Is this Bad Editing ?

May 7th, 2011
I dont usually do much Editing, not because I dont want to but because I dont really know how to, I learnt Photoshop in College but it was well over 10 Years ago I think I need a refresher course, These days I dont get much spare time so I tend to stick to Picnik but the Photo I took today needed to have a bit mroe Editing done, I took it from the Window of the Car and there was People and Cars in the background so I removed them in Photoshop but I think Ive done really badly at editing :(

What do You think ? x
May 7th, 2011
When I first saw this picture I thought it was a picture of an action figure or something. It does not look like a person wearing a costume. I think for this reason It may be a touch over done. Some of the background may have been cool to see because how often do you see chewbacca just wandering around outside? Also it looks like he was cut and pasted into a white background. What you were trying to do was a good thought, but for me it doesn't work too well. Sorry if this sounds negative just trying to give some CC :)
May 7th, 2011
Good point, I just thought the background was too busy but now I see what You mean... I just deleted the background and painted it white, Im not very good am I ? Hmmm I may have another play around and then Delete this Photo and add another, Watch this space :)
May 7th, 2011
I think i'd like to see it with the background, as well! maybe even try the soft focus tool on picnik? to kind of put everything in the background out of focus. it's fun to play around; that's the only way to get better! i have grown heaps since i first started. :D
May 7th, 2011
Im not sure if this will work but the Original SOOCs are all here..
May 7th, 2011
I love the first one of Chewbacca on your facebook photo album - as Lacey suggests maybe try blurring the background out a bit to stop it distracting from the subject! editing can be a complete nightmare, I am hopeless at removing backgrounds or anything like that, and completely useless at Photoshop :-$
May 7th, 2011
Cutting complex shapes out like this, with fur/hair, is time consuming and takes some thinking to get right. You need to trace the outline into a path, as close as you can to the flow of the fur, for a start :)
May 7th, 2011
Great minds think alike Nic, Ive just looked through and decided on using the first Chewbacca one titling it something like "Its not every day You bump into Chewbacca whilst popping to the Shops"
May 7th, 2011
Huhhhh... Chewy in Yarmouth!? How did I miss this?!

I quite like the SOOCs as it's so bizarre to see the Star Wars chars outside Curry's!
May 7th, 2011
Is this better ?
May 7th, 2011
I'll add my 2 cents and say the second image is better. The first image is a little too sterile and the second one more organic (even with the background).
May 7th, 2011
Thank You Bob, Ive used the Second one, I know it doesnt matter as the Project is for Me but Im glad I asked for honest opinions because they all make so much sense to Me and its helped Me.
May 8th, 2011
@rbobh69 ~ I agree with all that you've said and would probably add that the vignette takes away from the image some - it's a bit harsh, forcing me to focus on what I would naturally focus on anyway and therefore making me want to look elsewhere... if that makes sense.
May 8th, 2011
@lisahutchinson You're absolutely right. This is such a wonderful community, isn't it? I've learned TONS since starting and expect to learn LOTS more!
May 8th, 2011
I really like the second one----quite a fun shot! nice job :)
May 8th, 2011
@jessleeca I agree with Jess, I prefer the picture of him in the environment you found him, with the hustle and bustle. He looks "plastic" in the first picture which isn't what you were aiming for I guess? The second picture is better but again I wouldn't have put such a dark and curved "frame" around him, it doesn't work for me. Sometimes less is more if you know what I mean. Please know that this is personal opinion and I am no expert, I use a degree of editing in a lot of my pictures and will say if they are straight from the camera with no editing (SOOC).
May 8th, 2011
I agree I like the second picture better, but I wanted to throw in that I think the reason the first picture looks fake is because your outline is too smooth. A trick I've learned for that is to use the magic wand tool in Photoshop to select the parts you want to delete. It will select all continuous color, so, for instance, you can use it on the white road and it will delete only the white road, leaving the fur as is. It's still time-intensive, but it leaves a much more natural border.
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