How would you vote?

May 6th, 2011
Suppose a friend of yours asked for you to vote for them in a photo contest. So you go and come to find out, you don't think theirs is the best photograph, how would you vote?

Vote for your friends since after all you are friends and they asked you!

Or vote for the best since it is a contest ( with rewards ) and it should be based off the photograph not the number of friendships one has.

Same can apply to here as well for the themes. Vote for friend or the best photograph?

( I mean this in just the General sense and what YOU what do ) :-D
May 6th, 2011
Are you only allowed to vote once? If not, vote for your friend once and then the best another time.
May 6th, 2011
vote for the best pic... simple as that.
May 6th, 2011
@mej2011 Yes, only one vote allowed. :)
May 6th, 2011
Vote for the best
(that is - in my opinion - since photographic appreciation is a matter of taste almost as much as anything).
May 6th, 2011
If it such a problem dont vote at all, and say you got caught up in life and didnt get round to it..

If you dont mind voting against your friend and being true to your feelings then vote for the best..

If your friend is the sensitive type and would be easy offended if you voted against her , then just tell them you voted for them.
If you have some moral code that you couldnt do that , then you up a creek.
Personally. If a friend ask me to vote for them and I said yes,, then I would vote for them...
if it was just someone I sort of know , then I would vote for what I like...
in the end its up to you and what you can live with.... and whether you would ever tell them or could keep it a secret etc...

May 6th, 2011
vote for the true to you.
May 6th, 2011
I don't like voting for someone when they asked me to vote, to me that is insincere and it takes away from what a vote really is all about. If someone puts a picutre up then asks all of their friends to pick it..and they have a lot of friends it may win, but did it win because it was the best one? probably not. and it is unfair to the others in the contest also.
May 6th, 2011
@nikkers said it perfectly.
yeah if I were you... just "get caught up in life"
wooopssyyyyyyy ;);)
May 6th, 2011
I'd vote for my friend's photo. You know everyone else in the contest is asking their friends to vote for them, too. If someone is going to win because they got their friends to vote, I'd rather it was *my* friend than someone else!
May 6th, 2011
If you wouldn't otherwise have looked into it without your friend asking, it would seem unfriendly like to not vote for them.
May 6th, 2011
i agree with @roth. when people ask for votes, it becomes a popularity contest and not a photography (or whatever the challenge is) contest.
May 6th, 2011
If it's a photographic competition - then I'd vote for the best pic otherwise it ends up being a popularity competition and the person with the most friends and acquaintances wins ... so then what's the point? It defeats the purpose. I don't agree with this form of competition. If I enter, I would like to win because I'm genuinely the best and not because I have the most 'friends'.
May 6th, 2011
@snowangel A while back I asked something similar. I was in a photo contest that Russell James throws bi-weekly. What I did I asked my friends and followers to check out the contest and vote for the one they thought represented the theme the best. I even told them if they didnt want to vote they didnt have too, I just really wanted everyone to see the amazing work the fellow photographers submitted. A few of my friends voted for a different photo than mine which was fine by me. The way I look at it its not a popularity contest, its a photography contest! While I did have some people tell me they voted for me cause I was their friend... I told them thanks but I wish they would have picked the better photograph. I was in 1st place with that contest, then over night a girl (whoms photo that was just a normal everyday snap shot and didnt represent the theme well) won, she won the contest with 50 more votes then I had. I looked through the comments people left and they were saying "hey girl I hope you win" "Let me know if I need to send more friends to vote for you" ect. Thats one thing I believe firmly in, thats its a contest of skills not how many friends you have.

I understand what your going through and I agree with @nikkers completely!

Do what you thinks right.
May 6th, 2011
me ? well id vote for my friend because i said i would ..... BUT ..... then i would find another way to vote for the one i liked best :) , if FB id vote viamy sons account ,... if needing an email addy to vote d use my secondary email ...... if none of those i would delete cookies , internet history and try and vote again hahaha ! ...... sorry thats just me , BUT my first vote would go to my friend if i had already said yes to her......... it may not be "right" but im quite a loyal person
May 6th, 2011
Depends how good a friend they are. :P
May 6th, 2011
Vote for the one you like best, but don't tell your friend you've voted for his/her pic if it's not true. I usually don't participate in such competitions because it's the one who has more friends who wins, and not the best!
May 6th, 2011
If I'm voting for a "friend" who asks for my votes then I usually vote for them and don't even look at the other photos. This saves me from having to choose. In my opinion, photo contests online that require votes from outside sources where anyone can vote and not just professional judges, are just popularity contests anyway and have nothing to do with how good the photos are. If you enter a real photo contest, real judges vote on your photo and not the entire population of the world.
May 7th, 2011
There are always loads of contests, but not so many friends, I would vote fo my friend, because she asked, and she is my friend and thats what friends do.
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