
May 8th, 2011
Okay, this isn't photo related but I thought I'd let you in on my little endeavor.

When I went to Bolivia this past summer, I learned how to make beads out of scrapbook paper. I thought it would be fun to take this new creative task I learned and turn it into something new. I thought of how it would be nice, since I am currently unemployed (and have been for almost 2 years now), to start up my own little business making these necklaces, selling them and giving a portion to an organization that I feel compelled to give to.

I finally started making these beads/necklaces last month and have posted my shop on Etsy:

I know it has only been about a month but I am already freaking out because I haven't sold any yet (I would put more necklaces up for sale but it cost money to post and my bank account is down to $2).

I am writing to ask what do you guys think of my idea and maybe ways I could improve it. Thank you in advance for your input.

May 8th, 2011
They look nice, and reasonably priced, I like that you have a photo of how it looks on as well as the close up. Are these durable? I ask because they are made of paper, but they look like perfect beach jewelery, can they get wet without being ruined?

I didn't have much luck with esty, I think it's probably a great forum if you can get people to look at your page....but if they don't know it's there, well that's a problem.

Good luck, I hope it takes off for you.
May 8th, 2011
@1invisiblegrl thank you. I just tested a couple beads and they seem to stay intact. I tried to squish them both before and after letting them soak in water. They stay pretty hard (because of the lacquer). One of the beads did squish just a little but I think it's something a little more lacquer can fix.

Yeah, I keep on telling my friends on FB to "like" the link in hopes that my store gets out there. Maybe I should try Ebay too.

Thank you.
May 8th, 2011
These would be great at art fairs or farmer's/flea markets. But that's rather time consuming. I always look at the jewelry tables at those places. These look very well done.
May 8th, 2011
@pfmandeville thank you. I have a friend who just asked me if I would donate a couple necklaces to a silent auction she is putting together for ACT: Fight To End Malaria... maybe it will be good for me.
May 8th, 2011
please don't take offence (not a great opening line eh?) but people tend to buy items such as these if they perceive that a elderly Bolivian lady has sat for hours making them in her small village. It's that sense of "we're helping out someone who is struggling in a developing nation"...

It is difficult for someone from a different background to then return to their original port of calling with skills that they have picked up on holiday/pilgrimage/journey and then recreate that village style art. Perhaps you could modernise/adapt the work to more suit the intended cliental???
May 8th, 2011
It's possible, whether or not etsy's the place that'll make it for you is a question, local craft fairs too?

Though stall rental can be tricky to weigh up, so if they're held regularly asking other sellers how they usually do might be a good plan...

On the note of the beads - this instructable impressed me ages ago down to one big banner image of the beads that used to appear on the homepage often but there are various finishes styles and loads of discussion in the comments.

I'm partial to the clear varnished paper, with bright colours it looks awesome...
May 10th, 2011
@bobfoto thank you for your opinion. The lady who taught us was actually American. She taught the people of the school (where we were staying). They mostly sold to other Bolivians. The idea itself is not actually Bolivian (I probably should have stated that). Plus, I want to give a portion to an important cause. I actually want to give a portion to an organization thats goal is to end human/sex trafficking in the US and other parts of the world. I did notice other people who sold jewelry with the same type of beads did modernize it quite a bit. So, I agree, I need to find a way to "spice it up" a bit. Thanks again!

@killerjackalope thanks for the link. I was also thinking that someplace else might be better for selling... like maybe eBay. I'll try it out... (maybe use both avenues). I never thought craft fair but that's a great idea! Thanks again!
May 10th, 2011
@bobfoto sorry if I sound like I am coming off harsh. I don't mean to. I truly appreciate your opinion. I hate how words (when spelled out and not heard) can sound different from the vibe you intend to give off.
May 13th, 2011
@bobfoto I took your advise and made some tweaks. I made a more modernized necklace and put it online today and it already sold. Thank you!
May 13th, 2011
@annaruth - that's weird... I tried posting a response to this discussion a day or so ago, and it was never accepted.

Anyway, I would now like to say, wow, cool stuff on selling a piece, and I hope this is the start of something great! And nah, you never sounded harsh, I know the deal about words and emotions and inflections.

Happy Days!
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