the politics of commenting!

April 24th, 2011
I feel self conscious when commenting on people's photos sometimes. I wonder if anyone else feels this...

I think of a comment when I see the picture but then have to scan the other comments to see that no-one has posted the exact same thing before committing (if the comment is technical (eg. well framed) or emotional (eg. what a poignant image) surprisingly often the comment is already there...

I find myself commenting on an image I like only to realise I have commented on their last few pictures too, and will they get the impression they have a new 'greatest fan' in me?

I look at pictures from someone who has commented on mine and end up commenting on theirs - but will they think it's just a 'reciprocal comment'? In a way it is but it's no less sincere!

Any other thoughts on the politics of commenting?
April 24th, 2011
I say what I think - if someone has commented the same as what I want to say, I still think it worth saying :-)

I find comments really helpful. I post pics for me, the one that sums up my day as best it can. That may not be the most technically competent photo, or the best framed etc - but it's the one that will remind me of this day when I look back at it.

But having said that - when others do notice any photo I take, especially the ones that turn out somewhere near the way I hoped they would, well, it feels good :-)

And it helps me see which work best, it's not so easy for me to pick out the ones that are "best" when I see them all, so feedback that I chose well helps refine my choice in the future.
April 24th, 2011
Two things.

First, just go straight in and say what you think. I have even found that I have repeated the person just above me (and probably ten others) but the frequency of similar comments can reinforce a point.

The second thing is that I will look at the work of those who comments on mine but to comment for its own sake can seem patronising, so I really do say something when I am moved to do so. A picture doesn't have to be fantastic technically but it can give a good feeling and you can let me know. I do this because people have certainly encouraged my photography in this way.

That's just an opinion but not intended as forcibly as it appears.
April 24th, 2011
@ukcam ~ i often wonder the same but decided that ill just say what i think reguardless of if its said already .... there are certain people that appear in my feed and i genuinly love every shot they post :) ..... i find i cant comment as much as i would like as i have rather demanding children who monopolise my whole day haha ! .....i often feel guilty when i discover that im not following someone who has been commenting on my shots regullarly , a couple of times recently this has dawned on me and i try to put it right hehe ! , sometimes when u get a lot of comments on a shot its hard to return the favour as it takes so so long ! i now scan my feed comment on the ones that jump out at me , head to PP , then new faces , then if i still have time i work through those that have commented on my shots *phew* ..... but i always think that beacuse i appriciate every comment even if they are similar then it doesnt matter too much if my replies on theres are similar to others :)

i struggle because i dont know the technical stuff much (apart from editing) so sometimes i like something but cant say why :S
April 24th, 2011
You can just say what you like, when you like. If 10 people commented on my photo, all saying "great framing" or " fantastic lighting" or whatever, I would think Wow, so many people thought the framing/lighting was good, maybe I should be doing that more often. Clearly, it was noticeably interesting.

About the other things you said - if you make sure that your comments are sincere, then you shouldn't worry about it just being a 'reciprocal comment'. Surely it doesn't matter if the other person thinks that anyway? You took the time to look at their photos and comment on them and you said what you think; they can take it any way they want to. I sometimes get people who follow me and then look through my photos and comment on some earlier ones and I think that's really nice because it shows that they are taking an interest in my work rather than just liking my latest photo and following me based on that one.

Basically - comments are nice and write as much as you can, whenever/wherever you can because it's just always great to get feedback. :)

@flamez - If you don't know the technical stuff then ask! Or comment anyway, and say that you really like the effect, was it a long exposure/high ISO/smaller aperture than might be expected or anything else.. most people are happy to explain, and that way you learn about it all :)
April 24th, 2011
@katiegc24 ~ i kinda understand the bits u just mentioned BUT how to make my camera do it is a complete mystery to me hahahaha !!
April 24th, 2011
@flamez Hahaha my camera doesn't even let me adjust half of those things - you should ask then! *or* just play around - pick one thing to take a photo of, then take 10 different photos of it with different exposures, aperture settings etc and see what you like best. :D
April 24th, 2011
@katiegc24 ~ or i could read the instruction mannual i guess ...... but i never read them hahaha !
April 24th, 2011
@flamez Playing is much more fun!
April 24th, 2011
I tend NOT to look at other people's comments until after I've posted mine and invariably post the same thing - however i do think this is a mark of recognising the same qualities in the shot as other people. In terms of regularly posting comments back, i could never post everything to all those who follow me, but I have an unwritten rule that if people have been bothered enough to post a comment on my pic or fave it, i will visit their site back - if I don't like their current post I'll flash back over their album to find one i do like. This way it means I find some new and interesting people to check out and it is my way of saying "thank-you" to those who have visited my site!
April 24th, 2011
I agree with MS, I do an MA in creative writing and we commit to the idea when criticising that if people agree they repeat, and if they disagree they contradict even on the same issue and the person being commented on judges the strengths and weaknesses from reoccuring compliments or criticisms. I'm feeling you though when you say you feel awkward viewing someone just because they commented on you, but if I'm already following them I like their work, so I have faith in finding something I genuinely love amongst their posts. Good discussion though, worth mentioning.
April 24th, 2011
You may find yourself not too different from everyone else. We often dont talk about these little things, as we only think of them the moment we do them and then we hide it.

