Which photo of the day to choose?

April 25th, 2011
I have participated in a photo a day project before, and really really struggled with it. I found a had zero inspiration, particularly on days when I was working, and ended up taking boring uninspiring photos on most days just to see it through. At the end of the project, I swore I would never do a photo a day again, but I was so impressed with my friend's efforts on Project 365 that I decided to give it another attempt.

This time, I have the opposite problem, I'm so inspired (probably due to the wonderful photos I see from so many talented people and the lovely comments I get from others on this website) that I find on some days I'm shooting up to 100 photographs, and although I don't take a good photo every time (actually quite infrequently if I am to be honest!), I sometimes get two or three great photos in the same day. Not wanting to start another album, or post as a filler on a different day, I end up being really torn between photos! Sometimes I post a photo and then decide the other one was better and end up kicking myself for not posting that other photo! My 'discarded' photos then end up on my computer never to be seen by the world (or if I'm desperate to show them off, I might post them to my tumblr account!)

So, my question is, what do you do when you are torn between two photos? How do you decide which one to post? And what do you do with your 'rejected' photo? Do you post it elsewhere on the web (other than the obvious Flickr)?
April 25th, 2011
Well, I'm a bad example to go by because I post so many to the third album - but perhaps you could join Flickr and provide a link in the caption?
April 25th, 2011
@indiannie_jones I am on Flickr, but I haven't posted for ages. That's a really good idea providing a link, I will do that in future :-)
April 25th, 2011
Hoorah :)
April 25th, 2011
@nic365 You could also get the ace membership and have up to 3 albums! woohoooo!!!
April 25th, 2011
Or you could take fewer photographs, and not have so many to choose from...? ;)
April 25th, 2011
that happens to me once in awhile. i opt for the "lucky" shot -- either a once-in-a-blue-moon animal sighting or perhaps one that required perfect timing. then i'll go back the next day (or another time) and shoot/post the other shot on another day.

some folks create collages. and like other commenters have mentioned, you can always upgrade and create additional albums =)
April 25th, 2011
Many thanks for your comments, @manek43509 I'm afraid I find it very difficult to take less photographs ;-) my computer hard drive doesn't like the number of photos on their either! I think I might go for the second album, I was reluctant at first but maybe that is the best option after all!
April 25th, 2011
OK - well then, perhaps you could sell them to other 365-ers who are struggling for inspiration...

People would probably pay up to £20 for a good-quality photograph, to fill a gap when they didn't have time to take a picture, or couldn't think of anything to shoot!

April 25th, 2011
@manek43509 lol! give me a month and i'll probably be looking to buy photos from someone! ;-)
April 26th, 2011
@nic365 I just aced my account to post the "other" photo on my alternate album.
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