final photos of themselves. (Although I guess if I did that then they wouldn't be happy because the photos wouldn't be very good, but you know what I mean.) I'd love to think of myself as a 'proper' photographer, and I'd love to think that I could take photos that were good, or even just 'ok'.

That was rambly and pointless - I just meant I would love to take photos of people. :)
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 Get an ace account and make your second folder 'real' photography or atleast a place to put non-greg photography.
April 19th, 2011
@meggageg When I can afford it - sounds silly because I know it isn't very much, but being a student and running a car = no money, and I already spend too much. :( when I can justify the expense I will though :)
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 Well, if I could gift you an ace account I would!
April 19th, 2011
@meggageg Awwwww :) thanks. I'll keep saving and when I have £15 to spare then I'll upgrade :)
April 20th, 2011
@katiegc24 I've never been to a wedding before. I'd like to go to one sometime. ...I wonder if there's something odd about a guy wanting to go to a wedding (and be the photographer). Meh. Not like I want to be un-odd.
I suppose I see what you mean by 'real' photography. I sometimes get the same feeling about my own pictures, but in my (oh-so-humble) opinion, you are doing real photography! It takes a fair amount of thought and creativity to come up with interesting things to shoot a duck with...wait, that came out wrong. To come up with interesting SETTINGS for a duck. Yeah.
But I love taking portraits too. I've taken quite a few of some of the people here (especially the girl I teach piano to and her sister) as practice. I want to be able to really capture people's essence, if that makes sense, and I'm assuming you want something similar?
April 20th, 2011
@awtehskyscryin Love your comment about things to shoot a duck with - or rather the settings. Most guys try their best to avoid weddings.

@katiegc24 I have done a couple of weddings but they were very small and the churches were so tiny that it was hard to work in them. I have so many ideas in my head of pictures that would be so very awesome to take at a wedding, but so far, have not had that chance. I also need a much better camera than my point and shoot. Can't wait to have a digital version of my Canon Rebel.
April 20th, 2011
@terrih2os XD Thanks! Yeah, I know, but while I've never been to a wedding, I've always felt like it would be an honor to be part of one-to share that moment/time with the bride and groom. Too many people these days don't seem to understand how special/important weddings are...
April 20th, 2011
i would have to say i would really love to do a "trash the dress" photo shoot ...... so not my normal style but theres so many places round here that would work so well !! ..... problem is i have no one to model for me that wouldnt mind geting dirty muddy wet etc in a nice dress :( gutted lol !
April 20th, 2011
@awtehskyscryin You are very correct. People have some very screwed up morals and ideas these days. Good to hear that there are still some out there that value the importance of things.
@flamez Where do you live? I know some people that would probably have a ball with that!
April 20th, 2011
@terrih2os ~ im in fife , scotland , uk ...... my biggest issue is i havent lived here that long so dont know too many people and the ones i do know tend to just not "get it " if u know what i mean or just cant be bothered :(
April 20th, 2011
@flamez I do know what you mean. You will meet someone that will do it for you I am sure. I would love to see Scotland one day!
April 22nd, 2011
mmmm sugar grove is somewhat close to where i live. gainesville,VA
April 22nd, 2011
Congrats on getting your dream shoot! Mine, I know is out of my reach, but basically Photo Journalistic type of photos, covering big things like the wars, natural disasters... Just traveling everywhere to catch all the "big" things going on in the world with a front row seat.
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