Why Digital is less fun....

May 11th, 2011
Mess-up number umpteen hundred and 13...

So today I noticed a little white powered in the bottom on my film development tank... thinking nothing off it (WHY... WHY I ask)... I proceeded to develop a nice roll of ATP1.1 (ISO 25 film... great detail.. I will scan samples and post in this thread after it is dry)

Since TechPan film using very weak developers it takes 2 mins pre soak, 24 mins to develop, 1 to water bath, 5 min fix, 4 min Hypo(gets the junk out) and 10 min wash (could do with 5 mins likely but whatever)

So needless to say I wasted an evening... ok back to the white powder...

So after thinking it likely was not anthrax (I was once locked in a large room with 1,000 other dorm students because someone thought there was antrax in the elevator, people who are herded into a large room at 5 am in college are not wearing that much for clothing!?!) But again I digress...

I proceed to invert the tank for 20 secs every 3 mins for the time of development... when I popped the lid off to drain the developer there were soapy bubbles every where... the white power was residue Photoflo(spot free drying soap basically)

Son-of-a-ditch.... well 20+ mins in I was not going to stop now... so I finished the roll and it is drying as mentioned above...

the images look 'interesting' but honestly I think I learned a new special effect to try. The images still developed but there are interesting bubbles everywhere on the top 1/5th of the roll (where the developing bubbles were vs developer liquid should be)

So the next time one of your images come out a stop or two under exposed or you need to WB an image think of use poor poor film photog... where if something can go wrong because we are lazy... it will!)

I have a wedding booked for Aug.. and they tell me they don't care about the photos... SOOOO Tempted to do it all in film!!! What is the worst that can happen... I mean they say they don't care ;p

PS now that I think about it.. that is a very insulting thing to say to someone... we don't care about our photos... so we want you to do it!??!??
May 11th, 2011
@icywarm . Yeah was thinking if they dont care then why have some one take them.. are these people idiots??
May 11th, 2011
@nikkers no I just don't think they want lots of photos of the wedding... I am a large print guy, not a photo journalist or other normal wedding kinda of photog... their bill is $250, for one photo framed, wrapped or mounted, 24x36 or simular(depending on what it ends up being). Wedding is 3 hours long... Print/Frame costs are between $45 and $150.... so not the most controlled outing of my life... but I love weddings so I can hardly say no...
May 11th, 2011
@icywarm ohhhh prints here cost less... =p anyway yeah why not try it? but have something to back it up... i've waken up in the digital age already so i do not know anything about film photography, though i've heard stories about it from my photog friends... and they say it's really fun and the thrill is awesome, seeing your photos to clear up makes it more exciting hahah... i'd wanna try that but i think i won't be able at the moment, my place has big windows... same goes to my bedroom and other rooms hahahhaha =) SCAN SCAN SCAN THE PHOTOS!! =p
May 11th, 2011
@maceugenio I do 35mm in my kitchen with large windows in a film changing bag... into tank... and just mix everything in the sink... sure 8x10 negs and paper needs a darkroom... but film... cheap and easy... if you are ever interested just know it can be done and is very forgiving... start with ilford 400 B&W and Kodak D-76 for a developer... you almost cannot mess it up...
May 11th, 2011
@maceugenio and it is not the printing that costs so much... it is the matt and frame... man they cost a lot!
May 11th, 2011
@icywarm ah yeah frames and albums cost a fortune... hahahah =)) i think i need a hands-on training with film... i easily mess up with things.. i dunno if it's just my style or am just a clumsy boy... =p
May 11th, 2011
Would be interesting to see the results of your soap accident.

Why not turn up at the wedding with just pen and paper, record the event as a series of stick men drawings after all they don't care!

So, you were being held in a room packed with students in various states of undress...........pictures? :0)
May 11th, 2011
Naah...the worst that can happen already happened to my sister...Photog forgot to put film in camera...Now at least with digicam we an look at the back screen and see that there is actually somthing there. Other than that, I really miss having an entire room of my house turned over to very smelly chems.
May 11th, 2011
@icywarm Ahhh! I always hated when that happened! I was always *lucky* enough to try to develop film directly after the turds who didn't care enough to watch which chemical they were putting back in which tanks. Its really hard to pass photog class when you keep getting screwed on all your negs.

But regardless, I miss film photography! Can't wait to see your samples. That ought to be interesting!
May 11th, 2011
I was going to be all like, hey digital can be just as fun...

Was going to argue about an idea I had a while ago and did again recently.

Now I want to try it with film, granted it would make about as little sense as possible...
May 13th, 2011
@tolpol no and it was 2000... well before cell phone camera took usable photos... if it happened today... totally different...
May 13th, 2011

here is the soapy mess:

I learned better on the next roll:

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