Hate 50mm?

May 8th, 2011
So, as a Mothers Day present I got myself a 50mm. It is my first lens other than the kit lens. I was preeeeety excited....

Yeah, I pretty much hate it.

I am about this close to throwing a temper tantrum(yeah, I hang out with a 4 year old too much) and tossing it as hard as I can. Hoping it would break in a billion pieces.

Am I alone in this? Does anyone else dislike the "nifty fifty"?
May 8th, 2011
Keep at it. Aperture is your friend. You will grow to love it, especially if you like bokeh and sun flare.
May 8th, 2011
You just have to get used to it. Keep playing with it!
May 8th, 2011
Somedays I honestly feel the same way! I just can't get anything in focus the way I want! Just give it some time! I promise you will learn to love it! (ok, I HOPE you will learn to love it)
May 8th, 2011
Why do you hate it?
May 8th, 2011

*storms out*

*slams door*

*throws things*
May 8th, 2011
i fine it hard to use at times and it takes practise, at least canons is AF, nikons is manual.
May 8th, 2011
I was not very fond of new first dslr, but getting to know it better each time I use it. I have had several film cameras and used a 50mm on each of them as my first choice, I am looking forward to getting a 50 mm for this digital. One other thing I heard about is that there are places that rent lens so you can actually try one out before making a commitment to paying for it.
May 8th, 2011
Oh if you were expecting something like a selfie from me today because you know I'm doing a selfie challenge and all you can forget about it.


I've frustrated myself to tears.

and while me crying might make for a very raw photo that you will all love and fav. I assure you I'm not one of those pretty cryers.
May 8th, 2011
I have to say I disagree. There was a month (or more) when I used it everyday and had to break myself away. I just put it back on today and I am in love once again. It takes getting used to. You have to move yourself to create the shot...try different angles, adjust your body to get the shot. Don't give up yet!
May 8th, 2011
you know, when I first got mine as a present i did not like it and thought "why on earth did he (my husband) buy this for me???". now i LOVE it. i really, really love it, lol. i rarely use anything else. i love dialing the aperature to 1.8 which is why i overuse it so much. i'd say keep trying it and see. i have a feeling maybe it will grow on you too (hopefully!)
May 8th, 2011
@meggageg That bad? :( Whyyyy?
May 8th, 2011
What are you using it on? Mine doesn't auto-focus on my camera -- manual all the way. I have actually learned a lot just by buying the damn thing. It is, truly, my favorite lens.
May 8th, 2011
What specifically's frustrating you with it? We can help :)

If you're Canon (I forget, sorry :( ) then the 50mm Canon is pretty lame at being sharp, and can skit back and forth when trying to autofocus, but when you're used to it it's not bad (ignoring the fact that it'll never be sharp)
May 8th, 2011
The 50mm is my only lens other than my kit lenses. I hardly use anything else, I just love it. Keep playing with it, you can take photos with so little light, and really blur out your background so as you subject stands out. Don't give up, it's an excellent lens.
May 8th, 2011
oh dear!! the 50mm is the one lense that is on our camera 90% of the time!!!

MUCH love for it.

Hope it grows on you soon!
May 8th, 2011
@azza_l Uh, my Nikkor 50mm autofocuses... it's probably due to you having a consumer body that can't autofocus with the older 50mm version. Their pricier version will autofocus on the cheaper bodies. And of course the prosumer/pro bodies are fine with whatever Nikkor lens. I use my 50mm on both my D80 and D300 just fine.

May 8th, 2011
@eyebrows Is it really that bad? Does manual focus get it sharp?

I've the nikon one and its pin.
May 8th, 2011
@blightygal Nothing gets it sharp it's a pain in the ass. That or I'm a retard. The jury's still out...
May 8th, 2011
@eyebrows you a 'tard? Doubt that :p
May 8th, 2011
*blushmode engaged*


Really though, when you're less AHYRHUKFJDO CIJOI$ ( JDJMDMJFJDK post up details of why it's grinding your gears and let's see if we can't figure it out ^_^
May 8th, 2011
ha ha to me the normal lenses 35mm and 50mm are like "Zen". They are pretty simple, have normal perspectives and no/little distortion from human eyes, but can produce outstanding results.

Yes, I use 50 and also 35 the most.
May 8th, 2011
@meggageg I use my 50 almost every day. I do not like my other lenses. They are both kit from my 35mm nikon and they are garbage. The Nikon 50mm is my only other lens, so I had to get used to it and I love it. Recently I started using it in manual focus and I love it even more. I feel like I can get sharp images with it. I agree with @eyebrows, that if you are a little more specific about the problems, this community could definitely get you loving the 50!
May 8th, 2011
Love my 50 on 35mm like I love my 80mm on MF and my 150mm on 4x5 and like my 31mm on Digital...on Digital 50mm is a portrait lens... I am a normal kinda guy...
May 8th, 2011
I'm with you. I bought a 50mm a little while back but just haven't gotten used to it yet. I am so used to adjusting the zoom on my kit lens so not having that with the 50mm is hard to get used to. I haven't given up on it though. I'll keep trying new things with that lens when school lets out and I have more time on my hands.
May 8th, 2011
I know I am not alone in this. I googled. There are like a million pages of 50mm haters.

I am not a freak :p
May 8th, 2011
@eyebrows The Canon 50mm f1.8 'nifty fifty' is damned sharp and buck-for-buck one of the sharpest lenses out there! Granted AF is slow but it works.

@meggageg I'd suggest you stick with it Meagan because the shots will astound you. Try getting a few with the lens wide open and check out the lovely blurred background and bokeh.

It's another lens I have owned and sold only to regret it and get another. As your only lens it can be a little restrictive but as an option it's great to have in your bag!

I'm sure you & your 50mm will find the love soon. :)
May 8th, 2011
@hmgphotos oh i remember seeing a thread saying the nikons is MF, albeit i own a Canon.
May 8th, 2011
@nodecaff hrm. Maybe I *am* a retard then. Stuff never looks anywhere near as sharp as on my £350 60mm prime, though
May 8th, 2011
@eyebrows I'm not suggesting you are, or indeed may be, anything at all.

However, as for your £350 lens, to be honest I'd be a little (no a LOT) disappointed if it wasn't better than a nifty fifty.
May 8th, 2011
@meggageg Meagan, the googlenet is a big place. Look hard enough you'll find a ton of people who love or loath anything at all you care to look for.

Don't be put off. Maybe you got a dud but in general the lens is capable. Maybe you should try swapping it if you got it from a store...?
May 8th, 2011
@nodecaff Damnit, I need anti-validation from people suggesting I'm a retard in order to get through my day! :P

Well, that reassures me at least. "Sharp" can only ever be a relative thing, and I had my 60mm for ages before I got the 50, so it's always seemed a little vague and, well, not sharp, to me
May 8th, 2011
I just did a photography class today and the teacher was highly recommending a 50mm. i have a 35mm and i love it so im thinking i'll love 50mm too
May 8th, 2011
I love my 50mm. Just about every shot in my 365 since mid February is taken with it! Granted I tend to leave it on f1.8 nearly all the time but I love the pictures it takes. What don't you like about it?
May 8th, 2011
What exactly about it is giving you fits Meagan? Maybe it's just not a good fit for your needs and expectations. I love mine to bits, but it does have certain limitations. As @eyebrows said, it can take a bit to AF. Although unlike @eyebrows mine is sharp as a tack. Maybe if we knew more about what it is that you don't like about it, we might be able to offer up some work-arounds. Please don't throw it against the wall just in case you do find that you like it better later. =)
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