We all feel the same way. I too feel awkward when someone has replied to my pictures and then I go give a comment on theirs.

April 24th, 2011
I don't put this much thought into it. I write my first impression, ignoring the rest. Plus, if someone comments on my photos, I might go look at their profile, but might not. I do what I have time for and let it go. This is for fun, so I do what I can to keep it that way. Good thing to think about though.
April 24th, 2011
i normally put "♥" ...... something new .....
April 24th, 2011
I ay what I feel as soon as I see something I particularly like...after all art is such a subjective thing. What appeals to me may not appeal to someone else. i sometimes just say "gorgeous" or "beautiful" but if I put it I mean it. Sometimes I write a whole load of stuff, it really depends on how the photo has taken me and a fav is an instant thing for me. Some weeks I go without faving anything but last week I fav'd lots. Also, I try to comment without reading other people's comments first so I can say what I feel without being put off by the fact that I'm repeating what other people have said :o)
April 24th, 2011
It just stands to reason that we will all key in on the aspects of the photograph that are appealing and/or technically accurate. That said, since I am a bit of a wordsmith, I do hate to sound redundant. So after reviewing the comments, often to see if someone has spied something my novice eye has missed, I will endeavor to compliment what we all see as good, great, special, intrigueing, etc., without parroting.

As far as the reciprocal posting, I don't see it that way. When I come across someone that I haven't viewed before, be it thru a new post, a comment to one of mine, or a comment to someone else that I found profound, I will often scan their recent work and comment on those that strike me. I find it just a natural part of the process and don't think it obligatory when others do as well. That said, I'm off to check out your album now. ;)
April 24th, 2011
I try not to 'over-think' the commenting thing. I do tend to comment on people who comment on my photos though. But it's only because I feel like I've developed a relationship with these people (I don't follow a ton of people...don't have many followers either) and enjoy chatting back and forth with them about our photos.
April 24th, 2011
What they said :)
April 24th, 2011
I believe that the comments section is perhaps more a gift to the author of the comment than the recipient...what a lovely opportunity to be kind, supportive and generous; to be encouraged to notice the details and find what you see as beautiful in the work of another - OR - to see the world through their eyes and learn a new perspective? In my experience, when I feel compelled to comment on another's photo, I pay more attention to their work, and invariably come away with a glimpse into that person's heart and soul.
April 24th, 2011
100% agree with this whole thread lol.... Personally I am just tickled when someone comments on my photos and don't really care if it is a repeat of someone else's:)
April 24th, 2011
That is beautiful what you said, CoastlandCactus. I also agree pretty much what everyone else is saying.
April 24th, 2011
If I comment on a picture, it is a genuine comment...whether it is the 10th time it has been said, or the first. I do not know the technical terms so sometimes when I am struggling to express what I like about it, I will see a comment that is EXACTLY what I wanted to I say it. People are just appreciative that a comment was made about one of their need to analyze them. :) IMO
April 24th, 2011
I cannot tell you how many times a comment pops into my head, then I scroll down and the very last comment is EXACTLY what I just thought....Then I struggle to say something different. I suppose great minds think alike, right?

Personally, I don't care at all when comments are similar or the same on my photos - just happy that someone took the time to stop and comment.
April 24th, 2011
I comment base on How I felt what was the photo is showing. Commenting is something that inside your thoughts on how you accepted the Photo. It's how I looked at the photo. It may be the same comment I made because that is what i see in it. Sometimes I join the wagon of others comment because it sometimes create fun, learning and feelings of others and bonding i guess. creating friendship.
April 24th, 2011
I comment on pictures that I like. I don't worry about it. If they are annoyed with having too many people say the same thing, they'll delete it. In fact, i don't look at the other comments until after I comment on a picture because though I like to know what other people think, I want to give my honest opinion. I make a comment and then go back and read.

But i do feel awkward about commenting back... and I don't think people really notice too much about frequency of the same person, but they like the comments when they come. That's the way I am at least. I like comments, but I'm not going to freak out or anything... I take pictures for me, I'm glad you like them if you do, I won't be upset if you don't.
April 24th, 2011
I just put what I feel about the photo. Often I genuinely like a photo, but I've no idea why or what to write in a comment. I think two people can look at the same picture and love it for two completely different reasons or see something in the photograph that no body else has seen, I think people are probably just grateful for your comments. I know I certainly am.
April 25th, 2011
April 25th, 2011
about commenting... i just write what i would say "in real life". i don't feel weird about going to look and comment on someone else's pictures after they've commented on mine because that's what i'd do IRL. oh, you want to see my pictures? here you go. oh! let me look at yours too! how interesting! i don't think it's weird at all. :) i also agree with the reinforcing nature of repeat commenting. plus, it's so nice to get comments- especially when you're new here and you don't have a lot of regulars that comment.
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