Now THAT was fun!

April 26th, 2011
I finished my A-Z Challenge today! Wahoo! I stole the idea from someone I'm following, @valhamil when I saw her working her way through one, and another person I'm following, @mej2011 is now working her way through hers.
So, if you're at all feeling uninspired I recommend giving it a go yourself. I wasn't feeling uninspired but it sure was fun, and got me thinking a little more outside the box than usual.

Random useless factoids from my A-Z Challenge
Shots with cheeky titles: 3 (depending on what you consider cheeky)
Shots of my pugs: 2
Shots of my pugs in compromising situations: 1
Shots containing illegal substances: 1
Countries featured in my challenge: 3
Shots using tiltshift: 1
Shots of my daughter: 4 (!!)
Shots using macro lens: 3
Shots of sunsets: 4 (again, !!!!) - but one of them was edited waaay beyond recognition, so I don't know if that counts.....
Shots that made it to the pop page: 2!!! (I was over the moon about that unexpected side effect!)

I hope my followers enjoyed my A-Z Challenge as much as I did, because I enjoyed the hell out of it. Anyone have any suggestions for a new challenge I can set for myself??

Thanks for the views, comments, and, of course, all the FAV'S!! My followers are the best followers on the planet! Possibly the universe.
In conclusion,I leave you with my favourite shot from my challenge. I heart tiltshift. Like, a lot.
April 26th, 2011
ps - I want to include one of Melissa's A-Z photos in this thread too, since I'm enjoying seeing her daily posts. I would include @valhamil's too, but she hasn't posted in awhile, so I'm not sure if she's still doing 365:(
Anyways, this is Melissa's B shot. I love the vibrant colour of it!
April 26th, 2011
I thoroughly enjoyed following your A-Z challenge and look forward to what you come up with next!
April 26th, 2011
@tkallen That's the thing! I don't know what challenge to do next....I'm looking for some suggestions.....:)
April 26th, 2011
Colors... places... food... or you could *really* think outside the box and take your favorite book and challenge yourself to take a picture of something from each chapter. I'm doing good to take a shot a day (which I have failed miserably at already), I haven't begun to venture into the land of challenges! LOL
April 26th, 2011
You just finished about numbers? You could see how far you get before infinity overwhelms you. Or colors, shapes, or lines?
April 26th, 2011
@pwallis -AWWWWWWWWWWWW! Thank You so much for giving me this shout out! I am sorry to see your A-Z challenge come to an end, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for recommending it to me. As far as new challenges I think the book suggestion by @tkallen is an awesome idea. Or maybe the music inspired challenge. That is what I plan to do next. One question, why didn't you choose yesterday's photo of mine to display? Are you really that scared of me now? LOL!
April 26th, 2011
@mej2011 LOL! I thought everyone should see your soft, colourful banana'y side before they meet the terrifying side of you......
April 26th, 2011
@tkallen @mej2011 ps - I really like the book challenge idea too....hmmm.
April 26th, 2011
@pwallis -banana-y side? Did you just say I"m crazy and scary? YAY!!!
April 26th, 2011
@mej2011 - I thought of doing a music-y one where I take a photo of my interpretation of each song on a specific CD. My ex is a musician and I've often thought of doing that with his CD since I was there for the inception of it and even tho we're not together anymore that CD is near and dear to my ♥. I may have to revisit that idea... hmmm.
April 26th, 2011
I enjoyed every single letter of your A-Z challenge, and I will definitely do it myself at some point. How about a movie/TV theme, you had Sophie's Choice already... ?
April 26th, 2011
what a great job! I kind of came in towards the end but I'm dazzled by your creativity and I absolutely LOVE your wrap up, above! Looking forward to your next challenge.
April 26th, 2011
@tkallen -Personally, I think it's a great idea and I'm sure you have a lot to say about those specific songs since they were such a part of your life! I'm not exactly sure how I am going to implement this specific challenge, I guess I"ll figure it out as I go.
April 26th, 2011
Loved following the alphabet challenge and am def going to do it myself...Maybe today would be a good start. Also thinking of trying to do something featuring my favourite novels - maybe a cover or a visual representation....
April 26th, 2011
I only just started to recently follow you. I enjoyed watching the wind down of the project. I personally have seen that project but I don't think I could do it just yet. It's awesome that you've been to 3 countries since you started it!
April 26th, 2011
Ah Egypt 3 years ago. (forgive my last comment) tiltshift is indeed awesome. A few years ago I tiltshifted Mt. Rushmore haha.
April 28th, 2011
I've definitely enjoyed seeing your pictures for the A-Z challenge and will be trying it sometime soon. I was looking around the site the other day for some other challenge ideas and came across this list (maybe you could make this a challenge of yours one month?):

•Day 1: Anything; whatever you want.
•Day 2: Something that makes you smile.
•Day 3: Something that you collect.
•Day 4: Something that stresses you out.
•Day 5: A cup you drank from today.
•Day 6: Someone who inspires you.
•Day 7: A picture of your phone.
•Day 8: What you had for lunch today.
•Day 9: Shoes.
•Day 10: A product you use in your hair.
•Day 11: Your pet.
•Day 12: A sneak picture you took in class/at work.
•Day 13: Nature.
•Day 14: Somewhere you went today.
•Day 15: A device that you own but never use/touch.
•Day 16: Something that makes you sad.
•Day 17: Something that you have too much of and is taking up unnecessary space.
•Day 18: Something you’re currently borrowing from someone.
•Day 19: Something you don’t have much of.
•Day 20: A stuffed doll/animal that you own.
•Day 21: Something from your bathroom.
•Day 22: Something sweet.
•Day 23: A book you’ve been reading.
•Day 24: Something you shouldn’t have bought, but did anyways.
•Day 25: A souvenir from a vacation.
•Day 26: Something that means a lot to you.
•Day 27: Your handwriting.
•Day 28: Something purple.
•Day 29: Something in your fridge.
•Day 30: You.
April 28th, 2011
@soothingbeauty OMG I LOVE this!!! Thanks for finding this for me! I'm totally doing this - think I'm going to just "freestyle" for next month because I've got relatives coming from England, so I don't want to stress myself out trying to stick to a crazy challenge AND posting a photo a day - but I'm hanging onto this for sure!
April 28th, 2011
Glad I could help! Can't wait to see what you do with it, have fun with your family when they come in!
April 29th, 2011
I am almost finished with my A-Z challenge and am having so much fun.... yet it can be challenging!
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