
April 24th, 2011
I’m a cynic. I don’t mean to be and there’s a lot of joy, good fortune and happiness in my life, but occasionally I’m a little bit of a ‘cup half empty’ person. As a result of this and purely due to my skewed perception, whenever I see people thanking “their followers” or apologising for uploading lots of pictures I scoff and think “It’s only a forum”, “It’s only a little internet corner to share photo’s a receive praise” You can almost hear the underlining bah humbug in my voice I know… lol
Well, that is what this post is about, so look away now if you too are a scoffer of gratitude like I am.
Top and bottom of it is this. I’ve sort of gone into hibernation mode at the moment, only putting my photo’s on everyday to make sure I’m the completest, but not really taking part in anything else, and definitely not doing the social aspect of this site, which I truly believe is what is its backbone.
Yet, no matter how damn lazy I’ve been and how little, if any comments I’ve left, I still seem to get a handful of people that make a point of stopping by and saying hi and pass a comment. And you know what, that’s really nice, and is appreciated. So this is a thank you to you all who make a point of taking notice.
Don’t worry, there’s nothing going off in my life that’s bad, I’m not fed up and everything is peachy and wonderful, I’m just going through a lazy git phase, nothing more than that.
@difeeney always uses my first name and that feels very thoughtful and personal (nice personal)
@kimshawball takes cracking real photo’s and it’s ace when she says a hi
@charli321 always lovely and by the very fact she knows @araminta is my wifey she knows when we are have fun jives at each other.
@wordpixman is brill and takes super funky photo’s
@peterauliciems the guy with the super cool desk and the ever friendly dog, thank you mate
@araminta well she married me and for that I’m always grateful
@pixels4uone one day we will meet
@ejgrey ace photo processer and I have respect for lots of reasons but one of them is (and it’s a silly one but so am I) is that damn diner on a bus she found, that is amazing
@5unflow3r has a brill sense f humour that comes across in her photos as does her love for the nature around her.
@filo13 amazing post processing every time
@karynromeis always takes note when I have a good or bummer day and reflects that in her comments, lovely
@flamez wonderful photo’s and a very colourful and distinctive style, it’s an big compliment she passes comment on my photo’s, which also goes for @arielmagyawejr who has a brilliantly inimitable style
@kathyd @halkia @exposure4u @harvey @ggg @wrighty @ellida @vikdaddy @sam_cr @thisissparta @lilbumblebee are all ace.
And now I know I’m getting into territory where I must be forgetting or leaving folk off. If that’s the case then I’m really sorry, you’re all great. I’m a lot more fickle and delete people far too easily, therefore 90% of people on my list I love to see the photo’s of.

Thanks folks, you keep me here
April 24th, 2011
@mrjuggles You know, Paul, I am not a glass half empty person by nature, but I have become that of late as life has dealt me a series of body blows. I am using the 365 project to give me a reason to really *look* at life - at my surroundings, at the little things that blip on my daily radar - and to provide me some sense of perspective that life is not as bad as it sometimes seems.

I am by nature a 'compulsive enabler' (I didn't coin the term, but I recognise that it fits, so it's a cap I wear), and I take pleasure in being an encourager. But lately, I have felt quenched. Broken, even. But from what you have written it seems that the flame has not completely gone out, and that the natural by-product of being me is still sufficiently in evidence to have been of value to you.

You have no idea how much you have blessed me with these words. Cynic or no. Thank you.
April 24th, 2011
If your glass appears half empty, use a smaller glass.
April 24th, 2011
@mrjuggles Awwww how lovely, I feel all warm inside! Thank you for cheering me up when I'm feeling grotty! Cx
April 24th, 2011
@tolpol or do a wee in it.

Which, you know, could actually be a useful metaphor, as well as a dirty joke...

Anyway, OP; I don't know you, even on here, but I know where you're coming from. Not much more to say besides that, really. If I may utilise an internet meme;

April 24th, 2011
@eyebrows Bahahaa. That might work.
April 24th, 2011
@mrjuggles Aww thanx! :o)

I know I probably drive some people quite nutty - but I can't help it. I have to say thanks for their lovely comments :oP

I am finding it harder as the days go by, to keep up with everyone's photos on here, but yours & Araminta's photo's I do like to see amost always.
April 25th, 2011
You're welcome Paul. It's nice that you took the time to write this.
April 25th, 2011
Such a heart warming piece mr. juggles..
and that meme adds some flavor to this.. :))
Thank you for the mention and I am honored that my works are being viewed by you and your wife.. you two are one kind and awesome couple here I know in 365... Thank you!

P.S. whenever I see your profile pic thumbnail on the dashboard and the name 'mr.juggles', this photo instantly pictured on my mind... :)

inspirations will pour, I am certain of that.. :)
April 25th, 2011
@mrjuggles Well, that's that taken care of then! No need to thank people anymore for the remainder of your project :)
I like your shots and also your captions as they often express an appreciation for your life as it is at the moment and of course a lot of love for your wife and children. Just keep on posting :)
April 25th, 2011
@mrjuggles - Aw, thanks for the nice compliment. I enjoy your photos and will probably continue to post comments on them...don't feel obligated to comment back :-) Hopefuly, at some point, you will feel like getting back in to the social aspect of this site!!!
April 26th, 2011
my tags goes to you Paul, all smiles from me :D
April 26th, 2011
Why thank you, kind sir! I appreciate that. I know what you mean about the whole social side of the site. While it's great it's also a bit difficult sometimes, especially when it starts taking up a lot of time and you start feeling guilty when you don't comment. I don't like the guilt!
The diner bus is indeed truly amazing. If you're ever around Aberdeen you should definitely pay it a visit. (Please note, you'll probably feel a bit sick afterwards. . .)
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