To all mothers with children

April 19th, 2011
Don't all mothers have children? ;)
April 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy :D

@bruni What if I wanted my feet to be fluorescent green? Is that still harmful? If I let my feet go back to their natural colour afterwards, is that still bad for them?

I didn't realise foot dye was so harmful - and surely anyone can dye their feet, not just mothers (with *or* without children!) ?
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 Your feet will start having behavior problems. No one will understand why your feet want to move so much! We will have to medicate them heavily.

@vikdaddy You beat me to it! :p
April 19th, 2011
@meggageg Oh no. I'm not sure I can handle that - maybe my feet don't want to take medication .. maybe they just want to be free!!
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 I say let feet just be feet!

And if I wasn't going on vacation in two days I would totally dye my feet for a picture.
April 19th, 2011
@meggageg I think I might. Shall I post it in here?
April 19th, 2011
@bruni Thanks :-) I know The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration are very strict about food dye and a lot of american products are not aloud here partly because of it.

I´m really happy about these strict rules but some products I wish we had. I want spray cheese :-D
April 19th, 2011
ive been reading about this for a while and i SO wish i could just move my family to a healthier country!
April 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy I "lol'd"
April 19th, 2011
@brandywalker365 Totally agree with Brandy!!!! Way to feel like our government has our backs.
April 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy I have been known to be a "mother-" something or other, not sure it was because I have children though
April 19th, 2011
@datsyukian Hahahahaha :D

@brandywalker365 @arrayofblues - Surely it isn't the country that is unhealthy..? Isn't it up to you what you choose to buy for your children? Unless the government or someone else is forcing you to buy bad things full of E numbers and food dyes etc? :/
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 I agree wholeheartedly. It's all about personal choice. I'd rather my government let ME decide what I was going to eat, thank you very much. If I want to eat healthy, nobody is stopping me. And if I want to eat the most unhealthy foods out there, nobody should stop me either. It's my choice. Far too many people rely on the government to make all of their choices for them. Stand up and take personal responsibility for yourself. You don't want the artificial flavors & dyes? Don't buy products that contain them. It's just that easy. Yes, it's going to take more work on your part - and quite likely be more expensive. But YOU have made the choice for yourself, and it's up to you to stand to that choice.

@brandywalker365 @arrayofblues
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 No we do have the option and my kids eat rather healthy. They don't get to eat many processed foods, but if you walk in our grocery store, the vegetable selection sucks or they are already half rotten. I suppose I could grow a garden but my thumb is anything but green and I can't even keep any of my plants alive....LOL. We have clay soil and its almost impossible, too. Even the vegetables are tainted with pesticides. It is very difficult in my town to eat healthy.
April 19th, 2011
@yungingr YES. Yay!

@arrayofblues That is pretty bad.. surely you have a supermarket or something near you where there are lots of vegetables and things?
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 Seriously, NO. Even our farmers market is lucky to have more than 2 tables set up.
April 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy First thing that came to my mind as well, then I corrected myself... there are childless mothers... any mother whose children have died... they're still moms right? (sorry for the grimm thoughts lol)
April 19th, 2011
@arrayofblues Oh man. Where do you live? :O
April 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy Some of us now have adults but yes you are basically right LOL
April 19th, 2011
@arrayofblues im with you, every store in our area sucks OR is very very limited and REALLY high priced for healthier foods :( and yeah sure my family is worth the higher price but dangit we have have 3 kids and cannot always afford those types of foods not to mention i have two children with Autism who are very peticular about what they eat to the point where one of them would go days without eating because he just cannot get himself to eat out side of his "bubble" of likes
April 19th, 2011
@datsyukian ~ that comment should've come with a warning as ive just laughed and spat my cuppa tea all over the laptop !!
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 @flamez ha ha! my apologies for the laptop Flamez.... and the tea.
April 19th, 2011
@flamez is right.. it should have come with a warning. Still, @datsyukian was hilarious :D
April 19th, 2011
was deffo worth reading for that comment alone @datsyukian @katiegc24 haha !
April 19th, 2011
@flamez True that. :D
I like this thread, it's unintentionally funny :P mostly due to Mr @datsyukian and Mr @vikdaddy .
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 @brandywalker365 I live in North Carolina, US. And Brandy I totally hear you! My son eats apples like no tomorrow and if I shop at my close grocery store (which is higher priced) I buy organic apples, but the other store don't even have organic. I think they have organic bananas but the say those don't really matter because the skin is so thick. Lets just say this....I just sauteed a tiny head a broccoli, a zucchini, and a squash and it barely fed the 3 of us (my husbands at work--and wouldn't eat it anyway) and it cost me almost $10. I could of ordered a large pizza for that and had left overs tomorrow. How fair is that?!

Anyway, everyone else is joking around about it and I'm just being crumpy...been a heck of a day. Got a call earlier that is gonna cost me $75 to get the bad lens of my camera, the lens isn't fixable, and it will be ANOTHER 3-6 sorry, I'm a grumpy, heart-broken photographer and mommy today :)
April 19th, 2011
@arrayofblues Ah man.. *hug* I know how you feel.. bad days suck.

Yeah that sounds pretty bad .. I don't even know where North Carolina is, to be honest .. but that's crazily unfair. :(
April 19th, 2011
@arrayofblues Sorry you are having a bad day :( You should read this thread tomorrow and laugh.
April 19th, 2011
@meggageg LOL. I'm sure I will....sorry everyone!! Thanks again for being so wonderful!
April 19th, 2011
@katiegc24 If you're interested, you can google "food deserts"... not desserts, no jokes please :) There are a lot of places where people can't get fresh food. There is a whole area of social justice activism around the issue. Just passing it along!
April 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy - - - bahahaha!!

@katiegc24 @yungingr - - - agree with both of you.
Generally the foods that contain food dyes/colourings/presevatives/too mush sugar are pretty obvious, they're all the foods that look and taste good.... things that are supposed to be treats, not consumed everyday. Everyone has the choice on how much of these products they or their children consume.

But also, @brandywalker365- - - I understand what your saying too, it annoys me that junk food is cheaper than healthy food!! Because of the floods and Cyclone in Queensland (Australia) our bananas are more than $2 EACH! It's cheaper to get a chocolate bar at the moment.
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