How do you get inspired?

April 30th, 2011
See It's hard to inspire me...most of the time...My inspiration comes from sunny days and happy calming music...It's been raining and cloudy like 29 days straight XD

I would love to try to get inspired other ways you know? Please share!
April 30th, 2011
I don't even remember!

I've preferred to shoot outdoors the past several weeks, because it just comes easy - there's so much to see and capture. The smaller details in particular. If it weren't for macro photography, I'd be in a massive slump. I used to do lots of set-up shots but I'm over that. Now it's either something outside or something simple. And I like it :)
April 30th, 2011
just watching the circus that is my house...the kids give me a huge amount of material and inspiration(when they are not leaving me wanting to pull my hair out!)
April 30th, 2011
My daughter. You would be amazed the amount of shots I get from following her around or telling her "Let's take pictures". She bring me random items. hehe.

Sometimes movies, books, music, and such inspire me as well.
April 30th, 2011
I live in the North West, so know how you feel..
My son is a source..
while driving to work this morning I had to wait for a heard of at least 30 elk to cross the road,, had my camera with me so that will be my photo for today..
clothing,, textures..
revisit some older shots and edit the hell out of them.
there are lots of websites you can look through,
do the challenges..
A to Z. or 1 to 10.
abstract , macro.
Hope some of these help
April 30th, 2011
Look up. Look down. Look all around. (your pants are falling down!)

I turn left when I want to turn right. I get low when it seems appropriate to be shooting from up high. I put extension tubes on behind my kit lens. I look for things of a certain color. I get in my car and just drive. I browse 365.
April 30th, 2011
I don't try too hard to "be inspired". Just let opportunity come knocking. But when it does knock, make sure you answer the door!!

April 30th, 2011
I try to find inspiration even in mundane things like a kids toy etc a lot of what I do is fantasy realization so a lot of my shots can be indoors for reference material before post processing
April 30th, 2011
I try just to be inspired by the outdoors. i do best with people, sunlight, sunsets, sunrises, and water.

Thats basically it.
April 30th, 2011
I keep a notepad with me and whenever something I want to photograph pops in my head I write it down. So days when i'm not so inspired I just take the list out and choose one from there.
April 30th, 2011
I prefer shooting outdoors but if one can't - absolutely everything and anything is a possible picture - it's how you see it ... and how you compose your pic ... and from what angle. Even the smallest everyday mundane things can be shot - a corner in your room, a reflection on a kettle, the texture of the carpet when a shadow falls on it, things in your fridge, a pile of shoes in your cupboard, a pattern on a piece of ceramic. Go close up, ... stand far away, ... or stand on a chair, ... or crawl under a table, ... or lie on your back - see the world from a different angle. Agree with Vaderkip - it's all around you .. all of the time.
April 30th, 2011
Absolutely everything provides inspiration ... from a tiny bug to a wide scene, from the ridiculous to the stately .... I find inspiration in all sorts of places and from all angles ... there's always at least one camera with me and I just take hundreds of pictures ..... most of which I delete!
April 30th, 2011
I never know what I will photograph on any given day.. Most days I just pick up the camera and go hunting for something.. Normally I find that sooner or later something will grab my attention.
April 30th, 2011
If I'm at a loss, I go outside and stand beside a flowering bush and very soon something will come along: bees, hoverflies, butterflies, wasps, ladybirds... endless opportunities outside. If you're still, birds will often drop by. In Australia we have lots of wild parrots and cockatoos, so that helps, and I go out and photograph wild kangaroos if I'm really desperate. It doesn't matter about the weather if you go outdoors because there's always something happening. Use a macro lens and it's amazing what you'll find.
April 30th, 2011
I don't - that's why my photos are so dull...
April 30th, 2011
I look through the eyes of my heart.
April 30th, 2011
I carry my camera with me wherever I go, and whenever something catches my eye, I take a picture of it! Most of the shots are duds, but if you take enough pics each day you're bound to have at least one good photo :)
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